Everyone should just ignore the discouraging words of the Hundred Faces.

Sanzang is right.

Hurry up and keep moving forward, Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Although we are servants with weak power,

we are veterans in surviving and confusing the enemy.

There are only a few minutes left, and we will suppress the monster at any cost.

So please keep moving forward. ”

Guda: “Mr. Hassan is not a weak heroic spirit.”

The powerful figure of the first generation Hassan flashed through everyone’s mind,

Hmmmmmm!! Nodding frantically!

The first generation Hassan is also Hassan! Is there a problem with that? There is absolutely no problem!

And the combat power of many Hassans is actually not bad,

except for the Hundred Faces - the basic strength is too poor, and the strength will be seriously reduced after splitting into a hundred clones.

It seems too... lame for the truly powerful enemy? People can't help laughing!

Cursed Arm Hassan: “—— I don’t deserve it.

The strange thing is that after you said that, I even began to believe it. "

Then Guda said goodbye to the other heroes and continued to the next base.

It was getting closer and closer to the throne!!

People couldn't help but feel nervous...

And just the same,

When they followed Guda and the others' perspectives all the way to the next base, the sense of urgency and time-saving was beyond description.

Nine pillars blocked the way again.

Demon God Spannak: "Start. Start.

The nine pillars that control life. That is, "

...report the true names of the nine pillars,

Then-"We nine pillars bless the birth.

We nine pillars praise the combination.

Spell the name of 'Demon God of the Seventy-two Pillars',

We will never allow such praise to be despised...! "

Needless to say, people all looked at this pillar of demons expectantly, 'waiting' for something...

Sure enough, the next moment, the attack of the heroes arrived as promised!

The overwhelming rain of arrows swept down!

Another slap in the face moment...

The other side was hit by a volley of arrows and was furious: "It's not intimidation, but a volley for annihilation...!

What a perverse way, tell me your name...!"

???: "Ah-hahahaha!

You mentioned beauty just now, right? The demons and the like actually talked about praise!"

Know who is coming by the voice--

Some women can even know who is coming by the tone of voice.

When people looked up in the direction of the voice,

Ishtar, the goddess of Venus, was riding Maanna and descending into the starry sky--

Ishtar: "But it's a pity~, as the saying goes, disaster comes from the mouth!

Since I heard the word praise, I can't just sit back and watch!

I am the embodiment of beauty and war, harvest and Venus!

Ishtar, the goddess flying in the sky,

comes again to avenge the so-called magic king! "

She, she... how come this woman has come too.

Ishtarin is here, but where is Elle?!

Where is my (our) little angel Elle?

Even though the goddess Venus is beautiful, she can't stop a group of underworld goddess lackeys...

At this time, I started to miss her sisters.

And the goddess Venus, who appeared handsomely on the other side: "——Hey, what! ? "

She quickly dodged and avoided a rain of arrows that bombarded her and the demon pillar together.

This time it was not her attack,

and that familiar scene,

Uh...! Everyone felt as if their eyes were brightened!~!

Ishtar said angrily: "I said, this is very dangerous, Enkidu!

You attacked just now because you knew I was here! "

At this time, everyone also remembered it completely.

Isn't this the famous scene when Kingu helped to conquer Tiamat!

But this time, Ishtar called Enkidu...

The real Enkidu has arrived? ! !

Then, the figure of a green man also came into people's sight.

The real... Enkidu?!

Thinking of this, people couldn't help but hold their breath.

Enkidu: "Ah, sorry, my hand slipped.

I was going to pierce you all together, but you slipped away at the critical moment. "


Everyone broke out in a cold sweat when they heard it.

This Enkidu himself seems to be more cruel than Kingu!

What a great hatred and resentment!

No wonder Enkidu hates Ishtar...I see, I see!

Ishtar laughed in anger and said with a smile: "Hehe.

It seems that you are really broken from head to toe.

Did you apply engine oil properly~?

All the thoughts in your heart are out, you rotten copper and iron.

After all, in front of Fujimaru Ritsuka,

Don't make me too angry, okay? "

Hold it back!

Enkidu seemed a little surprised: "Hey. It seems that the fact that you borrowed a human body is true.

It's really not your style, goddess Ishtar.

You should be more willful, vulgar, and weird. "

Willful, vulgar, weird? ! !

How vulgar...

I heard that Ishtar's original body is a slut...

Well, people are very curious and want to see.

Then they strongly condemned it!

It seems that Rin has a great influence on Ishtar.

No wonder when I watched the singularity before, I felt that this Venus goddess was not as annoying as I imagined, but unexpectedly cute.

People who have watched the fifth war during this period and know the cute, kind and arrogant personality of Rin Tohsaka,

It seems that I understand something...

Sure enough, Rin-chan is the cutest.

If only I could rely on two goddesses at the same time!

Hiss~! ! Triple the joy! !

Chapter 31 The Resurrected Goddess of the Underworld!

Enkidu: "Go, pick up the remains of those demon pillars.

That's perfect as your hair accessory.

After all, you and they are both evil gods who are enemies of the human world.

Isn't it about time you revealed your true nature? "

Xiao En continued to say some very irritating words without expression,

It’s all said and done, let alone the goddess of Venus.

Even Ishtar, who relied on Rin: "————."

Matthew: "Wow, Miss Ishtar is exuding an unprecedented murderous aura!

Smiling without saying a word is particularly explosive! "

‘You can’t hide a look that wants to kill someone’ – everyone couldn’t help but think.

And then another familiar figure appeared——

The huge, white and heart-warming figure of the goddess Gorgon came into view,

That figure is as huge as a mountain range, enough to crush a city wall,

As soon as he appeared, he grabbed everyone's attention.

Gorgon smiled: "Let them go. They have been incompatible since the mythical age.

No matter what the circumstances, it is impossible to shake hands and make peace.

As long as gold... During the fight between Enkidu and Ishtar,

Just taking care of the demon pillars around me would be a blessing. "

Gold what? !

Is it possible that Enkidu is fake this time? I still said it wrong.

Enkidu’s identity is irrelevant.

For the Gorgon in front of me who could communicate and came to help.

People were also a little surprised——

I no longer have the thought of revenge.

And there is obviously a memory of the singularity. Could it be Anna?

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