Readers were soon disappointed.

In Mark's view, Lancelot was also a member of the Round Table, and the Round Table had a rule that brothers must not kill each other.

How could that self-disciplined knight, who was as noble as a white lily, attack Mahansi, one of the brothers of the Round Table? !

If Lancelot could not be invited, who else could appear?

Readers soon noticed that Tristan had started a new action.

The original disappointment because Lancelot could not appear was temporarily suppressed.

They saw that Tristan actually asked his father to persuade his uncle King Mark to grant him the status of a knight.

That's right - the status of a knight!

Although Tristan was very strong, he still could not be regarded as a real knight without the king's canonization.

In the era of King Arthur, most knights could only be nobles.

It was not only a symbol of strong strength, but also a symbol of status.

Tristan soon got what he wanted, set out to meet his uncle, and got the rank of knight from him.

But no one in Cornwall is optimistic about him.

"Hey, hey! Tristan is fighting for you guys after all! At least give him some confidence!" Claire muttered angrily when she saw this, and she felt a little indignant.

She waved her little fist cutely, causing gusts of wind in the air.


Although she didn't know whether Tristan, the kind-hearted boy, could defeat a Knight of the Round Table.

Claire's impression of Tristan still remained on the image of the kind and simple boy who forgave his stepmother and helped his parents reconcile.

Even though the article said how much Tristan had learned in seven years and how much he had changed dramatically.

But this change was not real for a while.

Even though we know that Tristan may become a member of the Knights of the Round Table in the future, he is not now!

And he is facing a real Knight of the Round Table.

In the eyes of everyone, the Knight of the Round Table named Mahans, even if he is not as famous as Lancelot, will not be much worse than Lancelot as a Knight of the Round Table? !

The readers' opinions are not much better than those in the book.

However, the gap between the round tables is really big. The well-known round tables are naturally much stronger than the ordinary round table knights who don't even have a name.

If each of the hundreds of round table knights is at the level of Lancelot, Gawain, and Mordred, the true strength of Britain will have to be re-estimated.


The battle between Tristan, who represented Cornwall, and the knight Mahans began.

Tristan showed unexpectedly amazing strength in the battle!

He just debuted, and he was not at all weak in the face of the experienced round table knights.

They fought fiercely. After a fierce fight, Tristan cut through Mahans's helmet with a sword, and pulled it out three times before pulling out the long sword on the helmet.

Mahans also stabbed Tristan with a spear.

The battle ended with Tristan's narrow victory.

But Mahans's spear was poisoned, which also opened the curtain for Tristan's poignant and sad love story!

Chapter 201 Tristan, I feel a little green on my head!

Tristan's victory was a pleasant surprise for Cornwall.

The whole country was jubilant and congratulated him for his triumphant return.


The poisoned wound on Tristan's body also became a big problem.

King Mark sent people to treat him, but no one could cure the poison, and he could only watch Tristan's health getting worse and worse.

People said that if you want to cure this poison, you must go to the country that made this poison.

That is Ireland!


"Go to Ireland?! Isn't that going to die?"

"This is also..." Claire lost her voice.

The surprise and joy that should have been because Tristan defeated Mahans disappeared.

The girl turned and showed a deep worry.

But the problem she was worried about did not happen.

Tristan changed his name to Cui Sadness (let's just take this name for the time being)

He disguised himself as a knight from Liangnas, who came to Ireland after being traumatized by fighting for women.

He asked for the king's help.

Just because of the death of Mahans, the King of Ireland worriedly complained to Tristan and expressed his willingness to take him in.

Mahans is dead...

After he came back, he was found to have a piece of residual sword fragment on his head, which could not be removed.

No surgeon dared to perform such a dangerous craniotomy on him, so the king could only watch his brother die.

Mahans was not only a knight of the Knight King, but also his real brother.

Otherwise, he could not ask Mahans to help so easily.

But he didn't expect that he would harm the other party.

Tristan was stiff all over after hearing this, and could only pretend to be depressed. He couldn't tell the other party that Mahans was killed by me!

In that case, let alone seeking a way to save him, it would be good enough that the King of Ireland didn't kill himself with a sword.

"Puff!" Everyone couldn't help laughing in their hearts when they saw this.

Oh my god! This is too exciting!

He killed the other party's brother, but he was protected under his nose.

This king is so pitiful!

Considering from the perspective of the king, countless readers felt some pity in their hearts.

Is there such a trick?

How big is the hatred? The king could not recognize the enemy even though he was right in front of him. Instead, he treated him well.

When people looked back, they found that the king sent his daughter to take care of Tristan.

Qixiu Wan'er.

——Her other name is "Isolde".

She is the heroine in the tragic story of Cui Beishang.

Because he fell in love with the same woman as his uncle King Marco, Cui Beishang, who could not be with her in the end, could not meet the girl again until his death.

At this time, readers could not expect such a distant thing.

The princess in the book carefully examined Tristan's wounds, took care of him gently, detoxified him and finally saved Tristan's life.

In the process, Tristan fell in love with this lovely girl.

He was obsessed with the girl's tenderness, began to teach her to play the harp, and had a beautiful fantasy about the future.

And Qixiu Wan'er gradually fell in love with this knight.

Later in the plot, the princess had a knight suitor named Balemy.

In a kingdom competition in Ireland, Balemy also participated.

Qixiu Wan'er asked Tristan to defeat the other party, and she hoped to see Tristan's victory.

And Tristan finally succeeded in defeating the knight.

Balemy, who claimed to have defeated ten round tables, was given to Tristan.

The king therefore attached great importance to Tristan.

Such a scene made the princess very happy. She was right to ask Tristan to defeat Balemy!

She has completely fallen in love with Tristan. The more capable Tristan is and the more he is valued by his father, the more likely they are to be together!

The sweet love story almost made all the girls who saw it feel soft.

Claire's cheeks were hot, and there was a look of longing and obsession in her eyes.

The sweet love between the prince who hid his true identity and the gentle and kind princess of the enemy country.

Such a couple who should not be together, but fell in love!

Seeing this, the God of Alchemy couldn't help but want to bless them.

——Love is always beautiful and desirable! Even if the gods see it, they will support them to be together!

The sensibility of the gods makes him like such beautiful things, but his rationality tells him that the future of the two is definitely not very good.

In terms of identity, these two people will not have any good results.

And he has analyzed all of Andersen's works.

Even those interesting fairy tales that seem simple and naive, but actually carry some life lessons, he has read through them.

Based on his understanding of Andersen, the heroes in the poet's works do not seem to have a good ending.

Even if they look like a sweet couple now.

The God of Alchemy has reason to suspect that their relationship will be discovered in the next moment, and then the king will disagree and ruthlessly separate them.

Or Tristan's identity will be exposed and he will be hunted by Ireland.

Oh... thinking about it this way, he still feels quite exciting.

Even if it would be tragic, tragedy is also a heroic epic. Whether it is grief or happiness, it is the fun in his eyes!

It's really great to witness such an elegy!

Sure enough -

As expected by the God of Alchemy, Tristan's identity was soon exposed.

When Claire and other girls were still immersed in the beautiful and sweet atmosphere of love, the further development of the story severely shattered their fantasies.

When Tristan was bathing in the princess's clothes, his sword was untied and was just seen by the queen.

The queen noticed that there was a small gap on Tristan's sword, and when she thought of the small broken sword piece dug out of Ma Hans's head.

Needless to say, what happened next!

Because of the king's previous good impression of Tristan, his appreciation of his martial arts, and the princess's unforgettable love for Tristan, Tristan was finally driven back to his own country.

He had to part with his beloved girl.

After that, Tristan began to become romantic, perhaps because he was self-destructive or because he was naturally romantic.

He lost the possibility of being with the princess, and later fought with King Mark because of a beautiful noble lady.

In order to compete for the beauty, he completely hated his uncle and uncle.

This made King Mark jealous!

Finally, he came up with an ambitious plan to destroy Tristan.

Don't you like that Qixiu Wan'er?

Then I will snatch this woman away!

He sent Tristan to bring people to Ireland to propose to Qixiu Wan'er on his behalf.

And Tristan couldn't refuse such a thing openly!

He and King Mark fought for the lady in private.

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