It is not a naturally occurring life form on the Internet at all.

It is an existence designed by a third party...

It’s almost time for you to face reality..."

Roman: "Huh? I hate it, Magical Mellie actually exists.

It's just that the person who runs her existence is just a scumbag. "

Hiss~! !

Seeing the doctor's self-deception,

People almost actually believed it! ! really disdainful!

He owes the doctor a Mellie!

Having said that...

People think of another parallel world, the world of male King Arthur,

The sage is the beautiful and pretty elder sister Baisi.

The two once looked at each other from different worlds in the epic,

Know the other person's existence.

Therefore, it is clearly a nightmare, a creature with no clear gender or entity.

Why is the flower magician in this world a male LSP? ! said Melly is also an LSP?

That's okay...

lsp Beautiful big sister, isn’t it more attractive!

Thinking this way, everyone felt a little disgusted with Merlin, and had some strange thoughts - 'Change! Become a big sister! ’

On the other side - Leopard Man: "Squatting in the nest...sad creature, meow..."

I am also half-hearted and have hardly faced reality like this..."

Leonidas: "No, squatting in a nest is not sad.

Sadly no exercise.

Even in a narrow prison, muscle training will not betray you.

As long as you train well, your true value will shine at critical moments.

Yes, just like that!

It can even block these endless demon pillars! "

Ushiwakamaru: “There must be a limit.

——The Demon God Pillar in this stronghold seems to be particularly good at stalking. "

And people looked at Sparta's terrifying muscles...


I always feel like I don’t want to choose either side.

What they want is a real girl... So who is that white-haired internet scammer?


Finally, I don’t want to dwell on this stupid topic anymore.

Ushiwakamaru and the others fought a protracted battle, urging Guda to move forward.


Guda, Ma Xiu and others continued to move forward.

Just when people thought they had passed the seven strongholds and were about to see the legendary Amyrlin Seat.

Everyone could not help but breathe quickly, and stared intently in the direction in which Guda and others were running.

In sight——


The familiar Nine Pillars and the new demon god are still waiting for them.

When Demon Pillar Andumalius appeared and shouted!

“Start it. Start it.

The nine pillars in charge of the abandoned hole. That’s—”

...(real name omitted)

“We, the nine pillars, fill in the gaps.

Our nine pillars cause discord.

Unwilling and impermanent.

As the 'Seventy-Two Demonic Pillars', we will never allow this structure to be closed...! "

people:! !

"Impossible! Didn't you say there are only seven strongholds?

It just so happened that everyone (heroic spirits) from the seven singularities came to help! "

"The fate established by the seven singular points prevented those demon gods...

But, how could there be more! !

What to do with this stronghold? "

Thinking of the Demonic Pillar's ability to be resurrected infinitely,

If there is no powerful heroic spirit to block it,

It would be impossible for Chaldea, Guda, and Mashu alone to overcome the difficulties in front of them and reach the Amyrlin Seat in the depths.

Damn it——!

how so? ! ! !

Everyone who has been looking forward to the final battle of human salvation,

It feels as if this epic has played the biggest joke on them.

If this is a predetermined fate, it is definitely a shitty fate.

It stinks beyond words - it's unbelievable.

Everyone seemed to have their brains split.

I--! In their minds, there seemed to be a mocking voice full of malice and joy - 'Isn't it normal to have eight strongholds corresponding to the seven singular points? ’

Just as the Four Heavenly Kings are actually five persons,

This truth couldn't be more normal.

But for readers of the new world who are still in the novice stage...

This kind of experience is really shocking, frustrating and confusing.

Roman: "——There is actually an eighth stronghold!?

How could this be? The existence here was beyond our prediction! "

And Roman's subsequent words confirmed people's suspicions...

It made people's hearts sink.

The heroic spirits who came to help were based on the cause and effect of the seven Holy Grails and seventeen singularities.

But that kind of ‘fate’ doesn’t exist here!



"Can they only rely on themselves to suppress the Nine-Pillared Demon God...?" people thought in horror.

Before the heroic spirits arrive,

In the beginning, how difficult and desperate it was for Guda and others to face the Nine Demonic Pillars, that scene is still vivid in their minds.

Are you still fighting like this? !

The fighting strength here——

Ignore the Master Guda,

Relying on Matthew alone to defeat the nine demon pillars?

What a joke! ! !

Chapter 34 There are eight out of seven strongholds, and five of the Four Heavenly Kings! So stupid...

Everyone went crazy...

This is not a game after all,

If it were in the game, they could also draw all the heroic spirits they had drawn to help in the battle.

Although many heroic spirits appeared in the previous seven strongholds.

But some heroes have never appeared before,

and they can still be pulled out!

It's too much...! This difficulty! It's not starting from hell anymore,

but starting from the depths of hell and working upwards!

These 'last masters of humanity' (players) are now fully immersed in the game,

and are so anxious...

Demon God Andumaelius: "That's right. Destroy, last master.

You can't reach the Amyrlin throne."

People are extremely anxious at this moment——!!!

How can we give up after we've reached this point?

I must reach the Amyrlin throne to show you!! When the game is updated later!!! I will rush into the temple and kill Solomon!


(Update P!!

Future people: Well said!!

Pull out the network cable right now.

Let time stay forever at the moment when Chapter 7 was just conquered.

Whoever wants to go to the Grand Time Temple can go! Solomon, you are not allowed to die!)

Demon God Andumaelius: "There is nothing here.

We have nothing.

There is no future, past, cause and effect, hope,

Not even miracles named God by humans.

Everything is worthless here.

Everything that exists is regarded as useless and abandoned.

This is this realm.

It is the island of death where no one will come to help humans.

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