Solomon laughed wildly in the earthquake-shaking scenery that day: "Huh-huh haha, hahahahahahaha!"

Then he loudly announced——

"Appear. Be blessed."

This is a beast of disaster and one of the evils of mankind. "

The Magic King... no, he should be called the Demon King now!

He finally stopped hiding his true identity!

And ‘human evil’! ! ! ! !

Those words were like thunder piercing the dark night,

Like lightning falling suddenly on people's hearts!

Everyone lost their voice, their eyes widened suddenly, and they were all stunned.

No, impossible! How could it be ‘human evil’!

When the most unlikely thing happens before your eyes,

Even if people don’t want to believe it, it’s true!

What no one had thought of,

From the body of the crowned caster, the absolute opposite and opposite... beast will be born? !

"Beast!!" Someone lost his voice.

At this time, I finally understood—among the heroic spirits who came to help before,

Heroic Spirit Emiya Kiritsugu, why do you say you want to deal with the beast!

I thought it was a slip of the tongue... I said the wrong thing!

But now...! !

Thinking of how difficult the other beast is, the Mother Goddess of Creation.

How much did it cost to defeat the mother.

Suddenly... people held their breath and stopped.

How could it be! ! How could it be! How could this be? ! !

Chapter 43 The name of the Demon King, Goetia!

"Master of Chaldea.

You have asked, who am I? "Solomon."

Solomon, surrounded by countless demonic pillar-like tentacles rising like a jungle,

A core as huge as an eyeball can be vaguely seen.

That unknown...

The Magic King, who had no idea what shape he had transformed into, loudly said: "Let me answer your question.

I exist as the Magic King Solomon.

It is the clone of the Magic King, an institution created by the Magic King,

The first familiar created to lay the foundation for mages like you.

Ruled the country with Solomon,

The Curse of Origin Abandoned by the Death of Solomon.

In the body of Solomon,

Within it is achieved the ‘summoning’ of the physical body.

My name is——! "

A burst of intense white light flashed continuously,

When I heard this announcement from the man behind the scenes,

People were breathing rapidly, resisting the discomfort of their eyes and looking towards the center!

Is his real name finally revealed?

And his origin is too amazing,

It is indeed correct to say that he is Solomon...

When Solomon's name was spread to the world, no one knew that there was such an amazing inside story behind it.

That way...

It sounds like the shadow of Solomon, the other side of Solomon.

‘No wonder he was resurrected through the body of Solomon,

No wonder he calls himself King Solomon! ’ People were shocked and stunned! !

That makes sense!

Why could he command Solomon's power so freely without suffering the slightest repulsion?

And at this moment——

When people look towards the center again,

An unknown, larger and more muscular mysterious figure came into people's eyes.

To replace the unknown that King Solomon disappeared from,

A monster with a huge animal head standing like a humanoid, with a bright red alien thing staring at its chest that looks like a huge eyeball and looks like the core of its heart.

An extremely ferocious figure that looks like a demon king has arrived!

Just a glimpse of part of the body shrouded in shadow...


People swallowed their saliva, suddenly couldn't help but took a small step back, and subconsciously looked away.

That, that, that is...what! ! !

Is it a beast? ! ! Is it Beast? !

The beast born from the shadow of the Magic King,

The opposing human evil born from the shadow of the crowned heroic spirit!

monster! ! !

Such thoughts flashed through people's minds,

I felt horrified, but also felt a full sense of oppression and shadow coming towards my face.

There seemed to be a sacred and suffocating singing voice in the air,

Cheers to this birth!

What a ridiculous birth! What a birth of fear and despair! He is the king who should not exist here!

Rumble~! The astonishing changes are still continuing between heaven and earth, and on the other side——

? ? ? : "I will give up the name of the Magic King.

There is no need to pretend to be someone else.

I don't have a name, but if you want to be called me, just call me that.

Arrive at the existence of true wisdom.

An existence that is longed for.

Turn you into food, embark on a journey to the extreme, and create the existence of new stars.

The existence that governs the seventy-two curses and burns all history.

That is, the burning method of human nature - the Demon King, Goetia is also. "

That overbearing loud announcement echoed deafeningly in people's ears over and over again!

Matthew: "——Goetia——

The collective name of the Seventy-Two Demonic Pillars——"

Demon King! ! ! Goetia!

Just like various natural disasters caused by comets hitting the planet,

A huge wave suddenly arose in everyone's mind!

People also lost their voices and couldn't help but keep muttering that this represented the name of the Demon God's Catalog! !

The ominous premonition finally turned into reality...

That name alone is full of oppression, like the name of a devil,

And at this time, as the shadows dispersed, the figure of the Demon King was gradually revealed as a complete individual, with his back to the dark sun! !

For a time, when a rabbit meets a carnivore or a wild beast meets a natural enemy,

A greater terror suddenly descended on people's consciousness...

They were intimidated and held in place, their bodies suddenly stiffened, and their hands and feet became cold. At this moment...

Everyone actually lost the ability to speak,

He just kept stuttering instinctively, opening and closing his jaw to say something,

But just looking at that 'monster' has already lost all courage! !

When the real Goetia comes before us,

That kind of power is not something ordinary people can see.

Even Goetia simulated by immersive experience,

For most people from another world who are ordinary people,

Consciousness is enough to freeze! !

They are not strong and determined warriors!

If it weren't for the fact that the magic crystal has the most basic self-protection hidden settings,

Just the appearance of the former God Tiamat when she came, no...

Even when the gods come,

They could no longer admit its glory and had a nervous breakdown.

Not to mention that the Goetia in front of me will not restrain her power like the Mother Goddess of Creation.

Instead, he will reveal himself completely and kill the enemies in front of him!

Such power, such malice, and hostility...

Just being looked at directly by this 'monster' who feeds on human history, who is like the true top of the food chain,

As the human race and as an insignificant member of human history, most people

It’s unbearable!

At this time, they cannot move or make a sound.

I could only keep breathing rapidly and listen to Mashu's voice constantly in my ears, in order to slightly relieve the tension and fear in my heart.

Mathew: “After King Solomon died, he lurked in his body;

The magic called 'Summoning Style' to continue living..."

"Having a will, gaining a body...!" Guda.

Matthew: "And...this spiritual reaction is not Caster's.

That was no longer even the body of King Solomon.

One of the seven human evils.

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