From now on, I will be speaking and acting as my original self.

Before that, I need to take off my gloves.

This way, all kinds of questions will be easier to understand, right? "

Guda: "... Doctor, the ring on your left hand...

No way."

Abandoning... the wish made to the Holy Grail,

and the ring that gradually appeared in people's eyes!!

Not long ago, it was mentioned that

Goetia was still pretending to be the Magic King, the only different ring on her hand.

And the one the doctor has now, which is the same as the other nine.

It is all about verifying its authenticity,

and verifying the true identity of the person who has this ID card!!

Boom~! That was the sound of thunder passing through everyone's mind,

They suddenly remembered...

At the beginning of this epic,

the scene they saw.

King Solomon got the permission of the Master and had the idea of ​​making a wish.

He is obviously the king of "nothingness", but he has a wish.

Could it be that...

The wish made to the Holy Grail in the doctor's mouth is...that Solomon made-- ! !

No, I'm kidding! Isn't that saying that the doctor is the Magic King Solomon?

How is it possible? !

How could the doctor be Solomon?

Everyone could understand Guda's shock at this moment.

Even if they were curious about the doctor's true identity, they had never made such an association or development!

Too bold... too——! Incredible!

After all...

Roman, who usually only slacks off and works harder than anyone else, is clearly just an ordinary person.

He is a completely different type from a true genius like Leonardo da Vinci, and even less like a king who is described as almost omniscient and omnipotent.


Goetia: "This is——what I lost,

No, it's King Solomon's tenth ring——"

His words verified some of people's guesses!

Everyone's heart skipped a beat.

Goetia: "Are you...! "

Everyone looked at Roman in shock,

but found that Roman, as the person involved, was very calm at this time.

Is it really that king?!

The real Solomon has always been by our side!!

Is it me!!!

Hiss~!! Everyone took a deep breath,

I never expected, never expected, it would would unfold like this.

Everyone was covered to the bone.

Even those of them who had a God's perspective could not detect the doctor's true identity at the first time!


Without any intention of concealing it, people heard Roman continue to speak: "Well. It was just eleven years ago.

Chaldea Director, Marisbilly, Animusphia.

When he participated in the Holy Grail War, he prepared the supreme holy relic.

That is this ring.

When Solomon died, he left a gift to the distant future. "

Chapter 49 Even if he has become an ordinary human, he can't just sit back and watch!

It's right, all right!

In this way, how did the first director summon Solomon, and how did the ring return to Solomon's hands, and then... appeared in the hands of the current "doctor".

In a trance, people seemed to dream back to the beginning of everything, the place where the Holy Grail War began!



It is still trance and unbelievable,

The doctor, the guy who loves to slack off,

He only needs to hide in the logistics department to continue slacking off and eat his favorite strawberry cake.

Why——Why, he is Solomon?!

'The culprit who caused everything has been hiding in Chaldea...What a joke!

No, it can't be said that way,

There is still a difference between Goetia and Solomon, he is the real culprit who burned the human principle...

I got it wrong before.

Solomon is Solomon, Goetia is Goetia...but——

What is going on?'

Roman continued: "I don't know why I did this at the time.

I thought it was just a whim of the gods as usual.

But this ring was discovered by Marius,

and he summoned a Heroic Spirit to win the Holy Grail War.

That was Solomon. Chaldea summoned the first Heroic Spirit.

He obtained the Holy Grail with Marisbili and fulfilled his wish together.

But what he said was

a common wish like "I want to become a human." ”

Goetia: "You guys——you guys——!

This is ridiculous, it's impossible! Flauros, are you blind!

No, it's not right, everything is wrong, everything!

You guys can't be that man!

And——what do you mean by fulfilling a wish! ?

How could that man have a wish! "


Everyone opened their mouths wide, thinking of Solomon's voice when he participated in the Holy Grail War.

Combined with the doctor's confession just now,

it turns out that - was this the wish at that time?

To become an ordinary person...

What an ordinary wish,

And what an incredible wish.

The almighty king,

The divine power, royal power, and many other rights deepened,

The king who possesses countless things that people yearn for,

Wealth, wisdom, strength, power...

All the desires that human beings desire can be easily realized in that position.

But such a perfect person just wants to be an ordinary person.

Such a wish brought great shock to everyone's hearts——!

Goetia shouted in disbelief: "Heresy! Cruel! Cruel! Ruthless!

How could the man who is my prototype have the same desires as ordinary people! "

Roman: "...I was quite shocked when you said that.

Do you hate me too much?

But forget it, this question is irrelevant.

In short, Solomon's wish came true.

However, the problem also occurred.

Solomon is known as the clairvoyant holder of omniscience and omnipotence.

The moment you become a human, you lose all your abilities.

That alone is nothing—

However, at the moment of 'lost', he saw it.

Saw the end of mankind.

He immediately panicked and wanted to know 'why on earth',

But by this time, Solomon had become an ordinary human being. "

at the same time--

A memory also appeared before people's eyes,

That was in the past, walking through the streets full of festive atmosphere, Solomon finally became an ordinary person and felt ordinary happiness for the first time.

The moment he couldn't help but smile,

The next moment,

Clairvoyants see the future! It seems like countless hands are trying to swallow it up!

And back to the Amyrlin—

Roman closed his eyes slightly and said: "Who exactly? By what method. For what purpose.

And how to stop it.

He has lost his way of knowing this. Because he is already an ordinary human being.

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