When Tristan was just released.

On the other side, Gawain, a knight of the Round Table, was knocked down and captured by the majestic monarch of the other side when he was attacking Caridus.

That was a giant-like king, with a burly figure. He knocked Gawain dizzy with just one blow, and then grabbed his collar and pulled him off the saddle like a chicken.

Even Gawain was not the opponent of the other side. The only people who could think of dealing with this giant king were Lancelot and Tristan, who was named after him.

Then, in order to save Gawain, two messages for help were urgently conveyed to Lancelot and Tristan.

However, only Lancelot could respond in time.

When he rescued Gawain.

Gawain: "I never hoped that one of you and Tristan could come to save me. The feeling of being imprisoned is simply too uncomfortable!"

Later, Tristan heard about this and sighed that if he was not escorting a female companion, he would definitely save Gawain with Lancelot.

Two people who had never met each other, but had been hearing about each other, just like old enemies, and also like familiar yet strange friends, they kept getting to know each other.

Afterwards, after sending the princess back to Cornwall and witnessing the wedding of King Mark and Qixiu Wan'er.

Tristan left sadly.

Later, he did fulfill his oath and joined Lancelot's team, and in the near future he became another capable assistant of King Arthur and a member of the Knights of the Round Table.

By chance, he married a woman with the same name as the princess.

In order to distinguish the two.

He called the blonde princess Golden Isolde.

He called his current wife White Isolde.

Later in a battle, Tristan was poisoned and fell down again.

He had agreed with Qixiu Wan'er that if he was poisoned again, the other party would definitely come to save him.

Just like when she had taken good care of him before.

Although Tristan was seriously injured by the poison at this moment, was he more expectant in his heart? Or more painful? !

Or both...?

What a good opportunity to meet the beloved girl.

As the poison became more and more serious, Tristan no longer had the strength to wait and see. He told his current wife: "If she comes, hoist the white sail, if she doesn't come, use the black sail--"

His wife Isolde whispered to Tristan, who was waiting for the ship carrying another Isolde: "The one that came was the ship with black sails."

She lowered her head, her voice was very, very small, and she told the other party the result without waiting for the arrival of the ship.

She betrayed her husband who married her but didn't love her (lie).

Tristan saw Isolde's arrival in his dream, and then he welcomed death, and he never really saw his beloved again until his death.

When the real Isolde, Qixiu. Wan'er, arrived, she could only see a corpse. The girl sang the song "Death of Love" in grief, and then sang the love that lasted until death, and then she died with him.

Seeing this, Claire, Princess Chenxi, the little vampire loli, and everyone who was reading this book, the surrounding environment suddenly became quiet.

Dead, really dead? Cui Sitong!

What kind of shock is it to be in love that cannot be obtained until death?

Chapter 204: Just blame the original body for any problems!

"...Woo!" Princess Chenxi subconsciously covered her mouth with both hands.

But covering her mouth alone is useless, she will cry when she needs to.

It's painful to see lovers not being able to get married in the end.

Originally, everyone was angry after seeing Cui Sitong's previous behavior of abandoning Qixiu.Wan'er.

But after seeing Tristan's tragic death, even Qixiu.Wan'er followed in the sad song, and the hearts of the little princess, Claire and others were now only heavy.

They felt blocked in their hearts and very uncomfortable. An emotion that they didn't know what it was spread in the girls' chests.

They hated Tristan's romanticism. Why did he provoke some noble lady when he already liked Qixiu.Wan'er.

Maybe if there was no jealousy, he would not have offended King Mark.

If he hadn't turned against his uncle, maybe he wouldn't have targeted Tristan and wanted to marry Qixiu Wan'er, right? !

But seeing that Tristan's eyes were so dim that he couldn't see anything at the end, and he could only imagine Qixiu Wan'er's arrival in his dreams, everyone felt sorry for him again.

"That Bai Yisode is so annoying... Obviously, Qixiu Wan'er finally arrived." Tina's eyes turned red, and her tone was soft and mixed with a hint of anger.

Unlike other girls who saw this, Tina's eyes became even redder.

Vampires receive strong emotional stimulation, and the red eyes as a racial feature also become brighter unconsciously.

As a vampire transformed from a human, this is the first time she wants to suck blood and bite someone to death.

On the other side, Claire also had a dull look on her face. After she came to her senses, her eyes turned red in an instant.

Why! ? (Why?!)

Why the hell are you? ! Why ah ah ah!

What kind of ending is this! Shouldn't Tristan finally repent and elope with Qixiu and Wan'er before the wedding? Or should Tristan finally succeed in waiting for Qixiu and Wan'er, and after expressing their love to each other, the two of them escape from the eyes of the world and live happily together?

Ahhhhh! Why is it like this!

Obviously, it shouldn't be like this!

Just a little bit, just a little bit to meet.

Claire and other girls, after a burst of excitement, covered their chests with their hands and rose and fell violently, their faces became blank.

The simple and ignorant girls thought they could see a beautiful love story.

However, they fell into deep malice without knowing it.

When Tristan, who had been restraining himself from meeting Qixiu Wan'er because of loyalty and personal feelings, was in danger of death, he finally let go of everything and waited for the arrival of his beloved.

But the gods played such a big joke on him? !

Yes, it was the gods. Wow! !

Not only did they hurt the Grand Duke, but now they arranged such a tragic love for Tristan! Give me back the Grand Duke, give me back Tristan and Qixiu Wan'er!

In an instant, many girls in the capital couldn't help but think that their hearts were about to break.

Aqiu! The God of Alchemy on the side suddenly sneezed.

God of Alchemy: "???"

Although it is just a human incarnation made of divine power and alchemical materials, its structure is no different from that of a real human, except that the specific materials are different. It will die if it is attacked by a strong attack.

But ordinary illnesses should not be able to infect him!

At this time, the God of Alchemy was a little puzzled.

'I caught a cold? '

'How is this possible? '

The God of Alchemy frowned at his sudden sneeze and the huge resentment of the girl that he vaguely felt.

As mentioned before, gods are divided into gods born from birth and gods born from the seventh-level strongman holding up the divine fire.

The God of Alchemy is a god with self-born consciousness.

Although this kind of god is born with unparalleled power, his strength is constrained by faith.

People's incomprehensible phenomena such as thunder and lightning, wind and rain, and fire led to the birth of the first gods.

For these gods born naturally, every move and every thought of human beings may affect the gods.

Of course, if there are too few people or the idea is not strong enough, it will not affect the gods.

It can be said that humans are the source and cornerstone of the power of the gods. Only those gods who have crossed the seventh ladder through their own understanding can ignore this influence, and their great power is completely attributed to themselves.

Unfortunately, the God of Alchemy is not that kind of powerful acquired god.

And now he is just an incarnation.

When there are extremely strong negative emotions nearby, and they are vaguely related to the gods.

When the target is not a specific god, he, the closest god clone, was shot and began to have adverse reactions.

It is not enough that Claire has negative emotions. The key is that there are more than just Claire who are watching the story of King Arthur at this moment.

The young men and women in the entire capital, seeing Tristan and Qixiu Wan'er who love each other but cannot be together, have more or less complaints.

How can they accept such unfair treatment when they are in the period of fantasy of beautiful love.

In this other world where real gods exist, all the unfair fates can be blamed on the gods.

Originally, this was not a big deal. People just need to wait until their excitement calms down after reading the story.

Those real gods cannot be affected by the resentment of some humans.

It happened that in the bookstore where readers had the most resentment, near countless negative emotional bombs, the avatar of the God of Alchemy suffered!

Then, in the stunned expression of the God of Alchemy, "!!!"

Ah Qiu! Ah Qiu!!

One sneeze after another kept coming.

The expression of the God of Alchemy changed instantly!

What's going on? Is it that the main body is affected, so it affects me? !

The God of Alchemy thought with a bad taste.

Could it be that other gods have cast a god-level curse on the main body!

The god-level cold curse can even affect himself as an avatar in the lower world.

Si! At this moment, the Alchemist God, who felt like a fantasy fan who saw the Doudi Douqi turn into a horse, was instantly sick. So scary! So scary!

He widened his eyes.

Who is so mean to the original body? Could it be that the original body peeked at a goddess bathing?

He actually cast such a vicious curse.

Because the gods are powerful and can be resurrected continuously by faith, there are rarely fatal curses against gods.

This kind of prank-like curse is already a very vicious revenge in the eyes of the Alchemist God.

This curse is quite fresh!

The Alchemist God thought jokingly.

Of course, he also knew that such a thing was impossible. How could a god be so bored as to study a curse that makes other gods catch a cold.

But he sneezed one after another...

Looking at the increasing number of eyes attracted to the bookstore, the Alchemist God suddenly felt a little painful on his face.

Chapter 205: Seeing the Dangerous Seat again, a familiar conversation!

Perhaps out of jealousy, or perhaps because she couldn't bear to see Tristan continue to suffer, Isolde chose to say the words "It's the black sails that are coming."

Only she knew what she really thought in her heart.

Perhaps it wasn't Isolde who was wrong, but all the reasons were from Tristan himself.

Tristan's story ended suddenly like this. No matter if you hate Isolde or Tristan.

The story of the sad prince ended like this.

And there is no famous quote from Type-Moon, "The king does not understand human hearts."

After winning the battle for who knows how many times, leading several tribes in an orderly manner, and punishing hundreds of criminals.

A knight whispered: "King Arthur, does not understand human feelings."

It is rumored that the knight is Tristan.

However, as a truly perfect king in fantasy, it is too disappointing to say that the male version of Arthur does not understand human hearts.

When the news of Tristan's tragic death was sent back to Britain, Lancelot was furious.

She naturally knew the real reason for the death of her friend.

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