woc, wocccccc! !

Regarding this——

What people didn’t expect is that

Goetia failed to kill Guda immediately.

He just said: "Why do you want to fight!

Why not surrender to us (me)! "

At this time, it seems that he cannot even defeat the human master Guda himself.

He just continued: "Why, why -"

At this time, another new communication came,

The second demon god also stopped moving——

Now only the last demon god is still connected to Goetia.


Guda landed another dull attack on Goetia.

"It's not over yet...!"

Bang~! ! ! !

A sound like the collision of steel.

In this Amyrlin Hall,

The temple of time is gradually collapsing,

There are no longer those energy explosions that frequently explode the nebula, as if the world was created and the world was destroyed!

All that is left is the most primitive impact! !

Collision between humans and beasts!

As if symbolizing the counterattack of human will,

This moment must be a complete torment for Goetia.

He asked again: "Why fight now——!"


Guda responded: "Then you still need to ask...!"

The command spell strengthens oneself! !

Guda: "In order to [live]————!"

In the last roar and cry,

Guda hit the Demon King hard and painfully.

And his cry went straight to the voices of countless people, making their souls seem to be instantly enlightened.

It immediately aroused a strong resonance!

yes! ! To survive!

God knows that ever since they learned about the future of human beings being burned,

How many days and nights have I spent not sleeping well or eating well?

Tossing and turning countless times and waking up from nightmares,

Always worried...

One day when we wake up, humanity may have no future at all.

If it weren’t for the fact that it was obviously early in the time period for human body burns to occur,

This anxiety situation may become more serious.

And as someone who has already faced that serious situation,

The only humans left in that era!

They didn't know how desperate the Chaldean people were at that time.

But the desire to survive, the potential and possibility that people burst out in crisis,

Even humans themselves can hardly imagine it! !

And the last Master among the human survivors,

The pressure Guda is under is even more conceivable.

And now it can finally be over.

People can now feel completely at ease!

Goetia: "——In order to survive——"

It seems that I have never thought about it,

The failure of the great cause forced an ordinary human Master to grow into such a situation,

Even completely destroying His (their) plans,

Just a counterattack because humans want to survive.

With this belief, even the gap as big as a natural chasm can be overcome,

Even impossible miracles are presented again and again.

Astonishing, disconcerting, unbelievable,

But it seems to be an inevitable result.

If you want to kill an enemy, you must be mentally prepared to be killed by the enemy.

No matter how small the probability is, infinitely close to zero, as long as it is not completely zero...

There is still a possibility of realization.

Getia murmured in disbelief: "Actually... just so that you can... survive...?"

He has extremely great aspirations,

But lost to the human instinct and will to survive and save themselves,

When it came time to lose, the Demon King didn't even realize how he lost.

Goetia: “——So, that’s it.

Not even, to protect humanity.

...we were indeed wrong.

There must be a limit to overestimation.

Desire to live and fear death,

Although we are afraid of death, we will defeat our desire for eternity. "

Amidst the lightning and thunder, inside the temple that seemed to collapse at any moment,

Goetia's appearance at this time——

was firmly engraved in people's eyes.

It’s hard to tell whether it’s pity or lamentation for him.

I just suddenly felt mixed emotions.

And on the other side——

Goetia: "This is so - hopelessly stupid.

This is so stubborn that it doesn’t need saving.

Unable to handle means this kind of thing.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! "

Finally, the sound of flesh breaking sounded,

Accompanied by Goetia's sad laughter,

What sounded at the same time was the sound of communication.

‘One Pillar – Floros, activity stopped. ’

‘Confirm the silence of Quan Yushi.

The execution of Goetia has been completed due to human repair. ’

Actually...just...like this...really-!

When Leonardo da Vinci's emergency communication connection reached the Amyrlin's side.

And confirmed the collapse of the Amyrlin Seat, the destruction of the Magic King... no, Goetia!

People opened their eyes in confusion,

The fact of the Demon King’s demise was confirmed!


Endless emptiness and sadness swept over me.

The huge boulder that was threatening to fall at any time finally disappeared.

Without the threat of the Sword of Damocles,

That sense of comfort, that momentary sense of freedom is indescribable.

But what follows is

But it is——

Is this the end of the matter?

When I really saw Goetia being defeated,

a dreamlike feeling of unreality arose from my heart.

The absolute power of Goetia when she showed the power of the light belt, the despair that made people unable to muster the courage to resist,

I can still remember it vividly...

But now she has really been defeated.

Suddenly——someone burst into tears of joy.

No matter what——humanity has indeed been saved! !

The efforts of the people of Chaldea, the masters and the heroic spirits have not been in vain,

and this may be the only good news that people have heard since the end.

On the other hand——

Da Vinci also began to urge Guda to escape as planned at the beginning.

Because Goetia stopped,

the power to restrain the light belt in the sky also disappeared, and it is now extremely unstable.

In this regard, Da Vinci described it as——

It may collapse at any time,

‘Spreading into mana filling the atmosphere.

Once it reaches this point, the domain will disappear without a trace.

It's like a supernova explosion! ’

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