Moreover, the doctor is completely gone. Mash is just a sub-servant and not a real heroic spirit. He cannot be resurrected or summoned back from his seat.

Wait until the next beast like Goetia appears.

What does Chaldea use to fight?

Starting from Matthew’s sacrifice,

People's dreams were shattered.

And to Solomon’s sacrifice…

Let them begin to recognize the cruel reality,

Even though it is a crown specifically responsible for dealing with beasts,

If you don’t fight with the belief to block everything,

Victory is still slim...

King Hassan gave up his title with a sword,

Solomon even returned himself to the starry sky of despair shattered by genius.

Everyone "..."


I originally thought the crisis had been completely resolved,

There is no need to worry about the future, but it seems too early to be happy now?

Gilgamesh: "I don't care how things turn out.

Just give them a helping hand with all your heart.

Hurry up. Or do you plan to stay here?

Buried with the great (big fool) King Solomon? "

After saying that, Gilgamesh completely disappeared.

Joan of Arc: "——That's right.

All we can do is help them.

The battle ends and another battle begins,

Human beings of all ages are like this. "

But at this moment, people who heard such words fell into the abyss in their hearts.

Don’t do this——!

...! ! !

Shivering, why do humans have so many disasters! !

... Damn it, is there no era of relative peace?

Chapter 58 Matthew! This time it's you who hold my hands tightly!

at the same time--

On the other end, Leonardo da Vinci said: "The collapse of the temple is faster than the spread of the light belt...!

Still a little short, run, run!

The foundation of this area is crumbling!

I don’t know when it will disappear! The spirit transfer point is five hundred meters ahead!

hurry up--"

Under Da Vinci's urging, Guda continued to speed up.

However - suddenly,

Da Vinci: "!? What kind of reaction is this...!?

Suddenly appeared, no, what was waiting there was...! ?

Be careful, Fujimaru Ritsuka!

The spiritual base in front of you now is——"

Guda: "...I understand.

...You can't let me run away so easily. "

Appearing in front of Guda and people,

It’s an unexpected figure! !

The body that resembled Solomon's human appearance turned into long golden hair,

And half of the body was a dark red color that looked like it had been burned.

this--! Who is this! !

The possibility of a certain existence flashes in people's minds.

Goetia? !

No, that's not right. Hasn't He already been eliminated? He hasn't died completely yet.

Goetia: "——That's right.

I finally have the same opinion as you, Fujimaru Ritsuka.

I won't let you go back alive.

Just disappear with me right here.

——My dream is shattered.

——The huge amount of time spent in this temple is meaningless.


I lost.

The band of light disappears. Physical therapy became ineffective.

From the moment King Solomon was destroyed, my great deeds also disappeared in an instant.

Now I am no longer the Seventy-Two Pillars Demon God.

But its residue, like the last remaining ‘result’.

No matter what I do here, I can't change the fate of defeat.

Even if I kill you, the ending will not change.

...This is a pointless battle.

If it were me before, I would never have made this choice. "

Goetia: "But-"

The Demon King seems to have understood something...

People also noticed the atmosphere that was gradually becoming more subtle.

Guda: "...You have a reason to fight, right?"

Goetia: "——That's right.

I am also ambitious. No, it’s about having ambition.

I now understand your human spirituality.

Now that I have a limited life, I finally understand.

...long. What a long journey.

After all, I have been staying here for xx,000 years.

I will stop you for the sake of my uncompromising existence.

You need to stop me as soon as possible in order to survive.

——That’s all the respect that should be expressed in words.

Okay, let's get to the end of this exploration.

Crown designation developed for human body cauterization.

Seven unique points, a Master who spans seven worlds.

My name is Goetia,

An existence that uses human principles to destroy human principles and move forward.

Towards the extreme where there is no one left. existence that keeps moving forward towards the empty hope that no one wants.

Now I am born, now I am destroyed.

Even if there is no result, there is no reward.

I will also try my best to destroy you.

——My enemy. My hatred. My destiny.

Hope you can witness it.

This short time is the story given to me.

Such a short, yet so beloved time,

It is the true life that has been given to this being who calls himself Goetia. "

Guda: "——Goetia——!"

At that moment,

People felt that the Demon King had truly come alive.

He was no longer the Demon King that simply frightened people.

He was given a different meaning.

He was no longer empty, cold, or indifferent, and no longer so high and mighty that people could not figure him out.

He had humanity...

He was more like a human being.

He was no longer fighting simply for the sake of meaning.

The pure struggle of wills and motives was the most infectious to humans.


People couldn't help but mutter, and remembered this special beast deeply in their hearts.

What people didn't expect was that,

Perhaps, as he himself said,

He was indeed the last remnant.

Just by being hit by Guda...

Without even the power to resist,

Goetia's body, like other Heroic Spirits, began to dissipate into golden spirit particles.

Goetia: "--Oh, really.

...Human, so-called life,

is so short that it is unnatural, and so interesting that it is unbelievable--"

Da Vinci: "Very good, the image is restored!

We will talk about what happened just now later!

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