Congratulations, good people of Chaldea.

The fourth beast has been defeated by you. "

! What...what! ! !

Everyone lost their composure, had tears in their eyes, and looked up at the figure of the young beast with great sadness.

The beast was defeated in this way.

It's hard for people to accept...

Even though I already knew Fufu was a beast,

Knowing His danger,

However, people subconsciously ignore it and regard it as a partner of mankind.

Obviously... in this long-term companionship, it has been proved...

That beast is absolutely harmless!

Everyone's heart trembled - such self-deception.

The statement 'absolutely harmless' is loose.

But under the impulse of emotion...

It just makes them feel uncomfortable, damn it!

If a beast like Goetia, which endangers the safety of mankind, is defeated head-on, people will feel relieved and natural.

You will feel that the crisis has been resolved...

But Fufu clearly did nothing. Not only did she not threaten humans, she even took the initiative to hide.

He even helped Guda and others many times.

Exactly, incidentally——

Finally, when the dust has settled,

The picture in front of people's eyes fell into darkness along with their consciousness.

Then in the dark,

Fufu: "Fufu...?

Chirp... chirp? "

Fufu, who had turned into a simple beast and lost her intelligence, continued to scream.

But people who heard that lovely cry knew that,

Fufu has...——

on the other side,

Fufu: “Fufu!

Fu, Fuwu! "

Guda: "...It seemed like something licked my face just now..."

Wait until Guda opens his eyes,

People also regained consciousness and realized that the surrounding scene had changed back to the interior of Chaldea.

And Matthew stood in front of him wearing casual clothes, blushing and happy.

Seeing Guda wake up, she said: "Senior——!"

He suddenly stepped forward for a hug.

Guda returned the hug.

Seeing this, the people who gradually woke up were slightly stunned...

After they reacted, they looked at the two people in front of them.

‘Ah, I don’t accept it! ! My Matthew! ’

‘Oh... Guda is me,

That’s okay! ’

Hiss~! ! A group of people looked at the two people hugging each other and couldn't help but smile.

At the same time, I still felt a sense of loss inside.

Is this... the end?

Just, this?

There is no doubt that the story that takes place at the singularity in the end is extremely exciting.

It is an epic that is no less impressive than the sixth and seventh singularities and is deeply remembered and fresh in people's minds.

But when Humanity is truly saved...

The emptiness after everything was completed, and the sadness at the doctor's sacrifice, washed away most of the joy after restoring the human body.

Is this the end of our journey as a Master?

An unfinished feeling began to pervade my heart.

And back to the epic——

Fufu also rushed forward.

Guda learned from Ma Xiu that his frame had been unstable for a whole hour.

Matthew had been worried and restless.

Just now I saw Guda and hugged her so boldly, it was probably because of this stimulation.

Da Vinci also stood up at this time,

The final title designation was announced and the entire trip was over!

It seemed like everything was really over.

Everyone no longer has to worry about the Sword of Damocles standing above their heads.

In addition to the beasts Gilgamesh mentioned before, I don't know where else they are hiding.

There seems to be nothing else to worry about.


‘I feel a little uncomfortable...’ someone murmured inwardly,

It's like having Stockholm syndrome.

This time it was not a complete tragedy, that is, everyone died in battle.

Among several works of An Tusheng,

Almost everyone dies in the end, and the protagonist is no exception.

Stories that often die and only have epic names end in tragedy.

When both the doctor and Matthew died, people thought the familiar ending was coming again!

All ready to continue weeping in despair.

After all, this epic is different from the previous ones.

If it ends on the premise that all the protagonists are killed,

I'm afraid that human reason is really hopeless!

And even if humanity is saved,

Didn’t Guda almost not come back in the end?

If it hadn’t been for Mashu grabbing Guda’s hand in the end.

Has the old thief finally found his conscience?

But thinking about the doctor——


Conscience discovered a p! Old thief An Tusheng and I are at odds with each other! Give me back the doctor!

Chapter 61 Your wife is gone!

Human nature has been repaired...

However, after the human body was restored, the blank year in the outside world did not disappear.

To all the people of Chaldea,

It was an incredible journey over a year.

After overcoming countless hardships and trials, he finally regained the future of mankind.

But for humans outside...

But he was a little panicked, at a loss, and completely in a mess.

According to Leonardo da Vinci's words -

‘After all, I have no memory of this whole year!

Goetia was wiped out, but the human rationalization was denied.

But this year's gap cannot be treated as non-existent.

From the outside human perspective,

It's like waking up and realizing that a year has passed. ’

The external investigators will arrive sooner or later,

and the soul transfer can no longer be used casually as before.

After all, the situation was urgent at that time, and they had to make a decision in the face of the crisis of all mankind.

And this technology that can travel through any time period in history is completely possible even if it is completely banned.

Even the heroic spirits of Chaldea have returned to their seats,

only a few heroic spirits who are worried about Fujimaru Ritsuka chose to stay.

‘All...left? ! ’

Everyone: ! ! !


They didn't even have time to say goodbye.

And many people, especially many players, have brought in Guda's perspective.

When they think that after the game is updated,

after the end of the singularity is completed, their heroic spirits in Chaldea will also return.

‘...! ’

An indescribable sense of loss and emptiness swept over my heart.

Not to mention those many LSPS who raise various beautiful female heroic spirits as wives...

Does this mean that you can leave just by saying leave?

When they thought about the return of the Heroic Spirits,

'...Your wife is gone! ' It was as if someone was whispering maliciously in their ears.

Fuck...! You murderous pig!


Suddenly, it seemed that it would be nice to stay forever before the final singularity.

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