This is the taste!

Although it's a bit excessive to say it,

But people are even a little excited to see new human crises emerging in the future.

To people's surprise,

They find that the pressure in their hearts does not seem to be as serious as before.

In other words, he was just disgusted by the higher-ups of the Magic Association.

Now I even wish that the future top executives of the Magic Association were all dead.

For the savior, there is still a chance to stand up again and stand on the stage of the world——

People are inexplicably moved and enthusiastic.


Wow~! !

In the channel where the spirit son was transferred, a burst of darkness hit.

The next moment, the immersive epic suddenly came to an abrupt end, and the concluding words also appeared in front of people's consciousness.

No more...? !

ah--! ! The feeling of being suddenly extinguished when they were in high spirits made everyone blush instantly.

The whole person was torn apart!

"...!!!! Wait! Wait! What are you doing? Just wait a little longer!

At any rate, let’s figure out what’s going on with the new singularity…”

A group of people began to complain.

For a time, the Magic Crystal immersive epic was full of complaints.

Only then did people remember,

The unique point this time is mainly about the ending story.

What follows is obviously the next epic, which is paid content.

Is this because they didn’t spend money to update the crystal? Can you tell?


so? !

They said they were not short of money, so hurry up! GKD~!

You have the ability to make a start,

Don’t you have the ability to update it all in one go?

This kind of bad taste... is indeed the intention of that Fufu spirit!


In terms of whetting your appetite,

As much as people hate this, no one can surpass that man at this point.


That man can surpass himself.

People's consciousness does not immediately exit the immersive mode.

And people who are in the MAX of anger,

Didn't notice it,

The epic is over, why does this dark world still exist?


Probably several seconds to ten seconds passed.

In this silent space, the passage of time becomes extremely clear,

Just when people finally realized something was wrong.

A word (voice) emerged from the darkness.

‘xxx year and month…

Fujimaru Ritsuka's duties have come to an end.

All singularities are eliminated,

Humanity's crisis is a thing of the past. ’

closely followed,

The words automatically appeared in their minds...

That is a time in the more distant future.

Just like someone once released the sixth singularity before updating the first few singularities.

When people think that the existence of subspecies singularities is enough to whet their appetites...

People in the other world are particularly aware of what kind of ideological storm is about to come!


Chapter 67: Director Olga...really dead?

A future so far away that everyone holds their breath.

The subspecies’ unique point has just emerged,

The unknown journey has not yet revealed its real corner...

But the timeline has already reached the end of the singularity?

But almost everyone can understand...

At this time, releasing such a short video and such words,

Something must have happened again.

Everyone's hearts were beating rapidly and thumping...

‘Fujimaru Ritsuka’s work is over, has the singularity been completely resolved?

No, you would usually say this at a time like this, but that's probably what's wrong the most. ’


They heard the voice continue,

‘The transfer of spirit particles that enables spirit particles to tamper with the past, which is an act of rebellion against the history of pan-humanity, will be frozen from now on.

Servant summoned by Chaldea,

He also terminated the contract and left because he completed the task.

Except for Leonardo da Vinci, who is the agent of the Director of Chaldea,

All followers have disappeared from this world. ’


A lot of information was revealed in just a few words this time.

People were stunned for a while.

Does this mean that the heroic spirits are completely gone?

Before looking back,

Even when Guda and others had just finished beating Goetia,

Da Vinci said that there were probably many servants who were worried about Fujimaru Ritsuka and chose to stay.

But now they have completely left.

Do you think Fujimaru Ritsuka is truly capable of taking charge on her own? I can leave with peace of mind.

Or was there some force majeure factor that forced me to leave?

Everyone couldn't help but think of some of my wives!

For example, Qing Ji and other heroic spirits who loved the Master so deeply have also left?

Some... can't accept it. (Player from another world: The point is that I saved Renli, but my wife is gone?

I'm so angry! This can be tolerated! )

And the transfer of souls will be frozen, this...

People were mentally prepared before——

Based on what I heard about the disgusting behavior of those high-ranking magicians, it would be good if I didn't plan to freeze the entire Chaldea.

Those are not the most critical issues now...

The important thing is——

People suddenly thought,

If there is another crisis later,

Even the last few servants who could help have disappeared.

Then if there is another crisis, wouldn't there be a severe shortage of combat members?

Although there is still a Da Vinci...

This profiteer has a high IQ, but his fighting ability is a bit low.

And it was at this time...

The darkness gradually began to disappear,

People then discovered that their consciousness seemed to be linked to someone,

With awakening, slowly opening their eyelids...

People also saw the light again...

Surrounded by the familiar costumes of Chaldea.

? ? ? : "...Woo.

Fu, Fuwu..."

The figure of the white little beast appeared, and the alarm clock rang at the same time,

Guda: "...Alarm clock..."

Hearing the familiar voice, people realized that it was Fujimaru Ritsuka.

At the same time——

Fufu: "Fu, Fuwu?"

After greeting Fufu, it was Mashu who came to visit Guda.

The two began to communicate, and during the communication,

People also knew that Chaldea was really going to be dispersed.

Last night, the whole Chaldea had its last carnival on Christmas.

Other staff members have been promoted, and even Guda, Mashu and others are ready to leave.

When Mashu asked what Guda was going to do...

Guda hadn't figured it out either.

But when he asked Mashu in return, he learned that Mashu was going to stay for a while before leaving.

In the end, Mashu chased Fufu away.

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