Work tirelessly, and the results are all for yourself! ?

Damn it, how dare you play with my simple boy's heart...!

You damn vixen! "

Fortunately, he finally reacted!

It didn’t scare people to death after all…

However, Goyanskaya on the other side smiled and said: "Oh, this is a misunderstanding, Lord Goldruf.

We did sell Chaldea to you as a commodity.

There is no water in its value.

You only invested in private property after you recognized its value. We also assassinated all your bidding rivals.

In the end, Your Excellency took sole ownership of Chaldea,

We can also successfully accomplish our goals without being hindered by associations.

This is the so-called win-win relationship.

How can you call someone a vixen——

Even if you have a gentle personality like mine,

The fur that I am so proud of is now standing on end.

To put it bluntly, I mean to kill you all.

Next is the time to invade all of your net worth. "

That playful tone, the provocative eyes with raised eyebrows...

Bad, pleasant attitude.

There are also three super-wonderful views——

Everyone was dumbfounded for a moment...

Is the best way to solve a problem is to directly address the person who raised the problem?

Kill the buyer, so it won't be considered a violation of the contract and it will be a win-win situation!

A win-win actually means a double win...

Ah, this is so simple!

Chapter 82 Hearing the name of the Lost Belt for the first time!

Wuhu... The mercenaries from another world said they learned (wasted) it!

Sure enough, interests come first!

Miss Goyanskaya is simply a role model in the mercenary world!

When it comes to breaking promises, there is no mercenary more disreputable than him.

Matthew: “…!

Master, Mr. Mujik, please step back!

That female smile is a disguise!

There is such... such strong murderous intent...! "

Goyanskaya: "As expected of the summoned shield soldier,

It seems to be very sensitive to the scent of Servants.

But don't worry. I am not interested in Servants,

So you will be killed painlessly.

The only people I want to cook well are humans.

They will even make specimens out of the humans they like.

I mean, this is just a collection, right?

It's not fox hunting, it should be called a hunter.

Goldruff is beyond my guard,

Fujimaru Ritsuka must be considered a passer.

I think it would be just right to decorate the stove.

But all the hands and feet that are in the way will be cut off, right? "

Extremely cruel words...

But the woman in front of me could say it with a smile.

His angelic face and devilish interior make people shudder.

Such enemies are probably more terrifying than simple monsters.

Are you going to fight this guy next?

I don’t know if she is a heroic spirit...

Didn't Mashu and the others have any sense?

People are making various speculations...

And if Leonardo Da Vinci said that there were only this number of Jaegers——!

No problem, she can solve it alone!

But at this moment, Goyanskaya poured cold water on her again: "It's a beautiful idea.

We have the invincible Royal Highness here. "


A girl with silver hair and blue eyes, wearing a blue and white shawl and holding a doll in her arms, appeared in front of people.

Such a sense of presence and beauty that is different from ordinary people...

'It's her...! ’

People recognized the girl,

When Chaldea was first invaded,

The surveillance center was centered on the backs of all the soldiers who had turned their backs to people's sight!

At this time...there is a suspected presence of the princess,

? ? ? : "…………"

? ? ? Suddenly he said: "Death is given to those who disobey the glory of the Emperor (Tsar).

Eliminate all the traitors.

Wei, I pray.

I cursed.

Put rocks, ice, hard objects.

We will crush all the 'good ones'.

Open your ‘evil eyes’, Wei! "

The princess opened her mouth and called, and a monster-like roar came from the void.

Everyone:! ! !

This, this is!

People who are already very familiar with the setting of heroic spirits,

‘Is this a sign of the liberation of the Noble Phantasm! She wants to liberate the Noble Phantasm? ! Oops! ’

At this time, the fat director also brought bad news. He said with a horrified look: "It's that girl who surrounded Chaldea...!

It doesn't work anymore, it's finally over...!

She is a follower,

It’s the witch who froze the East Building!

Even Leonardo da Vinci can't beat her!

Whether in terms of ability or appearance, wow! "

Da Vinci hit the fat director with a stick, apologizing and telling him to shut was too noisy.

But even though his own allies thought he could only defeat him before the fight even started, he was very angry.

Da Vinci still reminded Guda,

Goldruff's remarks are not to be laughed off.

Da Vinci asked Guda to use the command spell to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop before he could get serious.

"In other words... once the enemy is serious, there is no hope of defeating him?" People grasped the point!

He looked at the snow-white girl who was as delicate as a doll with some surprise. this servant that strong?

It’s completely invisible from the outside!

(Everyone now has strange views on the definition of strong -

Someone who laughs, tall and strong, petite and cute without dignity... or has a bunch of fans who are also servants around him.

Hmm - thinking is gradually being assimilated by epic. )

And soon people saw the fighting power of this mysterious new servant!

The entire Chaldean pipeline was instantly frozen.

In an instant, the ground, walls, and ceiling all became a world of ice sculptures.

It was as if they had suddenly arrived in an ice city...

The powerful magic pressure made Da Vinci and others breathless.

Looking at the few people who were still struggling,

Gao Yanskaya suddenly said something very worrying: "It's useless. The servants of pan-human history

can't defeat the servants of the Lostbelt."

What, what does it mean? !

This is the first time people heard the name of the Lostbelt...

And human history is human history, what is pan-human history... People's faces showed a trace of confusion.

But they had a bad premonition in their hearts.

The information revealed in that sentence is really worrying.



I always feel that the other party is hinting at something.

Gao Yanskaya continued: "Whether it is the years of survival or the living environment, they are all very different.

Don't underestimate the difficult mode of life.

However, you who are in the simple mode,

are also very hardworking people, right?"

From the words, it can be felt that

it seems that the servant was not born in this world, but in another world...

And the other party's world seems to be in a state of purgatory.

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