So it took half a year to transform it! "

Change, transform? !

who--? ! This sound is...!

At this time, people whose consciousness bodies are also located in the container feel extremely stimulated...

This feeling of struggling on the line between life and death,

There is also the feeling of seeing a glimmer of life in a desperate situation!

And none of this matters,

More importantly, what makes people care is...

Who made the sound just now?

Some female staff member from Chaldea?

But who had the astonishing foresight to predict what would happen today?

Everyone was shocked——!

Da Vinci's figure flashed subconsciously in his mind.

Will transform all kinds of things,

Also possesses amazing wisdom and mind...

If Da Vinci was still alive, he would definitely be able to do it.

Even this is very consistent with her character and image.


Thinking that Da Vinci had just passed away, people still saw her spirit son disappear into light particles with their own eyes.

People also felt sad inside.

This sound can't be Leonardo da Vinci's kiss, right?

Although she is the one who best meets the conditions,

But she can't still be here, and it's time for us to recognize the reality.

The most important thing is...

If it were Da Vinci's voice,

Wasn't the one just now a bit too immature?

Even though it is still dark, people can still hear that the owner of the voice seems to be very small.

I just thought about it——

Suddenly a bright light appeared in front of people's eyes,

At the same time, a steel beast suddenly rushed out from the container outside - a heavy armored tank!

The two front lights of the chariot illuminated the smoke-filled darkness, soaring into the sky!

And the people inside have finally regained their sight!

After seeing the scene in front of me and what the interior of this place really looks like...

Facing the high-tech front cockpit,

Everyone’s inner image—woc! ! !

Chapter 87 It’s little Leonardo da Vinci!

Fujimaru Ritsuka: "——Huh?

This...this is—! ? "

When you completely see the sunlight coming from the glass in front of the cab,

... Suddenly, a familiar yet unfamiliar, extremely petite and cute figure appeared in front of people.

She was looking over here with a playful smile.

Little...Da Vinci? ! !

That petite Servant looks and dresses like Leonardo da Vinci who has returned to the age of girls and lolita.

You can't go wrong,

How could anyone mistake Leonardo da Vinci's appearance.

But just because the other party is Da Vinci,

That surprised people.

For a moment, people stammered, 'She, she, she, she, she...! ’

What on earth is going on!

People clearly saw Leonardo da Vinci disappear with their own eyes.

And this is not a unique point,

Matthew never used the round table to summon new servants.

Then who is the little Leonardo da Vinci in front of you! !

It can’t be Leonardo da Vinci’s daughter! Hiss~! This is the exact same little Leonardo da Vinci carved from the same mold.


It seems to be cuter and more charming, which is a heart-warming feeling.

Everyone blushed and warned themselves in their hearts - she is a man.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! ! Even more excited...Yes, men...can't, people shouldn't, at least, can't be impressed and moved by a man's charm!

Little Leonardo da Vinci: "Yo! Good morning, hello everyone, everyone from Chaldea!

Should I say first meeting?

I am Leonardo da Vinci.

You can affectionately call me Da Vinci, okay? "

Matthew: "——"

Everyone: "——!"

Fufu: "Fufu——"

Goldruff, Chaldea staff: "What——"

Are you really a relative of Da Vinci? !

Just kidding!

Everyone immediately opened their eyes and were stunned.

The most impossible, the most absurd, are often the most real results...

Fujimaru Ritsuka: "What the hell is going on——!?"

Da Vinci: "What's going on? Of course it's a renovation!

After all, I am a genius, so I can’t always look the same, right?

Or what? Recognized my charm,

Are you stunned? I hate it~!

In short, this is the so-called protagonist's power, right?

Did it scare you to appear again after five minutes of separation? "

At this time, Holmes finally spoke again: "Although it consumes low energy, the only drawback is that the output is also reduced.

This is Ms. Leonardo's backup body just in case.

Although her actions appear to be synchronized and coherent with 'Da Vinci's memory so far',

But in fact, she is just a low-level servant who has just awakened. "

So... let's say...

Did Holmes already know this? No wonder he never showed any sadness.

At first, people thought it was because the detective was very rational, and because the situation was critical now, there was no time to grieve...

No, maybe there are some reasons for that.


Listening to such a statement, people can't help but think about it.

Although the memory remains and remains exactly the same,

But is the Da Vinci in front of us really the same Da Vinci?

She is indeed Da Vinci...


No one knows what they are struggling with in their hearts right now.

This is probably the same feeling as Siegrud and Siegfried, who are obviously the same person, but are completely different in the parallel world.

The dead are resurrected...

But if she can't be resurrected completely to the person before her death, is she really the person people want to revive?

The little Da Vinci in front of him, although he has the same memory, is more like a child who has just been born with the memory inheritance of his previous self.

A brand new servant...

People know that it is wrong to think this way, but they can't stop themselves from thinking this way emotionally.

Little Da Vinci: "Hmm... the man in the black coat with terrible driving skills in the control room!

Please don't spoil it so easily, okay?

I saw the best time to appear, okay?"

Mashu: "By the the way - is it true?

Is it really Miss Da Vinci?"

Little Da Vinci put on his glasses and smiled: "Yes.

Will you believe me after wearing these glasses?

Mashu, Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Although this is the first time I see you, I know you very well.

Because I inherited my memories from [me].

I have been looking forward to the day when I can greet you like this."

With a slightly red face, Little Da Vinci said happily: "I hope you can rely on [this me] next time.

Although my omnipotence is a little lower than before, okay?"

Sure enough -

Little Da Vinci is Da Vinci, but not completely Da Vinci.

Even so,

People began to love such a little Da Vinci.

Chaldea's mind is back.

Even though Da Vinci's abilities have declined due to his spiritual limitations,

people don't care...

The previous confusion was swept away.

Chaldea with brains and Chaldea without brains are two completely different organizations.

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