This wonderful human treasure,

You will be buried in this permafrost coffin with your own hands.

Then - please decide,"

Immediately—Kotomine Kirei said the princess’s real name,

"Her Royal Highness Princess Anastasia."

Princess: "——"

She didn't say anything else, or she actually responded with actions.

When a burst of light flashes,

The entire control room was frozen.

Like the Frozen Throne, countless spike-like ice edges guard the celestial body that has been frozen into snowflakes in the center.

If other factors are not considered,

The scenery in front of them is still a bit amazing.

The world of ice and snow always has a strange beauty.


It was sealed like that.

It's a seal rather than a destruction——

In other words, is there still a chance to unblock it in the future?

People thought with shock in their hearts.

The next moment, the view came to the other side——

The chariot still galloping wildly on the snow,

Fujimaru Ritsuka: " turns out this is Antarctica...!

However, it is said to be a snow-capped mountain with an altitude of 6,000 meters...! "

Holmes: "Despite the numerous countries claiming ownership of it,

But it is still the last pioneer land that has not been touched by humans.

Chaldea is built in the center of it.

The purpose is not to be used by any country for private use.

Will be overwhelmed by the blizzard that will never stop...

And the mountains where the mysterious fragrance hides,

Reinforced with a magic barrier to keep its location and secrets hidden

The largest and only human observatory on Earth.

This is the human security agency Chaldea. "

I see--

But people also immediately thought of a question.

If it is as described, it is on the white land opposite the sea at the end of the world.


Not only is it less likely to be interfered by other countries,

Even rescue will become extremely difficult.

Just like now...

Such a big thing happened,

I’m afraid the outside world doesn’t know anything yet.

Not to mention sending support.

Where are the top executives of the Magic Association now? !

Chapter 89: First there was the incineration of humanity, and now there is an invasion from outer space?! I’m tired of everyone!

But this is all in the past——

Holmes once again emphasizes the fact that Chaldea has been lost to the enemy.

Fujimaru Ritsuka and others had to recall that sad experience.

Holmes: "Twenty seconds ago, it was confirmed that all communications in the control room were stopped.

Motivation is gone.

Chaldeas also stopped functioning. The air conditioner is turned off,

The temperature inside the museum dropped below minus 100 degrees. "

It’s time for the princess to use her Noble Phantasm!

Everyone reacted immediately.

Holmes: "We have no means of retaking that place.

There's no way to get back there either. "

Fujimaru Ritsuka: "————"

Matthew showed a pained expression: "Don't do this - please don't say it again!

I want to go back to Chaldea! Please let me go back!

Because——how could it be taken away——

It was not taken away at all!

No matter what happens,

Chaldea has everyone’s memories!


There, there is also the doctor's room...! "

The defense is broken...!

The last sentence really breaks the defense.

Damn it, at this moment, people couldn't help but think, if those servants who were summoned to Waga were still there.

Not to mention top followers like Shijiang and Shining,

If we summon all those low-star heroic spirits, we will definitely win.

Compared with the previous singularity,

Just ordinary servant soldiers, and the princess...

This number of people is simply not enough.

If that doesn't work, it would be better to leave a little sun or something.

Think about the great hero named Karna who swept across the battlefield when monsters invaded in reality.


People are now extremely eager to see his eyes in the epic!

Just one glance and it's like a light cannon...

If you stare a few more times, you can kill all the intruders without releasing the Noble Phantasm.

Just when people's thoughts are racing...

In the chariot, Goldruff exclaimed in shock: "Stop... stop fooling around, what will happen if you go back now!

Little guy, say something to her too! "

Holmes: "Mr. Fujimaru Ritsuka, stop Mashu——

No, it seems unnecessary. Her body had reached its limit.

If you are armed without being able to synchronize with the spirit base,

The load results in being borne by the physical body.

Now she didn't even have the strength to open the hatch.

Help her to sit on the chair,

Tie her with a gold safety belt to prevent her from getting hurt. "

Matthew: "Ugh...,...

…………,………………! "

It was like the cry of a small animal,

Make people fall silent,

In Mashu's eyes, in this world from birth to the present, except for the singularity, all the beautiful memories remain in the eyes of the Chaldean child...

The meaning of Chaldea,

It must be more important than anyone else.

That's home!

And because of this feeling of powerlessness, I had to give up. The feeling of having a home and not being able to return is absolutely uncomfortable.

Let the little angel Matthew suffer such a mental blow,

It makes people feel more distressed and hate their enemies deeply.

But what makes people most uncomfortable is that they are still not sure why the enemy destroyed Chaldea.

What is their real purpose? !

Matthew: "Oh...yes, I'm sorry...

Everyone, I'm sorry...!

I...if I...

If you can fight normally as a Servant...! "

"This is not Mashu's fault, and it cannot be attributed to anyone else." Fujimaru Ritsuka shook his head.

Matthew: "Senior......"

At this moment, staff member Munir suddenly shouted to several people to look out the window.

It seems that something extraordinary has been discovered.

Holmes said he had seen it a long time ago and had been watching it since he took the wheel.

"-It's unbelievable,

This sight could be mistaken for a dream. "


People heard oppressive, mysterious, and ominous music.

When he and the others also looked outside.

outside world--

In the night sky, countless meteor-like objects are falling from the sky, emitting shining white light.

The sky is filled with...wonders of the world——!

When thousands of stars fall from outer space!

'What...ah? Those are! ! ’ Everyone.

Chaldean staff member: “That’s a meteorite——!?

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