Why can't they follow the example of alien gods and build this world into a new world that deviates from its original trajectory? !

It makes the hearts of these races surge, shake, and tremble!

The moment that idea was born,

It multiplied out of control!

…but how to do it?

Although I resisted extremely and regarded the epic poem described by a certain bard as false lies,

But it was those false lies that made them panic and look like this...

Even subconsciously looking for solutions.

Soon they thought of...

The struggles and efforts of the gods of Mesopotamia,

The ancient gods created the Locks and Wedges of Heaven,

He wanted to maintain the bridge between gods and humans so that the age of gods could continue and humans could continue to worship the gods, but he was betrayed by both.

On the contrary, it promotes the further separation between man and God.

But this is not completely useless, at least it gives them a lot of inspiration.

Although it is not clear what conditions are needed for the Age of Gods to completely fade away...

But almost all of them revolve around the development of human beings, their gradual prosperity and strength.

Perhaps when humans no longer need gods at all and can support themselves, it will be time for the Age of Gods to come to an end.

That is to say...

Is the fading of mystery directly proportional (correlated) to a certain extent to human development? ! !

coincide? still--

I don’t dare to continue thinking and guessing.

Gods, dragons, giants, elves... and many other races,

Or at this moment,

Or earlier,

I started to realize this one after another.

This also reminded them of a topic that had been debated on the earth a long time ago and was considered taboo by the gods.

‘Did gods create humans first, or did humans create gods first?

Did God come first, or did man come first? ’

Emerging from Anderson's epic poem,

The setting of planetary consciousness Gaia begins.

Gods as tentacles of Gaia,

Since humans were afraid of wind, fire, lightning and other natural phenomena in nature, the original gods of nature emerged.

After that, many nature gods created other races besides humans.

If this setting is accepted,

That is, humans created gods, and gods created other races.

This may be why humans are so blessed.

When human beings are so powerful that they no longer need to rely on the protection of gods,

As the leader who created God, and even in a side sense, human beings who created all life,

Still as the leader, throw away useless things...

And are the mysteries, other races, and lives discarded as useless garbage?

This association makes many races feel creepy, frightened, and uncomfortable!

And it is especially unacceptable to those proud and powerful races...

Such as elves, goblins, dwarves, goblins, and vampires are okay,

But dragons and giants are such powerful races that are born close to gods.

How can we accept the conjecture that human beings are the original source of everything! Isn't that just accepting that they will be thrown into the dust of the era of gods as useless entertainment! !

No~! no way……!

Roar~! ! The roar of dragons, the roar of giants... They have no reason to accept such absurd things.

But even if they didn't admit this suspicion, their subconscious still began to feel the urgency——!

Chapter 95: Alliance of various races, alliance of gods——!

"Human beings may be very important to this planet...

But their development has seriously harmed the planet itself - that is the wrong direction of development! "There is a powerful creature looking into the distance,

He looked at Ceylon, which had entered the industrial revolution at this time, and its surrounding countries.

From this moment on, are there any signs of developing towards that ‘wrong future, godless civilization’?

A sense of urgency arises!

As a vital part of this planet, human beings cannot be destroyed, but we must not sit back and let them continue their 'wrong' development.

When the conjecture that human beings were the center of all things was born,

There are those who choose not to believe,

Of course there are those who choose to believe it.

Think about it...

That may not be just one world exception.

In that different world that has been gamified, the world of Disbod on the chessboard,

The sixteen intelligent races all have their own creators, but only the human race does not have one...

Doesn’t that also mean something?

Without faith and prayer, the divine marrow cannot be activated, and without activation, a god with will cannot be born.

He represents war, the strongest god of war, and represents the god of doubts about intelligence and everything in the world...

The god of games who represents games...

Can it be seen that the birth of these gods is an inevitable product of the development of human civilization?

For this theory,

It is somewhat similar to Godslayer, who often analyzes gods from a human perspective.

The birth and changes of gods are all based on the changes in human territory and civilization.

Just like the explanation of Athena in the original work, she transitioned from a matriarchal society to a patriarchal society, and the former supreme god Metis was belittled.

It was even attached to the legend of the monster Medusa, who became the Trinity God and the daughter of the great god Zeus.

Although using the golden sword of the word spirit, as long as the enemy's true nature is revealed, the godhead can be cut off...

But only the God Slayer would use it like this.

The gods themselves admit that they were born because of humans. Can such a god be considered a true god?

This is humiliation... it is shame,

Because of this - no matter how reasonable the conjecture is,

Only the gods, only the many races created by gods, their people, and believers can never accept such an answer.

Believing in such a doctrine will undoubtedly lead you to become a heretic in an instant.

Then something terrible seems to happen.

Once you lose your spiritual perseverance...

The longing, admiration, and love for the Creator in the past will evolve into another emotion.

They will then lose themselves and may collapse.

And on the other side——

Secretly, some races have begun to unite.

They want to change this situation.

Dragon Valley is organized by seven-color dragon species and led by several dragon gods... (There are very few black dragons among them. It is more appropriate to say that they are six-color dragon species.

ps: The Black Dragon King was conquered by Yan before. )

This is the first time that the dragon species have united. They are no longer acting alone, nor are they engaging in color discrimination like the black dragons in the past...

But out of the dragon's arrogance towards its own power,

They are not uniting other races.

And on the other side,

A new alliance was also formed by the union of giants, dwarves, and goblins.

To a certain extent, these races in the game world next door are said to have distant relatives. (laugh jpg)

I don't know if it's a coincidence or something...

These races eventually united together.

The giant race is powerful,

On the equipment, alchemical products and forged weapons researched by dwarves and goblins,


Naturally, it is impossible for Yan to be unaware of the big moves of many races in the world.

Although I didn’t intentionally explore anything, I can still see it...

As if they had been stimulated by something, these races began to prepare crazy armaments...

Humanoid Gundam——! Hiss~! This is a man's romance!

But when I think about the fact that inside those armors, there are living giants... not control rooms,

Yan's interest suddenly dropped a lot.


The elves, who had just been hit hard by the vampires,

They were originally very proud and exclusive,

Although Accardo, who was supposed to be the king of vampires, did not continue to attack them,

But the elves are still hanging on for a breath...

For this reason, under multiple pressures,

Even for self-protection...

As the situation on the continent gradually became tense, the elves also began to seek alliances.

Learn what the elves did during the battle in Disbod,

Even if they dislike the fact that the forest elves are called astringent elves, it brings a stain on them...

The elves still sincerely united with the fairy species and some powerful fantasy species.

The most powerful other racial forces on the continent are none other than these.

Many of the remaining races were also keenly aware of the sense of crisis and rallied around each other.

Only humans…

Like the giant dragon, it is still a single force.

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