The convergence point (Omega), which has been sounding alarm bells to the gods since distant ancient civilizations, is called the end of the world by the gods, that is, 'eschatology'. "

Only by overcoming the necessary cause that destroys everything,

Only then can the world between humans and gods usher in the future.

The time limit of the final trial refers to the time remaining until the outside world establishes the demise of mankind.

'Then Goetia... will the seven great human evils also be the final test? ’ For a moment, Hermitus felt that his mind was in a mess and he thought of a lot of information.

After all, destroying humanity or something...

The hardships that must be overcome and overcome,

This setting is so similar!

The appearance of the epic, this a warning to them?

When I think of the darkness that will come after the final trial that cannot be overcome,

Hermitus was a little suffocated.

If the candidates for the original canon can be proven, it is needless to say how high they will reach in the end.

What impact that would have, although I can't imagine,

But Hermitus understood that it was definitely not a pleasant thing for the gods.

Let’s not talk about that.

Because of the symbiotic relationship between humans and gods,

The current state of mutual observation,

The destruction of one world will affect the other world.

So humanity’s final trial,

Not only suffering for humans, but also for the gods...

I’m afraid it’s also a huge headache!

Is this the world of big guys?

Hermitos felt like his head was going to explode, let alone the three-headed dragon.

Think of the seven great human evils,

There are other final trials that have been mentioned but not described in detail.


‘Destroy this world. It’s hopeless! Wait to die! ’

This world is really in trouble!

Let the main gods and god kings of the major pantheons consider this kind of headache.

If the sky falls, the taller man will be the first to climb up.

His kind of stinky fish and rotten shrimps can only be left to rot.

Although I was wailing and comforting myself in my heart,

Anyway, compared with the gods of the pantheon, I am almost useless, so worrying about it is in vain.



"…………!" Hermitus.

Why do you want him to hear so much exciting news?

He seriously doubted that he would ever be able to sleep well again in the future.

The body of this walking incarnation is still human!

He could no longer hold back after being so mentally tortured.

Should I share it with the ‘body’ so that he can feel relaxed and relaxed too? !

With so much amazing news,

The desire to share is also unimaginable!

Even though I know it’s useless to share it,

Maybe it will cause even greater panic.


Hermitus: ‘Wait, I can’t make a proper judgment on such important news.

Sure enough, it is still time to let the main body provide advice. ’

If you don’t persecute others, just tell yourself that it’s not persecution anymore!

Laughing to death! ~!

If the God of Alchemy far away in heaven knew the thoughts of the clone,

Maybe you can’t help but just blow ‘yourself’ to pieces.

"Since it's a trial, you must have passed it safely in the end, right?" Hermitos couldn't help but say more in the end.

Reason told him not to ask anymore.

The more you know, the more you worry,

Wouldn't it be nice to be a god who knows nothing when you have time and live your own little life peacefully and comfortably?

After saying this more, Hermitus regretted it.

Even when my future self thinks back to today,

I wish I could give myself two loud mouths.

"What do you think?" Yan.

Hermitus:? ? ? ? ?

Looking at the smiling white hair in front of me,

I don't know why, but he wanted to hit someone.

Even if I feel like I can't beat him...

"Humanity will always be destroyed by human hands." Yan Youyou said another sentence that made Hermitos frightened for no reason.

A sudden sense of warning came to Hermitus,


He felt it,

What the other party said was not a conjecture, as if it was a certain future that was bound to be destroyed.

What is that?

Or is it that human beings failed to overcome the trial in the end and destroyed themselves?

But if it is destroyed because it has not overcome the trial,

And why do we say that the destruction was ushered in by human hands?

All the uneasiness gathers together,

Becoming more uneasy…

However, Yan had no intention of continuing to explain.

He could see the dark emotions churning in Hermitos's heart.

Sure enough, this guy and a certain old thief An Tusheng are basically the same person.

This is the perfect break!

Fuck (a plant)...! ! ! ! ! ! !

Chapter 110 The pure white wind is bound to come! How about running away in advance?!


What have humans done to seek death again? !

Hermitus' heart tightened;

There is no race in this world that he looks forward to more than humans.

Full of infinite possibilities,

Just think, one day, it seems that you can do anything.

But precisely because I can do anything...

So there are so many unrealistic dreams,

Ideal writing saves the world, but in reality it indirectly contributes to the destruction of mankind.

A certain friend of justice, Emiya Kiritsugu, and a certain Chaldean first director who wanted to protect humanity but created a singularity world line.

If I hadn’t chosen so-and-so at the beginning...

There is no path to follow——!

Maybe nothing will happen?

But no one can deny that the original intentions of those ideals are indeed great and dazzling.

But light that is too hot can also harm the world and human beings themselves.

If you don’t commit suicide, you won’t die.

Flame: "...even if science and technology are too advanced, it may lead to the destruction of mankind. It is never external factors that can lead to the destruction of mankind.

On the contrary, most of them are themselves.

For example, the realization of perpetual motion mechanism,

In a certain world, the research on perpetual motion machines led to the malicious materialization of human beings.

Originally a machine created by humans,

Instead, the human elimination plan began to be implemented because of human beings' own negative emotions.

The savior of that world wasted a lot of effort...

It's really embarrassing for him.

In addition, such as the destruction caused by the rampage of powerful people,

Hydrogen bomb - you should still have an impression! "

Homura's words brought back Hermitos' memories.

That is in the game of life,

In the library plot, Blank came up with the words when he was fighting Jibril.

It also allowed him to truly see,

Without mystery, human beings have still developed such horrific killing weapons, with ultimate malice that can easily destroy the world.

Cold sweat broke out on his back——

In an instant, I understood what Yan meant.

Are humans going on a malicious rampage?

When such cruel and violent weapons are in the hands of a few people,

Once those in power fall into madness,

It is quite enough to pull the trigger of eschatology.

Homura: “It is different from eschatology based on external factors such as natural disasters or meteorite impacts.

This kind of eschatology can ultimately be avoided by relying on the power of gods or star spirits.

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