I actually bumped into the 'jade body' of this pharaoh.

His body was dirty and smelly. He hadn't had a bath in a long time.

The clothes are also in tatters,

It is not clear whether the pharaoh's body was stained.

No, it must have been stained.

Such luxurious clothes,

The perfect body of Pharaoh,

Just a little bit of the breath of a humble exile like him would be a kind of pollution.

Alpolis, who didn't know the king's character, turned pale, fearing that he would be judged by the other party.

"Yes, I'm sorry... I was too absorbed in thinking about the problem just now and didn't look at the road.

Are you...? "

"Nyarlathotep..." The person suspected of being a pharaoh slowly called himself.

Translated to Nyarrathotep - this is a unique name based on the Egyptian style.

It has the meaning of ‘the one who satisfies Nyarlathotep’.

And those words that are difficult to pronounce,

Alpolis can't quite be spelled out.

The name itself seems to have endless magic power,

Like a whirlpool, it leads people to sink.

Ignoring Alpolis who fell to the ground, Nyarrathotep walked past him and continued to move forward.

Until his back completely disappeared from Alpolis’s eyes,

The young man breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly realized that he didn't even dare to say a word just now.

When the other party left completely, it seemed like he came back to life again.

How could such a noble being appear in such a place?

A look of confusion flashed across his face.

Alpolis was confused, surprised, and relieved to be spared.

As a temporary base for refugees,

This is not a rich, prosperous city, nor does it have any glamorous palaces.

As for the person just now, as long as you take a look at it, you will involuntarily feel,

The other party should be sitting on the throne of the magnificent palace.

Rather than appearing in a gathering place for humble refugees like them, but... why——

I hesitate to speak!

Soon, Alpolis forgot about this incident.

Perhaps the encounter with that noble man was just a coincidence.

If nothing else happens, he will never have the luck to be so close to such a big shot.

on the other side,

Nyarlathotep, this other vest of Flame walks in the refugee concentration camp, and the crows and goshawks in the sky become his eyes and ears.

Let this land be invisible to him.

He was observing all kinds of people,

Even if they are refugees, they can still analyze the other person's previous occupation and general identity from their temperament and behavior.

The temperament of a well-educated person cannot be hidden;

And when the disaster struck, the calmness and lawfulness they showed were all seen by Nyarlathotep.

It was many of them who came forward to organize the refugees to act together, and they fled together to the present.

So as not to lose the goal,

Confused and confused in the war-torn land,

This is a very lucky thing.

If there is no one to guide you,

In such a chaotic state, he might die at any time.

Just like in the game No Life Zero, anyone with a discerning eye can see the huge difference between the human species led by Riku and the human species without Riku's leadership.

And excellent qualities——

It can be cultivated.

This is what Yan has been doing,

He wishes to see the human species flourish,

And promote the progress of human civilization...

Rather than simply bringing about various technological innovations,

What he hopes for more is actually the cultivation of talents.

Let talented people grow and become independent...

In other words, let them learn to be independent and broaden their horizons.

...It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish.

According to the ideal social concept, whether it is the son of a poor farmer or an ordinary craftsman,

Or a wealthy and powerful young master?

Everyone should go to school and develop excellent qualities.

Unfortunately, so far it can only be carried out in the main cities of a few countries such as Ceylon.

That's right, Homura has already started an educational career...

Just like the magic academy in the royal capital,

This familiar pattern

But it teaches so much more.

It’s not just about magic and combat that are related to strength,

There are also various knowledge related to agriculture, industry, animal husbandry, and other aspects of life.

Even language, mathematics, astronomy, geography——

But the reality is very skinny. Unless children at the bottom of society show extraordinary intellectual potential,

Otherwise, there is little chance of being sent to the main city to receive higher education.

Except for Ceylon, which Yan can completely control,

Other countries, even if they have good diplomatic relations with Ceylon,

But after all, it is not controlled by Homura...

Such irrationality cannot be changed in an instant.

However, after seeing these refugees, his incarnation and vest, Nyarrathotep, finally saw a good opportunity.

Although war brings chaos,

But it also breaks the chains of decay, making everything easier to redefine!

Oh oh oh, his eager heart to guide the people forward as a pharaoh began to beat violently.


A blue flame flashed in the king's eyes, that was the fire of thought (fun)!

Chapter 113 If you can’t raise a second generation, then just raise a first generation!

This world is very cruel,

But that cruelty is something that people are accustomed to, and it is as normal as eating and drinking.

No one noticed anything unusual or unfair,

Just like how everything should be, how it should be...there is nothing better than the word "natural".

It’s not just children at the bottom of society who find it difficult to find a way out.

Girls have even less opportunity to receive education.

It's okay to be a girl from a noble family or a wealthy family.

Girls from ordinary families can only learn how to make a living from their mothers.

If this continues, the descendants of dancers will only remain dancers.

The descendants of village girls are still village girls...

And this distortion is generally related to parents.

As the first teachers after the birth of every child - the influence of parents' teachings is crucial and extremely profound.

Homura: ‘Although I can’t change their parents’ minds,

But it can train them into qualified parents. ’

It is very difficult to change a person's deep-rooted thoughts.

But nurturing children from an early age,

Teach them knowledge and principles,

Let them influence the next generation. One day,

Personal independence and spiritual freedom will take root and sprout, freeing civilization from ignorance and leaving everyone without the opportunity to choose their own birth.

But he has a chance to change his future destiny.

And just when Flame's vest, Nyarrathotep, was thinking about how to guide these refugees and re-establish new rules and order.

On the other side, Alpolis went to meet his two younger brothers and sisters.

Because I have to leave with the large army,

He could no longer deceive his brothers and sisters and could only tell everything truthfully.

As a result, they found out that the elder brother had sold himself in exchange for the piece of dough. The younger brothers and sisters all started crying, terrified and afraid that their elder brother would not want them anymore.

In the end, the two of them expressed that they would also follow their brother.

Also want to join the Dao mining brigade.

"No, no way!! You are too young,

I can't do such heavy physical work, no way! ” Alpolis refused without thinking.

He feared that Marchius was deceiving them;

After all, there is nothing easy about mining work.

At least you can't let your younger siblings do such dangerous things.


When two watery eyes looked at him pitifully, like those of abandoned puppies.

Alpolis fell into a daze,

He was worried——

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