From this point of view, he is indeed very close to Nyarlathotep.

And the completion of many souls,

It also allowed him to see another possibility.

In the final trial of mankind——

Take the three-headed dragon Azi Dakarha as an example.

As the final test of mankind, Az Dakaha can only be defeated by humans.

Therefore, after becoming a god and even losing his human identity and bloodline,

No one will be able to slay the dragon of absolute evil.

The gods of the Little Garden world are killed according to the methods sung in myths.

And corresponding weaknesses appear.

But it was also the gods who defeated the dragon in mythology!

Bahram, the ancient Persian god of war...!

Bahram is Aziz Dakhar’s nemesis,

But as a god, Bahram cannot kill humans in the final trial...

Eventually, a closed circle of contradictions will be formed.

This makes the dragon, as a concept of absolute evil,

Become without any flaws...

And no corresponding myth can be found,

Due to the special nature of the small garden,

It would be difficult to actually kill an evil god.


‘If there is no weakness, create weakness…If there is no myth, we weave myth…

This is the strength of human beings. 'flame.

If you weave one in this world,

The legend of three evil dragons defeated by many human heroes,

So what happens after arriving at Hakoba and being observed?

Flame has previously told the God of Alchemy a further detailed description of the concepts of Candidates of the Original Code and the Final Trial of Humanity.

Based on the other person’s character,

He must be eager to stop the gods now.

But there is no sign of anything happening,

The gods who were fighting fiercely now would not put down their fists and have a good chat with him.

The greater possibility is that it will be in vain.

In this case,

Then build a perfect platform and come out.

Let fear and despair spread,

Feeding on war and killing,

With this, alien visitors are attracted one after another (Ke type, star warriors),

Even the resurrection of the incarnation of humanity’s final trial…

The world is a huge stage.

And this grand drama requires many actors.

Yan thought thoughtfully: 'emmmmmmm... Isn't it a little too much?

If I accidentally frighten all the gods,

There won’t be so many people with free tools in the future. ’

If you want to be strong enough to influence the world during the historical transformation period,

Let Hakoba observe and give enough spiritual energy to replenish the level.

A stage where real gods participate,

and a stage without the participation of gods,

The difference is huge...

No matter which world it is, the story that happened in the Age of Gods is a very important part.

Chapter 134 Crisis from the Moon?!


Hermitus has been very busy lately.

He tried his best to inform the gods of the importance of human beings!

and what is bound to come,

That was enough to lead to the final trial of Ragnarok.

But his words were laughed at by the gods,

What does humanity’s final trial have to do with us gods? !

Even if all the humble and insignificant lives of human beings are extinguished,

How can it affect their gods?

At most, it's just a slight decrease in faith...

At that time, it might be more difficult to improve your strength.

But they can also look for other racial beliefs,

Even giving up strength and living alone...

Anyway, if the Age of Gods all fades away in the future,

Then who else can wisely protect themselves in this general trend and wave? !

As for the original theory mentioned by Hermitus,

The saying that humans and gods observe each other——

The gods looked scornful on the surface, but they were also doubtful in their hearts.

That would make it even more important to prevent the decline of the Age of Gods...

As long as the age of gods does not perish——

Then the so-called final trial of mankind will never be born.

Hermitus' words only strengthened the gods' desire to maintain the Age of Gods.

Nip the danger completely in the cradle,

Rather than waiting for danger to arise before solving it,

Much simpler? !

To go head-to-head with that final human trial? !


Not to mention anything else, even the three-headed dragon Azdakaha mentioned by Hermitus——

Don’t think that if you change the name a little, the gods will forget who it is!

In ancient Persian mythology, the explosively powerful evil god, Azdahaka,

Except for the creation god, the good god Ahura, and the evil god Angra Mainyu.

One level further down is this evil god...

Based on the strength of the gods in ancient mythological regions shown in those epics,

Even the most inferior gods are more powerful than the gods of this era.

That kind of T1 level god,

Can't they be destroyed with just one hand? !

Think of the brief descriptions and fleeting words in Persian mythology - who are the gods who are hostile to Azdahaka? !

Bahram, the god of war,

Also known as Velesh Rana! When he was a wandering god (without joining any pantheon), he fought against millions of gods and was very energetic.

Let’s do a little conversion and bring it in——

If those millions of gods were formed by their gods,

No, they were not even as good as the gods of that era.

And their number cannot reach millions.

Gods:………………! !

Although it is embarrassing, embarrassing, and I want to curse,

But they would never rush into a fight with a dragon that had fought such a strong man (god).

Not to mention a fight with a dragon that had obtained the status of the final trial of mankind!

And the decision of the gods,

was also completely within Yan's expectations.

Even the gods of the box garden world were planning to abandon the old box garden and build a new one.

Having lost confidence in humans, they did not think that humans could really overcome the final trial.

In this case,

how could the gods of this world be willing to risk their lives with humans?

But as long as the Age of Gods is maintained and does not change...

Always control the evolution and growth rate of humans, and after a critical point, it will no longer change.

Then theoretically, the arrival date of the final trial of humans can be extended to "infinity", right? !

The gods thought very simply...——

And their ideas and concepts are, to a certain extent, very similar to the management model of the world ruled by the law of nature in the original god.

Whenever a civilization reaches a certain level and becomes threatening, it is destroyed...

The indifferent and detached attitude of "I destroy you, what does it have to do with you...\

,"As the original god world with the same worldview as Sanbengzi,

Perhaps in order to avoid the advent of the will of collapse,

Give the civilization the final test that is almost impossible to pass...Manually suppress the civilization.

And what the gods are doing is

Not exactly the same as that...

It's just that there is one more step in this process,

Collecting powerful human heroes, building the Hall of Heroes,

Preventing the twilight of the gods...!

The gods are unmoved, and even intensify, fearing that if they are a step slower, the heroes will be snatched away by other gods.

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