And the moment he arrived, everything was no longer in doubt!

Bibias thought so confidently.

After destroying the white giant who felt something was wrong and the other Gigantamax monsters, he would also destroy the enemy's army.

Having lost this large number of human believers - presumably... God Mian will no longer be his opponent!

Bibias will take advantage of this rare opportunity to get his real body in the lower realm to solve all problems once and for all.

And just when Bibias responded to his followers with a majestic voice, he was just about to say a few words to enhance his performance.


The white giant slapped the tiny 'god' in front of him and shouted at him!

[An advanced civilization creature was discovered - in the information database number query, it was determined to be a 'god', and the elimination plan was started. 】The white giant codenamed Sefalu locked his eyes on the figure that just appeared.

The god Bibias subconsciously wanted to fight back, but when he used his divine power, he suddenly felt that the divine power suddenly disappeared in the area before the opponent's attack, as if he had entered another world.

The Forbidden God Realm, which is similar to the Forbidden Demon Realm, is a killer weapon carefully prepared by Yan for the gods.

So the next moment, bang~! !

Sefalu slapped it into the ground.

When she raised her hand, an extremely embarrassed figure rose into the sky.

So brave! ! Bibias, who felt severe pain all over his body, was furious!

I don’t know where this strange giant came from, but he actually has such methods.

This was something he never expected.

But before he could speak, Bibias suddenly widened his eyes and saw another slap coming. This time, Sefalu's big hand directly grabbed Bibias, as if he was going to crush him to death. Afterburner.

"Stop...stop!!" The anger on Bibias's face disappeared, and he suddenly showed a look of panic and screamed.

In a space where divine power is prohibited, as a god, He is only more powerful in life at best.

All divine spells require divine power to perform. Without divine power, He is just a punchable punching bag.

Ahhhhhh! ! ! A majestic voice suddenly screamed.

Crunch, crunch~! ! The white giant's hands continued to exert force, as if they were holding a space that could collapse at any time, and the entire atmosphere began to distort.

At this moment, the entire army in the war held their breath, and were completely stunned by the scene in front of them.

They stared at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

The destroyer who easily stole everyone's attention, the white giant god who made the people on the earth unable to resist...

The human world can only be crushed and destroyed at will in front of it.

I originally thought that after the gods were summoned, things would finally become different.

But the giant hand that seemed to tear apart the gods finally made them all tremble.

Now even the world of God seems to be easily shattered in front of him.

This can never be true!

How could something so outrageous happen?

Everyone seemed to be deaf - they felt like they were hearing and seeing hallucinations.

Who is that figure being held high in the sky?

Ah - it is the supreme God they believe in!

Who is that howling in the twisted and twisted space?

Ah - it is the supreme God they believe in!

The scene in front of him is enough to make any believer of God be mentally shocked and even start to lose faith.

How could a powerful god be so embarrassed? !

The next moment,

Peng~! ! As the white giant increased its power again, it finally reached a critical point.

A burst of sparks and liquid with dazzling divine power suddenly shot out of the air, boom~! ! !

A huge explosion occurred at its center,

When the smoke cleared, people saw the white giant's red arms.

And at this time——

The brilliance of the white giant Cefalu also completely dissipated.

Her breath suddenly increased, and then she revealed a huge figure that looked like Attila.


The battlefield suddenly became quiet, amidst the sporadic sounds of crackling and scorching heat,

Countless people looked blankly at the palm of the white giant's hand, which was now empty. What exactly it represented seemed to have confirmed the fear in their hearts.

"God...the spirit was... -!"

Chapter 142: Watch it again, this time it’s straight away, the chicken tastes crispy and crispy!

...Squeezing a god to death is as easy as squeezing a chicken to death.

How grand the scene will be when the true God comes!

The scene at this time made everyone present feel suffocated and frightened.

It was a feeling like falling into an ice cellar all over, and dense ants suddenly crawled up from the spine.

…………No, impossible! !

Suddenly, the monsters made strange noises, as if celebrating the white giant's killing of the gods.

And those countless cries overlapped, as if forming an ancient song.

(Imagine the sense of oppression brought by various boss battle BGMs in Soul III.)

The white giant stands on the earth,

She still didn't make any sound, but with great indifference, using movements that were like the most primitive instinct,

Carrying out brutal killings, the civilization-destroying machine is in action!

And at this moment...

On the other side, the sky had seen the arrival of the true form of Bibias, and he was also anxious to ask his followers to call out his other god - Mian, the god behind the scenes of the other side of this war, had been seen by him. I was so frightened by the scene I arrived.

That guy Bibias——was... killed in two rounds?

A kind of panic surged into the heart of Mian Shen,

What kind of monster is that? !

Even Bibias, who had the same strength as him, would be killed so easily if he came now.

Shivering hard, Mian Shen immediately gave up this crazy idea.

Looking for death! ! !

——Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely cannot happen at this time again!

The scene of God Bibias being kneaded into tomato paste is still vivid in his mind. God Mian looked pale and took a few steps back.

He didn't even care about the believers who were still fighting for him on the battlefield.

Even if all the believers were killed and lost their strength, he wouldn't care anymore!

Is strength more important, or life? !

As long as you are not stupid, you can figure it out.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

"Weird, monster!!"

"Here they come, they come again!" Without the protection of Nyarlathotep, only the shadow followers were left to protect the refugees.

The Hounds of Tindalos went and came back.

After wiping out the returning refugees, Marchius ordered them to raid the knights stationed in the nearest city.

The troops quickly exploded like a snowball, and soon a larger and more decent army was created.

He divided a part of the Tindalos hounds and tried again in the direction Alpolis and others left.

After discovering that this time my hound was not suddenly killed and disconnected.

The excited Marchius began his revenge!

Although he was able to use the Noble Phantasm for a short period of time, the shadow servant Caster temporarily protected the refugees and fought off the hounds several times.

However, the spirits of the refugees were constantly threatened, and the thrilling escape along the way made them physically and mentally exhausted.


Before reaching the sea, there was no way ahead.

"Dead, dead end!"

"The front is blocked by the ocean..."

"How is that possible? Are the so-called Pure Lands all lies to us?"

There are those who are desperate, and there are those who can no longer stand the rage.

Countless people feel like they have been deceived...

After struggling to get here, only to find out that it was a scam - such a result is simply suffocating.

At this moment, the hounds of Tindalos attacked again, and the familiar panting sounds of those hounds were heard.

Everyone felt like they were falling into an abyss.

Maybe just give up and end it like this...

Even if you don't die in the continuous pursuit of monsters and continue to live in exile in this world full of lies and deception, isn't it more painful to live than to die?

Even Alpolis couldn't believe it...


How could he end up on a dead end?

Had Nyarlathotep deceived him? Could that great and noble man, the Black Pharaoh, who was suspected of being deeply favored by God, also lie to others?

Homura, who had been paying attention to the developments of all parties, saw that it was time for him to appear.

Isn’t it normal to be deceived by evil gods?

Thank you that it's just his vest number, not the real evil god.

Yan's lips curled up slightly,

Bringing the refugees here, although Yan can't take them to the real mythical Canaan, there is still no problem in holding a Canaan in his hand.

As long as he says this is the Pure Land, it is the Pure Land...

Who can argue with someone who has never seen the true appearance of the Pure Land?

"Hey, it seems it's time for your charming and handsome brother Merlin to appear." A shower of flower petals suddenly fell from the sky, and the original flame of the flower magician descended.

The familiar, loose and magnetic voice attracts people's attention.

When I see this sage coming——

After a brief surprise,

People couldn't help but have the hope of life again in their eyes, and they all looked at the flower magician expectantly.


Alpolis also cast his gaze, but found that Merlin's gaze finally fell on him.

"Master of Caster~! The Pure Land is right in front of you! You need to open up the road yourself! You should already understand what to do."

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