Pleasure~! ! )

But for the gods who don't know the truth at this moment, the joys and sorrows between humans and gods are not the same.

The gods in the sky regard the white giant as a flood and a ferocious beast, but the people on the earth, except for the religious armies who were killed on the battlefield, are happy and happy.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion…

The white giant doesn't seem to have much interest in ordinary people.

The only place she appeared was on those battlefields...

Or... after all battlefields are destroyed, the giant will turn his attention to other existences?

Is it slow death or a savior!

No matter what, the giant figure in the blazing white light seemed to be the embodiment of the anti-war concept.

This is the manifestation of using evil to defeat evil...

Some people began to call it the White Titan, because the only ones it destroyed were those religious armies that wantonly provoked wars.

Those demons that caused countless ordinary people to lose their homes and become homeless...

Destroyed by a more powerful demon with a destructive and cruel tendency.


Is that really a demon?

Where is the devil who destroys the devil? He is clearly the real God!

It is the embodiment of the ideal living in people's hearts!

In the world of Mars, the sacred songs of monsters are no longer so scary in people's ears.

The excitement of revenge outweighed the fear of Sefalu.

A dramatic scene occurred...

Countless refugees with nowhere to go, some began to look for the legendary pure land of Canaan, the place where Moses parted the sea in the magic crystal video.

Other refugees began to follow behind the red ruins, following in the footsteps of the white giant.

Some people actually regard the destroyers of civilization as guardians.

And regarded the gods as enemies.

This is something that even the gods have not thought of.

How disappointed human beings are with the gods, and how they have lost trust, leading to this situation.

Back in heaven, 'Merlin' told the gods another unfortunate news.

Their enemies are far more than just Sefalu;

Even the real final trial is coming.

"I will summon the heroic spirits to fight with you... Defeating Cefalu is only the first step.

This is the test of civilization, a test shared by man and God.

After that, let’s wait for the final trial to pass through this crisis safely.

If you can't defeat Yusei's vanguard, everything will be in vain. "Yan said.

The gods felt uneasy in their hearts...

As for the deeper crisis mentioned by the Flower Magician, the more they don't tell them, the more they like to think about it.

There are gods with bad tempers who even want to use force to force and question the other party...

However, after weighing and weighing the strength gap between the two sides, they did not dare to take action.

As for emotions and reasons...the Flower Magician is here to help them, and the gods should also show their demeanor.

Although - it is more likely that the other party wants to help humans.

Leaving aside what the unknown final trial is—

Indeed, overcoming the current crisis is more important.

"Great! If those powerful heroic spirits help, Yuxing Pioneer will definitely be defeated successfully!" The powerful gods, who had seen and understood the heroic spirits several times, breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

Somewhat embarrassing...

Some weak plant and animal gods were almost moved to tears.

Not all gods can withstand and fight!

In comparison, many gods play a supporting, nanny-like role.

The desire to rely on powerful heroes for protection is no less common than the people on earth.

"But..." Yan suddenly said after changing his words.

"Wandering star soldiers, destroyers of civilization... This is a difficult situation that requires all life to unite and overcome together.

However, some people have begun to worship Sefalu as a giant god..." Yan's words ended here.

But the gods have already understood the seriousness of the matter...

Did their gods lose the trust of humans because of what happened before?

Is this the case that the war has not even started yet, but the internal situation is already polarized? !

If the strongest among humans could therefore stand on the other side's side...


Thinking about such a bad future makes many gods feel their vision darken, and they all fall into confusion.

Even though they know it is the destroyer of civilization...

But humans don’t know that.

Even if you tell the truth, people may not believe it!

But - the only beings Sefalu has killed so far are the church forces and armies under their various gods?

A strong urge to vomit blood surged into the hearts of the gods.

...! ! ! ! ! Dark emotions boiled and rippled on the godhead.

They felt a strong sense of malice, as if they were being targeted by the Youxing vanguard!

What about the promised destruction of all civilization?

Shouldn’t everyone be treated equally?

Chapter 149: Gogo Sosou formed an army, but there are not as many gods as there are?!

Just when the gods are having a headache on how to win the trust of humans...

On the other side——

"The beast of disaster that wreaks havoc on the earth! White giant Sefalu...your journey ends here!" An indifferent voice fell from the sky.

In a world filled with red flames and sparks, a golden thunder suddenly struck vertically towards the white giant that was constantly destroying everything around it.

Sefalu opened her mouth slightly but made no sound. She raised her head, and the golden thunder penetrated directly into her forehead like the dawn that cut through the night.

Pfft~! !

Boom~! ! A blue flame burst out from the center of his eyebrows, making a rumbling sound like a train whistle.

A long spear appeared in the center of the golden thunder. It was a blow that could break mountains and cut off rivers. However, the tip of the spear only penetrated a little and could no longer penetrate deeper.

"Can't even this divine spear penetrate your head? You are indeed a giant that has given the great gods a headache..." the voice murmured again.

When he saw Cefalu waving his huge arm to slap his head, he pulled out his spear and jumped to the side.

Boom~! !

He looked at the white giant who cracked his head with a slap, but quickly repaired himself.

The heroic spirit Karna, who was the first to arrive on the battlefield, took a deep breath...

The shot he just fired didn't even cause as much damage as the opponent's own attack on him.

What a monster!

Even though Indra's Spear did not unlock the true divine power, its sharpness was one of the most powerful among divine weapons. Unexpectedly, it was as sharp as scraping.

How to defeat such a monster? !

The order given by the 'main body' (Flame) was to snipe the white giant Cefalu with other Servants, but it was only a brief confrontation...

He has understood that except for the liberation of the Noble Phantasm, the remaining attacks are basically useless.

Not even a heroic spirit can hope to break the body of the strongest species.

The strongest species here refer to the monsters in the major gods that have fought against powerful gods.

And the white giant that can wreak havoc on the Age of Gods will naturally only become stronger!

Even if it is an incarnation, it is an incarnation with personality...

For such an enemy that was impossible to attack, Karna couldn't help but wonder if the main body had other plans.

Really rely on them, basically...

At this moment...

As if receiving some order,

In the sky, some flying Dynamax monsters suddenly attacked Karna in the sky.

As early as when the fighting here started again, the gods in the sky began to pay attention...

Seeing Karna not evading at all.

"Be careful!!" A god couldn't help blurting out, and his heart became excited.

Why didn't he hide? ! !

The next moment, on the distant horizon of the mountains, a beam of starlight shone from the top of the mountain, and then...

Whoosh~! !

A sword arrow came through the air and directly hit the monsters attacking Karna, boom~! !

A mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

Only then did the gods discover the figures of bright red archers on the mountains...

"Emiya?! No, there's more..."

Divine thoughts spread, and the gods quickly discovered a familiar figure.

The great hero Arash, who once appeared briefly and disappeared quickly like a meteor, appeared again.

On the earth, the Knights of the Round Table are breaking into the enemy and fighting against the giant monsters.

The red dragon from the east...the emperor also arrived on the battlefield and was commanding an army of countless heroic soldiers wearing oriental costumes and armor to attack.

It seems to be one of that person's treasures...

At this time, in the heaven, Merlin (Yan) said: "Let the Archers conduct remote harassment and support, and leave the earth to the Knights of the Round Table...

They have fought many giants and trolls with the king in the past, and they can deal with these extremely giant enemies more easily than other heroic spirits. Coupled with the emperor's army, they should be able to sustain it for a long time...

The ones in the air... were left to Karna, the son of Sun God Surya, and the emperor to deal with them together.

After all, there are meteorites falling from the sky, this kind of completely unreasonable treasure!

But the power of the Heroic Spirits alone will never be able to defeat Sefalu... You must make preparations in advance. "

The gods were also stunned...

Although the heroes familiar to the gods, not all the heroic spirits that have descended on the earth have arrived.

But... they had never imagined that so many heroic spirits could be persuaded by the Flower Magician to come to this battle.

If you take a closer look, you will see that these heroic spirits are all kind-hearted and lawful beings. No wonder they are willing to help them.

This undoubtedly gave the gods a shot in the arm!

"Okay! Contact the heroes and magicians from all over the world to join the war! We, the gods, have formed a coalition and will join the battlefield soon!"

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