This amazing might, a blow that even the gods felt threatened by, made them panic and look forward to it.

‘Never provoke this son of the sun god in the future... Even if he is just a heroic spirit, his strength is not inferior to the top gods! ’

Facing this unmatched blow!


Such illusions flashed through the minds of the gods one after another.

If they could defeat Sefalu like this, they would not have to fight desperately next time!

When countless eyes were fixed on the triple brilliance - the place where the treasures bombarded each other.

Sefalu's bulky body seemed to have no resistance at all, and he took the blow head-on.

This scene made everyone on the battlefield look delighted.

“Hahaha, the arrogant white giant... just drink like this…” Before a god finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed, and the smile froze on his face.

In the sound of silence in all things, after everything calmed down...

The ground fire that was more terrible than a volcanic eruption burst out from the cracked land.

The aftermath of the bombardment of the treasure alone caused a terrifying geological disaster, but when the smoke and dust gradually thinned... a huge shadow could be vaguely seen in it.

"No, it's impossible, that guy... took such an attack head-on, and he's not dead yet?... Gudong...!"

The oppressive atmosphere spread on the battlefield...

The standing shadow was like the haze in the hearts of the gods.

When the smoke and dust completely dissipated, everyone finally saw the true appearance inside.

Sefalu stood on the ground with her body slightly bent, her hair was messy, and there were more traces of ceramic cracks on her body, but her eyes still exuded a faint glow, and suddenly turned.

The gods were so scared that they showed a dull expression...

No, not dead! !

She's not dead! She's alive! Her eyes are still moving! What kind of monster is this!

But if you think about it carefully, the gods should understand it...

Even the gods of the Age of Gods, who were the real masters of Indra at that time, could not defeat the white giant.

How could the attack of the Noble Phantasm performed by the heroic spirits now kill Sefalu?

If Sefalu is allowed to destroy some things, or even truly destroy a civilization, and further grow, such a Noble Phantasm attack will be even less effective.

But the next moment, snap~!

Some small fragments fell off the surface, and then the whole body was affected, and parts of the body continued to break apart.

Sefalu fell to his knees with a bang, and his body began to collapse.

The earth shook, and this sudden scene stunned the gods who failed to react in the first time.

After a long time, the gods were frightened and then ecstatic! !

"Didn't the attack just now cause no damage?

Great, if we can attack a little more, maybe we can kill this guy once and for all!" A god speculated and said.

At the same time, Sefalu's body on the battlefield began to heal automatically again.

Seeing this scene,

"Do it!! Don't let her recover!" The gods roared, and began to use their powers with all their strength.

For a moment, it seemed as if the end of the world had come.

All kinds of natural disaster-like attacks, conceptual world rules turned into a torrent of destruction and swept towards Sefalu.

That was enough to easily engulf any god and crush them in an instant!

In the distance, Liu Xiu, who was commanding the rear of the army, gently lifted his hair behind his ears, frowned slightly when he saw the attacks of the gods, and noticed that many of his soldiers were also engulfed in the impact.

Although as long as he was still there and his magic power was enough, the army could continue to revive.

But the gods' behavior of not caring about attacking their teammates in order to defeat the strong enemy made her feel a little angry, disgusted and contemptuous.

Even if they can be resurrected, the pain of the soldiers' death will not disappear.

They didn't hesitate at all and wielded their power wantonly.

Let alone - the Knights of the Round Table were fighting inside the enemy army.

Were the gods not afraid of attacking the Knights of the Round Table? Or did they not care at all?

In the final analysis, this disaster was a response to the gods' excessive interference in human history.

It is not too much to regard it as the twilight of the gods, and the suffering of the gods...

Before the white giants began to shift their targets to ordinary people and cities, the heroes could have stood by and let the gods worry and live in fear.

And they could wait until the last moment to take action...

Unexpectedly, helping the gods would be affected by this group of ungrateful wolves in turn.

... The gods in this world are very similar to the gods in the west of her original world, and they are equally thick-skinned.

They are also the kind of people who like to completely control humans, and from time to time they create a lot of disasters on the earth. They are willful and even fight for faith.

Can't we learn from them in the East?

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Huang-Lao technique was still the main method, Taoism was worshipped, and Buddhism had just been introduced to China.

At this time, the myths here, the Eastern immortals aimed to seek the will of heaven and understand themselves, or they were pure and inaction, or acted according to cause and effect, and rarely acted recklessly.

But there are also many humble immortals who are believed and respected by humans.

On the contrary, it is the Western gods who strive to conquer everything, actively seek faith, make humans bow down and offer everything, and proudly believe that this is a blessing to humans.

This inexplicable and annoying guy...

It’s no wonder that humans in that world like to blame illusory gods whenever something bad happens.

Not to mention respect and love for gods, there are always some (thorn-headed) humans in Western mythology who want to press gods to the ground and rub them in various senses.

Chapter 152: Mother Earth——I want to spit out fragrance! Gaia! ! !

God's reputation is not even as bad as that of some mountain spirits and wild monsters and evil spirits in the East.

The private lives of some gods in mythology are even more chaotic.

It's like a collection of the filthiest aspects of human desire.

It’s no wonder that there are always one or two stories popping up in myths from time to time, for this kind of god who can’t be respected at all, in which people are even above gods, greater than gods, or even replace them...

People always have a sense of shame and awe towards sublime things.

Have darker, violent, and despicable thoughts about the dark side of your heart.

At this moment, the gods showed their selfish and shameless side to the extreme.

I really want their believers to take a good look at the true face of their beloved and merciful God!


Although the gods were very shameless, in order to completely resolve this crisis, they allowed themselves to feel at ease and launch an attack with all their strength.

But the gods, who were afraid of accidentally destroying the planet under their feet, subconsciously restrained some of their power and limited its coverage to the red world.

Although the quantity has been reduced, it is already the highest output in quality.

They fully thought that such a last hit would be enough to defeat the white giant.

But...the combined attacks of all their gods seemed to be less effective than the previous attacks of Karna alone.

Despite the huge momentum, the white giant was beaten more to pieces at first, but soon it seemed to have gained resistance and recovered quickly...

Those attacks no longer had any effect on her. Instead, they were actively swallowed by her skin like tonics, accelerating her body's recovery.

"How, how is it possible!!" Gods.

"Sure enough..." Karna.

He knew that Sefalu would not be solved that easily, and the effect of the next attack to release the Noble Phantasm would probably be even worse.

"Is she starting to develop resistance? She is evolving on her own." Merlin (Yan), who had arrived on the battlefield for a while, murmured.

The face of the God of Alchemy on the side also became very solemn... feeling full of pressure.

"What do you mean?" Hermitus.

"It means that the same attack will not be effective against the white giant a second time." Flame said loudly, as if to inform the people in the battle of this important news.

"What?!!!" This is really not good news for the gods, and even the heroic spirits who have long been mentally prepared for a tough battle look a little bad.

Is this Sefalu too strengthened? !

Do you think it's a white giant? Actually the Golden Saint? !

But the Golden Saint only relies on his strong fighting instinct to quickly adapt to combat. He is not in a posture where it doesn't matter if the resistance is full like this, even if he takes the Noble Phantasm head-on.

The former is a natural talent, while the latter is simply a matter of stacking shields with enough strength!

For a moment, both heroic spirits and gods felt like, 'We can't win...! There is no hope of winning at all! ’

The battle soon became tense.

As the attacks of the gods become weaker and weaker... it is not that their power output has become smaller, but that the white giants have gradually adapted to such high-intensity battles, and the power of the gods is causing more and more damage to Sefalu Start scraping.

Even because of the various specificities of various powers, Sefalu's resistance in all aspects is extremely high, which even affects the Noble Phantasms of other Heroic Spirits in the future.

Just imagine...

A heat-type Noble Phantasm that can originally deal hundreds of millions of damage, if you wait until the white giant reaches the maximum resistance to fire-type powers before firing it, can it still deal hundreds of millions of damage?

Not showing single-digit white characters is already giving you face.

Soon everyone fighting on the battlefield discovered this problem.

Continuing to fight will only build up resistance for Sefalu...

And if you want to kill such a cheating monster, you need to completely destroy it in one go.

Such as the previous spear of Indra, a blow that penetrated the continental plate.

But even that one blow failed to truly defeat Sefalu. His strength was exhausted again and again, and he was now in a passive state in this sense.

The gods also knew that Sefalu must be destroyed in one blow, but they did not have the combat power output.

It's best to do nothing now, lest Sefalu rely on stacked resistances and become so powerful that he can no longer be beaten.

But once this battlefield is abandoned, Sefalu will continue to move forward. As civilization is destroyed more, his strength will increase exponentially!

The gods began to regret...

What if the white giant had destroyed it when it first came to the planet?

‘Have you fallen into an infinite loop? Temporarily dodging will allow Sefalu to continue to grow stronger.

And continuing to fight will make Sefalu's defense even more amazing. ’ Hermitus felt melancholy, didn’t he have no choice at all?


Sefalu let out a loud cry that shook the atmosphere, like a timma singing. She, who had been targeted and attacked since just now, took the initiative to fight back for the first time.

The huge head in the clouds slowly lowered and looked at the sun gods flying in the sky... Suddenly, with a terrifying speed that was completely inconsistent with the huge body, it slapped over.

Boom~!!! ! ! !

When the sun gods tried to dodge in fear, they found that the whole world was covered by the huge palm, and the space was instantly imprisoned and could not turn into light and fly away...

The giant palm finally fell on the ground, directly changing the terrain and smashing out a basin.

In a terrifying earthquake, several small suns were completely lost in the sky.

The terrifying explosion unfolded in the palm of Sefalu, and the huge mushroom that was enough to connect the sky and the earth (the explosion when the gods died and the godhead was crushed) was annihilated in the earth.

Suddenly, the entire planet and the earth emitted a piercing low sob like a wail.

It was like being ravaged by the ultimate attack of the Sky Flügel Jibril that was enough to split the sea in two, but had to be annihilated in the palm of that hand.

However... for the strengthened Sefalu, his body can easily withstand the heat higher than the sun's corona, and the shock wave of 100 million tons.

It's just killing a few sun gods, not really blowing up a few stars. Even if the concept of gods is close to that hot celestial body, it is still a kind of life that can be understood.

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