Is there anything else in Guda that can be traded? Is there anything that can attract the other party?

Although the Master has some special features, he is still just an ordinary person.

Hmm, just an ordinary... human (probably) who can occasionally tear a Goetia apart!

In the end, people are not sure whether Guda can still be called an ordinary human being.

On the other side, facing the old man’s proposal,

Guda was also thinking about what kind of reward he wanted: "Money?"

Archer from Shinjuku: “Well, unfortunately, that’s the wrong answer!

… What you should pay for is trust.

[Trust me] words and attitude.

There is no one thing in my life that deserves more than absolute trust.

And that one is not you.

And you, can you trust me? "

Guda: "I don't know yet."

The rather cautious answer... also made the people who heard it relax. They were really afraid that Guda would completely trust the other party.

The time of contact now is still too short! Nothing can be seen at all!


Judging from the current impression that the old man has a rather bad character, if nothing else... he is also a pleasant monster.

Based on this, you should be careful no matter what.

It's so weird, what I like most is digging holes.

by——people’s bad impression of a certain middle-aged girl!

On the other end, Shinjuku Archer is the new happy monster in people's minds... Sure enough, he reacted very abnormally after being rejected. Not only did he not feel angry...


“Oh oh, so wonderful!

All right.

If you just answered that you believe it without hesitation, then I would definitely turn around and go home immediately...

Although I don’t have a home! "

Guda: "That triumphant expression makes people particularly angry."

Acher from Shinjuku: “That’s too much!?


Anyway, neither you nor I trust each other yet.

But a bottom line that can be compromised can still be found.

...that's right.

We can't let Shinjuku continue like this.

We cannot continue to allow evil to continue like this.

Only on this point, I think our opinions should be consistent, right? "

"That's true." Guda.

"Then, I will work hard to be able to be trusted by you.

And you, just prove your own strength to me.

As someone who has overcome seven singularities and led many followers

The last and best Master in the world, prove your power! "


As a result, in the end, no one could figure out what kind of existence this Archer was.

I always feel that what I have seen so far is the real side, but it is also a disguised side. What is the true nature of this man.

At the same time, because the desired information was not found in the new singularity,

The gods were also a little disappointed.

Although the setting of the new singularity that knowing the true name seems to be easy to kill, it has a bit of conceptual and rule-based power.

But the current level of mystery is far from enough to attract them!

After all, the taste has been developed to be very tricky.

And just then...

The screen changes——

In a pure white space, people saw the figure of a man shrouded in dark shadows, burning like black flames.

So enviously, against the white background, the dark figure opened a pair of bright red eyes, with a wanton smile always on his lips...

The general appearance gave people an extraordinarily familiar feeling.

It seems that he is one of the heroic spirits that once appeared in the Temple of Time.

I quickly filtered it through my mind,

The gods with very clear memories quickly found the corresponding existence.

'count? ! ’

At this time, a figure who seemed to be another haha ​​monster, the earl, spoke.

? ? ? : "——On x month △, Dantès recorded

To put it bluntly, goodness cannot be implemented here.

Because the goodness that exists here is too fragile and unreliable. "

Varied……? !

It seems to be very important information about this place!

People immediately cheered up and listened carefully.

Is goodness too fragile and unreliable?

Muttering... In a daze, people suddenly thought of the absolutely evil figure not long ago.

If good can't save the world, then... what about evil?

Hmm... I'm wrong!

Chapter 5 One wants to kill, the other wants to save, are they the same person?!

? ? ? : “Mutual assistance – impossible.

Since it is impossible, there is no other way but dependence. "

The man who looked like a count continued to speak... as if he was analyzing something.

? ? ? : “Dependence despises 1+1 as 0.

Therefore, evil rejects good.

...The cat, as thin as a ghost, squeezed out the last of its strength to eat the dog's corpse.

Its gaze was so fierce that it seemed to shoot all those who came close, while the rats waiting for opportunities to pick up scraps of things did not dare to come close. "

...What is he talking about?

People looked confused at this time.

I could understand it at first, but then I couldn't understand it at all.

Cat, dog, mouse? Does it refer to the existence in this singularity?

Just when people felt so weird about the words of ‘Earl’ that they shuddered...

His voice continued to murmur.

? ? ? : "The human approached, killed the cat, and tried to devour the cat and the dog.

The rats saw this opportunity and rushed out in groups.

In the end, the three skeletons disappeared together.

Evil will not only devour good, but also evil, and good and evil will disappear equally.

To survive here, if you don't gain powerful power, you must exist as a group with a unified will.

But the trouble is that even if I want to pretend to be integrated into the group, it is too difficult for me.

Okay, what should I do next?

The investigation of Shinjuku went smoothly.

Although this place is different from the knowledge I was given about Shinjuku...

But the outside, that is, the prerequisites for building a city, are almost the same.

Where there should be a building is a collapsed building, and where there should be a house is the ruins of a house.

But only that building is different.

What exactly is that building?"

The enemy's base?

When it comes to buildings, people can't help but think of the conversation between Guda and Shinjuku Archer before.

At the same time——

People were also confused about where the suspected ‘Count’ was at this time.

Will he be the Servant of Chaldea who came with Guda this time? doesn’t seem like it, what’s going on?

Until, people continued to hear it.

??? : "—— On x month 0 day, Dantes recorded,

... Confirmed Chaldea's visit.

Confirmed the companion.

I have to make a judgment that the situation is extremely dangerous.

That is evil from the heart.

I understand that person very well.

Because that person is originally such a creature.

Born to look down on others.

Born not to love others.

Therefore, the companion must have some inexplicable fear.

This is the only thing that can be confirmed.

However, once he knows that I am taking action, he will undoubtedly be alert.

At this stage, the only advantage is that

No one knows that I am here...

We are still speculating whether this singularity is caused by coincidence.

Is it because of several coincidences that this result happened?"

He wants to say...

Is the singularity of this world a product of accidental birth?

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