Odin began to feel extremely fortunate for his decision to give up the ring.

Although he had lost the ring, he still had the Valhalla Hall of Valor, which was extremely tall and could bring infinite glory to the gods and heroes in the world.

As long as the hall stood, the glory of the gods would continue to shine.

Under the protection of the gods, the spirits of heroes would live forever, and they would always protect the entire Asgard.

Even the legendary Ragnarok, with the heroes in the Valhalla Hall of Valor, would surely be able to survive safely~!

With Odin's firm belief...

The terrifying story of the treasure of the Nibelungen came to an end for the time being.

The scene in the book turned and they had come to the ancient country of Burgundon.

Here lived the beautiful princess Krinhild, who was as beautiful as a fairy.

Her father regarded her as the apple of his eye. His elder brother Gunther was a famous and powerful warrior in the kingdom who was invincible, and his younger brother Giselher was a powerful knight.

One night, Klinghild suddenly dreamed that the eagle she raised was snatched away by two mountain eagles.

Her mother interpreted the dream for her, saying that this meant that the man she loved might suffer a disaster in the future.

Klinghild, who was kind and simple in heart, was very worried after hearing this. After careful consideration, she decided not to fall in love with any man again.

She had expected a beautiful love, but she didn't want to see the person she loved deeply die because of her in the future.

Since love and being loved will inevitably suffer misfortune, it is better to cut off this emotion from the beginning.

Readers who are reading this.

Girls like the silver-haired girl and Rhine couldn't help showing a distressed look when they saw this.

It was just a dream. In order not to hurt others, Klinghild was determined not to love for a lifetime. She was too stupid and pitiful!

Foolish and cute, pitiful and distressing.

At the same time——

In a city-state on the Netherlands Plain, there was a prince named Siegfried.

Siegfried also heard the story about this beautiful princess.

Siegfried, who was lost in the aimless action of saving others, suddenly wanted to meet the princess after hearing about Klinghild's deeds.

In countless times of saving others, Siegfried has witnessed many ugly and miserable scenes of human beings.

For the woman in the story who exudes noble, beautiful kindness and shining brilliance, she is so special that his heart is moved for the first time.

Just like Siegrud who was betrayed by his adoptive father and trapped in the ugliness and pain of human nature...

When he first heard the rumors about the kindness and beauty of the Valkyrie, he also chose to cross the sea of ​​fire and see Brunhild's face.

At the most empty and confused moment in their lives, the heroes all met the woman who was the most important and worth pursuing for them.

There is such a person who lives in a way that is like a wish machine that does not distinguish between good and evil, [respond to requests].

Even if it is a poor villager, he will not help if he does not ask.

Even if it is a greedy tax collector, if there is a request, it will be completed.

Because no matter what, one person cannot save everyone. Therefore, he can only respond to those who need it.

After this person obtained an immortal body, all attacks had no effect on him, and he just slaughtered the enemy at will.

Unconsciously, fighting became work, and he could not even feel the excitement of fighting.


In this endless rescue and on the road to salvation, he constantly responded to the "calls" of others' needs.

The man who could not see the future, nor his own hopes and dreams, the "Dragon Slayer" began to fall into endless confusion.

And now, he finally has a new goal.

"Dragon Slayer...?!" Rhine's face showed a trace of tension, and he finally opened his eyes subconsciously when he saw this.

There was a little sweat on her forehead and temples.

The dragon slayer that she had been looking for and wanted to see before suddenly appeared in front of her after she was obsessed with the Norse mythology-the story of the Nibelungen treasure.

So abrupt, without any guesses, he entered people's field of vision.

Dragon slayer... is it referring to this prince Siegfried?

The last moment he was introducing the prince on the Dutch plains, and the next moment he suddenly described the life of "someone".

Everyone immediately linked the two together.

Especially the last sentence "found the goal, temporarily escaped from confusion", is it referring to Siegfried's desire to meet the princess?

But why do I always feel that there seems to be an empty and empty heart between the lines.

Just like the machine constantly saving others, such words made Rhine and the others feel an inexplicable sense of depression.

At this moment, there is an illustration in the book.

A white-haired man walked silently on the enemy's body with an expressionless face. Standing alone in a pool of blood, his body bathed in blood, but no one could find a trace of joy of defeating the enemy on his face.

Instead, a sense of sadness arose for no reason.

Who... is he? ! (Siegfried? Or the Dragon Slayer?)

The name of the Dragon Slayer only flashed in the text.

The next moment, the scene in the book changed to the palace of Burgundy.

After getting the king's permission, Siegfried left his country and came here to propose to the princess of Burgundy.

...He came after all.

Hagen, the hero of Burgundy, is also Siegfried's friend. In order to help Siegfried with his proposal, Hagen told the king Siegfried's story.

At that time, Siegfried passed by a certain mountain, and the villagers at the foot of the mountain asked him to defeat the evil dragon Fafnir on the mountain.

According to legend, even the gods were unwilling to touch the terrifying dragon.

That was a creature that even the god king Odin did not want to provoke, so the god king even gave up the ring of the Nibelung.

Evil dragon - Fafnir!

The king had heard the story of that dragon.

Countless heroes who had heard the story of the Nibelung treasure had tried to defeat the evil dragon transformed from a giant, but they all failed.

They also left their lives there forever.

Did Siegfried also defeat it?

... This is definitely an extremely dangerous road with almost no life or death.

Even though Siegfried has helped many people and defeated many powerful enemies along the way, none of them can compare with this evil dragon.

That is definitely not a creature that humans can defeat.

The dragon is a powerful being standing at the top of the food chain, and humans are just a trivial and insignificant part of its diet.

Normal people would have chosen to refuse in this situation.

But Siegfried, who never refused anyone's request for help, accepted this request that sounded impossible to accomplish.

As the king guessed, Siegfried also embarked on the battle to defeat the dragon.

But he was different from the previous heroes. He did not die in the battle, nor did he escape after being defeated.

Instead, he completed the feat of slaying the dragon with his own hands, the legend that was impossible to accomplish in the eyes of the world!

Chapter 224: Use your strong body to help your brother-in-law chase his wife!

That was the most difficult adventure.

Even Siegfried himself had no memory of the confrontation with Fafnir afterwards.

In the final analysis, it was because no one witnessed it, and almost no one mentioned the various things about that miserable battle.

However, bathing in dragon blood, he was invulnerable and almost immortal, so there was no doubt about Siegfried's identity as a dragon slayer.

Siegfried, who killed the dragon Fafnir, obtained the treasure of Nibelung.

At this time, two kings heard about it and wanted to divide the treasure.

They gave Siegfried the magic sword Balmung to try to shut him up.

Siegfried rejected the kings' proposal. He hoped to keep the treasure in place and not divide it.

So the fight began, and Siegfried killed the kings with the magic sword.

He became the only owner of the Nibelung treasure.

However, he did not spend the treasure. Even the Rhine gold left over from making the ring, he never looked at it, but chose to wear the ring, the magic sword Balmung and the invisible helmet.

After hearing Siegfried's story, the king was shocked and attached great importance to this dragon slayer.

He treated her carefully, but did not allow Siegfried to meet his sister.

The king at this time was Gunther, Crimshilde's former brother.

Because of his concern for his sister, the king knew that Crimshilde had vowed not to associate with other men, so he would not force his sister.

Siegfried stayed in the kingdom for a year and never saw Crimshilde once.

People felt a little upset when they saw this.

Siegfried actually wore the ring. It was a cursed ring. Even the giants, who were feared by the god king Odin, were destroyed because of this ring.

The giant Fafnir even turned into a dragon because of this. At this moment, this great and desirable dragon slayer, could not withstand the temptation of the ring and was about to face the curse of doom?

... At this time, a sentence that made everyone shudder suddenly appeared in the text.

It was an interlude with a guest appearance by a flower magician.

In the beautiful sea of ​​flowers and the tower of Avalon, Meli observed human history.

Crossing the long river of time, witnessing every meteor from its shining to its rising and falling.

Suddenly, she saw the hero Siegfried wearing the ring, and couldn't help sighing: "The dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon!"

For Siegfried, he may not wear the ring because he is greedy for power.

Maybe he never cared about or valued the curse at all.


Just like Mary's sigh.

Fighting with the dragon for a long time, you will also become a dragon.

After bathing in dragon blood, you will gain an immortal body and powerful strength.

The price of getting all this is to become a real monster, a fighting machine called "hero" who is actually a tool of mankind and a wish-making machine.

Will such a hero really feel happy?

Because he is invulnerable and powerful and cannot die, he can only be deeply trapped in this sad life, unable to escape or get rid of it.

Merry sighed for the hero calmly: "No matter how powerful a knight is, he will often end up destroyed on the battlefield. Even the red dragon of Britain cannot avoid falling. The so-called hero is often just someone who can hold on to the end at all costs."

Even her favorite little red dragon, my king, is like this, let alone others?

She looked into the distance, watching the man called "hero" by people - Siegfried, a dragon slayer enslaved by the name of a hero.

Narrator: At this time, is this flower magician missing the king who has embarked on the road to death after she left?

When readers see this.

"Ahhhh! Old thief Andersen!" Bang! Claire hit her head on the bookshelf beside her and immediately covered her head in pain.

Because there were too many people in the bookstore, Rhine didn't realize that his good friend Claire was also in the bookstore.

At this time, Claire was also watching "The Song of the Nibelungs". She was already a fan of the previous Norse mythology when she saw that there was a guest appearance by Mary. She was excited and surprised.

What did she see the next second?

Whether it was Mary's sigh for Siegfried's fate or another preview of King Arthur's future that seemed to be about to end, it aroused all the girl's desire for exploration and tension.

The strong desire for dissatisfaction was not satisfied.

This made Claire explode instantly! !

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