Spreading chaos and pouring out evil in the world,

See, isn't it simple? ”

Professor: “Simple.

But it's different from your position so far, isn't it?”

Black Archer: “Nothing, I just happened to be picked.

You're welcome, send me as you please.

After all, I lost Saber and Lancer right after being summoned.

Even if I turned evil, I didn't lose my dignity.

Although you are good at calculations, you are really unlucky.

You actually picked two unsuitable servants. "


Lost Saber and Lancer?

He chewed over the meaning of the words several times.

People gradually had a clear thread in their minds.

Just like Gilles de Rais had summoned many servants such as Black Jeanne.

Did the 'Professor' who seemed to be the mastermind (source) behind everything also summon many Heroic Spirits?

But two of the three knights ran away?

Speaking of Heroic Spirits who still maintained their dignity after turning evil, the first one that came to people's minds was almost King Arthur.

Except that his personality became more cruel and his way of achieving wishes became more unscrupulous, other aspects were basically the same as before he turned evil.

People who have seen Black Saber and Black Gun Dai said they have a say.

But then, people found that they seemed to understand What's wrong...

The professor said that he felt that the black archer was an unexpected existence, and the biggest reason was...

'I am naturally grateful to you for being able to quickly deal with Saber and Lancer.' He said this to the black archer.

It also made everyone's pupils shrink suddenly...

Saber and Lancer have been, killed? !

'Lost' does not mean to escape, but to be executed?

Fuck a beautiful plant! Are you kidding!

Who is this archer?

They are the other two of the three knights!

Almost all the sword and spear classes known to people are weak.

An ominous premonition surged into people's hearts...

There have been many archers hanging on the wall since ancient times. Could it be that the enemy's archer is also a new one! ?

Chapter 7 Emiya Alter... Is he the Emiya we thought he was?

Are Saber and Lancer really dead?

People's first thought was that those two might help Guda.

After all, Guda, who has maxed out the Charm of Heroic Spirits, gathers a bunch of local Heroic Spirits to fight together at every singularity. This is common knowledge that almost everyone knows.

On the other hand, facing the praise of the 'Professor', the Black Archer said: "Don't worry about it.

It's just self-promotion to the new employer."

Professor: "I have already calculated the worst case scenario where all three knights rebel.

Even if there is only one left.

It's also a gain.

But that was the only one that I didn't expect.

...The most important thing is that you didn't deal with that one."

That one?

Who did the Black Archer let go?

——Everyone was slightly stunned. The situation turned around unexpectedly.

And without knowing the true identity of the Black Archer, it was difficult for people to speculate.

The Black Archer suddenly said: "Oh, the 'Phantom' actually has a brainwashing effect. ”

Unknown Assassin (Yan Qing): “Oh~, there shouldn’t be!

I hope not! I can’t think otherwise!

But it doesn’t matter, if I’m really brainwashed, I will definitely kill the professor!”

What are they talking about, what is a phantom…what is ‘brainwashing’.

Everyone was stunned.

And the ‘professor’ was not annoyed and said he was happy that they spoke so directly.

The professor said that the phantom is like a magician’s costume, which can only make things fly faster.

Black Archer: “I see, no wonder you are Archer.

Magic bullet——I see, he didn’t make it this far.

Anyway, I don’t need to transplant a phantom.

Originally, I was nameless, and a poor transplant would affect my spiritual base. "

Nameless Heroic Spirit...

Nameless, seeing this, people have a sense of familiarity.

It seems that there was also an Archer who has maintained this level of mystery since his arrival, and the tone of voice is somewhat similar.

If the difference in appearance is not too outrageous...


'Professor': "It's obviously safe.

After all, it took 3,000 years to invent this technology?"

Black Archer: "...Oh.

3,000 years, you are really patient."

After that, he stood up and seemed to leave.

When the professor asked him what he was going to do?

Black Archer: "Since Chaldea has sent people, the battle will naturally become more intense.

Before that, I want to reconfirm the sniper point I have chosen."

Professor: "I see, this is a good thing.

It's never a bad thing to be cautious.

I don't know who said that two plus two always equals four.

I am very glad that I didn't become your enemy, Emiya. "


Like throwing a stone into a calm lake.

When the black archer's real name was finally partially exposed.


'Woc——!!' Everyone.

What did they just hear?


Is it the Emiya they know?

The Emiya of the righteous family, the Emiya of the loyal Emiya family? !

Then who is he!! Shirou Emiya, or Kiritsugu Emiya... or maybe!

Has another of Shirou's children or descendants become a Heroic Spirit?

Everyone's eyes widened.

At the same time, a note and font appeared next to the black archer, with the words "Real name: Emiya Alter" written on it.

Even the epic did not directly give the real name, but defined it in that form.

But the Alter character that people are so familiar with suddenly made them think of many things.

The former Black Jeanne d'Arc - Black Jeanne was the nickname people gave her.

In fact, the real name should also be Jeanne d'Arc... or Jeanne d'Arc Alter.

It seems that the Heroic Spirits who have turned black will have such a suffix.

At this time, people looked at the neat and tidy flat head, without even a little bangs, as black as if he had just returned from mining in Africa, with all white hair... making the black skin look even more outstanding.

? ? !

Are you Emiya? Could it be the appearance of Red A after he turned evil? !

Hiss~! Everyone took a deep breath.

If Red A's skin color can still be considered a healthy wheat color, it is not so dark...

What kind of destruction did this TM go through to evolve into this job Emiya!

Think about the Saber and the village girl next door who are even more white and beautiful even if they turned evil, their charm is even increased.

How can he...

It's really miserable! But these are not the point!

"If it was Emiya, how could that righteous partner join the enemy's base camp! And become the running dog of the mastermind behind the scenes, killing people for him!" Someone lost his voice in disbelief.

If it is said that evil will not change the hero of noble character,

People have never doubted the willpower of this man!

In terms of the tenacity and strength of his will, he had already surpassed many Heroic Spirits when he was alive.



If it is the red-haired Shirou, he can barely be considered an honest man.

Hmm... But if this is the blackened version of Red A, let's call it Black A.

That man likes all kinds of mysterious operations, secretly betrays, and it is quite normal to backstab the enemy at a critical moment.

As long as the final result is good, all the sacrifices in the process become unimportant.

A certain C mother who was killed in a wave said that she has a considerable say.

Although he is a partner of justice, this man is not a stubborn guy. Isn't there enough pretending to surrender?

With all kinds of suspicions, out of the familiarity and love for the man who embarked on a sad fate in another parallel world, and the good impression of that "partner of justice" and "unknown hero\

,"let people temporarily reserve their opinions and quietly observe the subsequent developments.

And Emiya Alter, at this time...

When the 'Professor' said that he was happy that he didn't want to be his enemy,

"If this is what you really mean, I'm of course happy, but your words are all lies.

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