The important thing is to observe, observe.

In the situation just now, why wasn't the guardian around?

Why do babies make sounds at very regular intervals?

Besides, why would a baby appear in Shinjuku like this?

What about this foolhardy behavior?

All of this must be observed and thought about.

We must always think about the meaning of things.

Not what it means to live, but what it means to be here.

The meaning of existence is an existence that will be redefined in the future.

But now, the meaning of our being here does exist.

You are here to correct the singularity.

And I——I’m afraid it’s to support you.

And there are people out there trying to stop this.

You have to think about the meaning and make a choice. "

Just like the teachings of a teacher, a wise elder.

That calm look made people feel slightly admired and taught...!

These are quite practical warnings!

But people were just beginning to pay a passing respect to the man.

The next moment...

They then saw Archer in Shinjuku playing with Gouda.

Archer from Shinjuku: "Okay, if you understand, stand up!"

Guda: "Ah, good!"

Archer from Shinjuku shouted sharply: "Salute!"

Guda: "Salute!"

Arhcer from Shinjuku: "Sit down!"

Guda: "No, no need."

Everyone:? ? ? !

At this time, they slowly realized what was going on with this sense of déjà vu when training pet dogs!

There's something wrong with this old guy.

grass……! Hahahahaha!

You did it on purpose~!

Archer from Shinjuku: “Hey, I didn’t fall into the trap.

Okay, let’s not discuss this for now.

...One more thing, think carefully about the baby just now.

It was undoubtedly a malicious trap.

Is this conclusion okay?

So who set this malicious trap?

Yes, the answer is this! "


A strange soprano voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Archer from Shinjuku's continued speech.

No - or in other words, the answer Shinjuku Archer wanted has just appeared!

People reacted quickly!

If the purpose of setting traps is to lure enemies, then they must definitely want to kill them!

Then the real owner will indeed be hiding nearby!

But the soprano that made people's skin crawl all over didn't sound like a note that could be produced by a living being.

It was almost like the shrill sizzle of an old radio.

Just when Matthew, Da Vinci and others were discussing what the 'sound' was.

Archer from Shinjuku said with serious eyes: "The 'Coloratura Singer' is on the stage. Hide!"

He seemed to know the identity of the visitor very well...

Just as he is very familiar with the opponent's traps, Shinjuku Archer is also very familiar with the types of monsters scattered throughout the city.

Guda: "Coloratura...?"

What is that? "

The next moment——

People from God's perspective suddenly saw the end of the street, where strange opera puppets appeared one after another.

The uncanny valley effect, humanoid dummies give people a viscerally creepy feeling.

That is - what? !

Archer from Shinjuku: “It’s a puppet controlled by the Opera House (Christina) puppet.

They will sing and kill humans. "

At the other end of the street, apart from the weird doll, there were also a few ordinary citizens running away.


People are not sure whether there are any normal ordinary people in this weird city.

Let’s consider him as Citizen A for now.

People heard the huge mournful sound it was making: "Ah...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Stop it, stop it! Ga, woo...! "

The next moment, blood splattered everywhere, flesh and blood and severed limbs flew everywhere, and the citizens had been brutally killed by the dolls.

Shinjuku Archer, Guda and others took all this into account.

Shinjuku Archer: “Wherever they go, they don’t even leave corpses behind.

...Do they use corpses as materials? "

at the same time--

A group of little magicians similar to those who had besieged Guda and others before were shouting in terror for help!

Although for normal people and alien humans like Guda,

Those guys are also quite evil beings.

But when evil meets greater evil...

The ending will be quite cruel.

Seeing those people injured,

Guda: "——!"

But his body trembled, but he still held back and did not rush out as recklessly as before.

Archer from Shinjuku expressed his admiration for this, saying it was ‘very attentive’!

I heard everything he said before.

Guda: "Is that also true?"

Archer from Shinjuku: "It's a pity, but he can't be saved."

The two looked at the injured gangster who ran away.

Matthew said that the other party was not fatally injured.

Archer from Shinjuku interrupted: "That's not what I meant.

Coloraturas are seducing us. You shouldn't be able to escape with an injury like that.

The coloratura singer is faster than a rat in Shinjuku.

That is, it is deliberately merciless.

…This is the method used by snipers in modern warfare.

They don’t kill the enemy, but make him incapable of moving.

They shoot the legs or abdomen, leaving the target alive.

Although this is enough, if you continue to attack

the other party’s companions who come to rescue, the number of victims will increase exponentially. "


People's eyes widened in shock.

For the aliens who were used to fighting straight and charging in formation not long ago.

In this era, people value strength far more than various calculation abilities.

Some strategies on the battlefield have already opened the eyes of the aliens and stunned them.

And this kind of modernization, which strangles the weaknesses of human nature and uses (plays with) human emotions to kill more enemies,

makes the gods feel cold!

Will the war between humans in the future evolve into such an evil confrontation?

Creepy--nothing more than this!

Such an inhumane method... It's not that this strategy is so superb, but it's too inhumane.

Even wild beasts know shame...

But such enemies don't.

Faced with this kind of unyielding and heartless monster, the depression emanating from the bottom of the heart is even greater than the pressure and tension brought by the powerful beast.

Archer in Shinjuku: "In other words, if we help that little gangster--

they will rush to attack us. "

Chapter 10 Everything is good, except that it has an extra mouth!


After waiting for a long time and seeing no prey, the puppet killed the gangster.

Guda's body shook again, and his breathing was rapid: "......!"

He almost couldn't help but rush out!

The scene of blood splattering, life disappearing in front of his eyes but unable to do anything, must be very uncomfortable for Guda.

And people watched this scene in silence...

Just a puppet has such calculations.

This city is really dangerous and terrifying.

Yes, terrifying...

This singularity gives people a strange atmosphere.

So far, there has been no particularly powerful enemy. Compared with the previous singularities such as Kingu, the evil dragon, the goddess, and the Knights of the Round Table,

these can only be regarded as small fry.

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