So...the Headless Horseman, uh...isn't a thing?

Is that correct? !

Archer from Shinjuku: “That’s how it should have been.

The fiction that the spiritual base value is not up to standard is at most an urban legend level concept.

Even if you can't become a hero, you can't become an anti-hero, you can only decay and disappear.

We call this 'phantom'. "


ah--! It’s the one the masterminds behind the scenes were talking about before!

At this time, people finally had a deeper understanding of the definition of phantoms.

Matthew recalled that in the past singularity, when he met Holmes, he also said this word once, indicating that he was chasing that kind of existence, which was a "phantom".

These wise men all seem to have fantasies about this

I am very interested in this fictional existence that should not exist.

The headless horseman and the giant wolf are approaching,

Shinjuku’s Archer: “And that’s the subtlety of specificity!

Mythical twins, or people who leave legends with their partners,

May be called out in teams of two!

but! However! A person who had no connection during his lifetime!

Is it possible to join together as a partner?


That guy truly made this possible! "

The Headless Horseman, a monster known as Dullahan in Europe and America,

They were all cruel, including the wolf they were riding on, that was for sure.

The giant wolf ate human arms in front of Guda and others.

Two cruel monsters combined to form a stronger monster,

A special servant called a ‘Phantom’,

It makes people feel upset in their stomachs.

No, since it is a fictional thing like a fairy tale, shouldn’t it be filled with beauty?

What kind of fairy tale would have such bloody descriptions (monsters)!


Wait, some people suddenly remembered the works written by Anton Tusheng, which appeared together with the first few epics,

The troubadour also wrote many children's books,

There are many dark fairy tales among them...

A dark fairy tale specially for adults.


There are indeed many such cruel monsters.

Damn it, just write fairy tales properly!

Fairy tales with dark sides of blood and violence are simply bad stories!

Everyone once again recalled the bad taste of the troubadour, and they didn't know how to describe it.

Archer from Shinjuku: “Huhahahaha!

Very good, my appetite is still so big! "

And due to insufficient information here,

Even Leonardo da Vinci couldn't tell the other person's real name.

Fortunately, the Headless Horseman is a wolf that can eat people. There are too many people who satisfy this!

And facing the incoming enemy,

There was no time for them to continue thinking.

Guda: "Up, Archer!"

Archer from Shinjuku: “Yeah!

It’s a royal shout. It’s really good!

You can use this kind of energy!

It's a good thing to have the Master here!

Come on now, Rider! "

Very good, we can't lose in terms of momentum. Both the old man and Guda performed quite well in this aspect.

This makes people feel relieved a lot.

Wait a minute and think about it.

Can be the same person as the mastermind behind the scenes.

Maybe Shinjuku Archer’s combat power will be unexpectedly strong?

Maybe there is a powerful trump card, such as a super-standard Noble Phantasm?

People can't help but have expectations for this.

However - the next moment,

After a fierce battle, Archer in Shinjuku soon withered, and gradually showed that he could no longer hold on.

Archer from Shinjuku: “Huhahahaha!

Sorry, it seems I'm still not as powerful as others. "

Guda: "It's obvious at a glance!"

Forget about the crowd,

At this time, even Guda and others no longer have hope for their own fighting power.

Archer from Shinjuku said with a smile on his face: "That's right~!"

However, he seemed to have thought of some way and was not too worried about the current situation.

Archer from Shinjuku: “By the way, let me ask a completely unrelated question…

Master, can you drive? "

Guda: "This——"

Archer from Shinjuku: “It doesn’t mean whether you can drive or not.

But it must be opened now.

da Vinci!

You should be able to implement on-site teaching, right? "

Da Vinci: "Hmm... I think it's probably fine!

But what exactly are your plans? "

Archer from Shinjuku: “We can only buy time!

It doesn't matter! Let’s meet at Shinjuku Station!

Although it is a temporary contract, I am now your servant!

You can't die in disgrace!

Let the horses go...come here! "

The old man thrust the coffin into the ground hard, as if it was about to be severed.

Everyone:? !

Oh oh oh, I'm a little touched.

This is a real man!

Are you trying to buy time for Guda to find a measuring truck and drive away first?


Instead of facing an enemy that is obviously invincible, two people are fighting to the death together here!

It would be better to let the weaker Master escape first.

Afterwards, it would be more convenient for the old man to fight or escape alone, as he didn't have to tie his hands to protect the Master.

But before people could be shocked and admired for long...

The giant wolf came up and slapped him.

Shinjuku Archer was shaking all over, and took a step back in pain after being hit: "Woo...!"

You can't be cool for more than three seconds.

However, at this moment, several explosions suddenly sounded.

Then a lot of smoke enveloped the battlefield, providing cover for Guda and others.

Mashu and Shinjuku Archer were stunned by this sudden third party.

Da Vinci: "——Servant?!"

Then there was a burst of motorcycle noise.

An extremely cool motorcycle flew into the battlefield.

When they saw the petite and beautiful figure of the "reinforcement" on the car.

Blonde hair, golden eyes——! And that beautiful face that people will never forget!

Pledge allegiance to my king! (Book fan A: The so-called loyalty is the burning lsp soul! Do you think it's okay for me to say this?!

Other lsp book fans: No~problem!!)

woc——! Ah, it's Hei Dai!

Many fans of the King were excited.

Chapter 13 Seven Ainz, it's time to fight a Holy Grail War!

The hot pants left a slight mark on the soft white legs. Although the body is very small, it has a sense of flesh (kneading).

Wearing a black jacket on the upper body, the modern style of Ainz came out of the thick fog like a motorcycle queen!

Guda: "So cool!"

Altria: "Huh, it's worthy of being the master of Chaldea.

He managed to survive tenaciously in Shinjuku."

At this time, the excited people gradually came to their senses...

Ainz after the reversal, Saber?

If it is the Knight King, it is quite consistent with what the mastermind said, that even after the reversal, the servant still maintains dignity and self.

But considering that Saber and Lancer were dealt with by Emiya before...

Well, it's not necessarily that they were all killed.

That conversation is a bit ambiguous. Maybe Ainz is Saber, but Emiya let him go.

Everyone is well aware of the special meaning that the Knight King holds for Emiya.

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