Artoria Alter: "The contract is completed.

I am your shield and your sword. "

On the other side, Matthew's communication was connected again, expressing his gratitude to Heidi for his timely rescue.

Heidai said that he was the one who should thank him.

Just when Mash opened her eyes wide and froze cutely.

Artoria Alter: "...Let's discuss this issue again when we have a chance.

Rather than that, let’s go to the residence first. "

Guda: "Residence?"

Altria Alter: "It's the place I use as a base.

You can walk there from here. Let's go. "

At this moment, a little white dog suddenly broke into the eyes of Guda and others.

Heidi's voice paused,

Guda: "It's a dog!"

Artoria: "...It's a stray dog.

Hey, don't go near it. I'm not responsible if you get bitten. "

Even so, Heidai's own eyes were firmly attracted by the puppy.

Matthew: "Ah, so good.

She was waiting for Arturia-san with her tail swaying back and forth. "

Altria Alter: "..."

Guda: "Be good, be good."

Everyone: "…………"

Well, if it hadn't suddenly started to become everyday-style background music,

People can't help but start to worry now, whether this will be another baby trap like before.

Guda is also big-hearted!

Just rushed up again? !


Now they really feel like they are in a state of chaos and chaos.

But in such a dangerous city, no matter how vigilant you are, it will not be meaningless.

Da Vinci: “What a beautiful dog.

You can still be so energetic in a place like this. "

On the other side, Fufu in Chaldea kept calling out as if she saw her companion.

Matthew: "Wow, Fufu, calm down.

I'm sorry, Fufu saw your images there,

It seemed that he thought that was his companion. "

People: 'What a sad thing...'

The beast that once served as the basis for comparison is now reduced to thinking that dogs are its companions.

But without wisdom, I can be so carefree...

For a time, people had mixed emotions, and they couldn't tell whether it was lucky or unlucky for them.

At this time, Heidai once again urged them to leave.

The puppy barked twice at Heidai, then sat down obediently and waggled its tail.

Seeing this, Alter couldn't help but close her eyes: "...I don't have any food to feed you now.

Just give up. "

The puppy seemed to understand and let out a pitiful whine.

Arturia once again showed her lovely reddish face, seemingly softening her heart.

"Ugh..." She suddenly turned her head and looked over and asked,

"Master, do you have any food?

It's the kind of stuff that... dogs can eat too. "

"Chocolate!!" Guda.

Artoria said angrily: "No fool would feed chocolate to a dog, you fool!"

‘What is chocolate? ’ At this time, everyone in the other world still looked confused.

There are no annotations in the epic...

And some businessmen and travelers who have been to Ceylon and seen all kinds of modern and novel things in that city,

There are some subtle impressions in my mind.

It seems to be a kind of sweet food...

Couples will give each other gifts during festivals. In Ceylon, they are regarded as "single killers".

If there is a cute girl who can give you chocolates,

The companions around you will definitely be extremely envious and jealous of this!

So it turns out that dogs don’t eat this?

For a moment, these people seemed to realize something, fuck—! No wonder they are called single dogs, not single cats or single wolves.

It's such a bully (dog), damn it!

Alter took a deep breath, closed her eyes and said, "There is nothing we can do.

Come with me, Kavas II. "

As he said that, Heidai's face showed a gentle look that no one expected: "There should be some dog food in the residence."

Guda said in shock: "Speaking of... name..."

Altria Alter opened her eyes slightly and looked at Guda with a matter-of-fact expression: "Why.

Kavas II is Kavas II.

Okay, come here quickly, Master!

Kavas II! "Suddenly!

And the little white dog barked really humanely in response!

Was this name chosen now? Or has it been raised at home a long time ago? !

I obviously like it very much! Why not just admit it! I was told it was a stray dog ​​before.

Do you not want Master and the others to see the loving side of yourself in adopting small animals?

I can't understand...but——

People have discovered a bit of cuteness in Heida again, that inadvertent tenderness and lack of frankness, which is also very girlish.

After that, Heidai took Guda and the dog to the basement of a burger shop.

There are burger boxes everywhere, and there are various drink vending machines next to it, and the house is full of junk food smell.

People can imagine that Hei spent time like a homebody in this pile of junk food.

Such a down-to-earth performance...

It makes people speechless~!

Although they don't know about the fat boy's must-have meals such as burgers, fries, and cola.

But the simply packaged food placed everywhere on the table and the atmosphere full of fast food gave people a subtle feeling in another world.


It should be due to conditions!

My king's (exquisite) life is really miserable! Woohoo, shocked, Wang can't even get a good meal here!

That kind of simply packaged food must be very difficult to swallow when people think about it!

What a grievance!

Chapter 15 The old man who lost his temper is not cute at all!

After some chatting and joking——

Putting aside the issue of the living environment, Altria Alter started talking about business.


After all, to what extent do you understand the current situation? "

...(after some information exchange)

Artoria Alter: "I see.

Shinjuku's... Archer. "

When asked if he knew the servant, Heidi gave a clear response.

But it means it's a bit -'difficult to understand'.

Da Vinci: "Well, there are indeed many things that are difficult to understand.

Neither the appearance nor the purpose is clear. "

Guda couldn't help but speak for him: "However, his words are indeed sincere."

Seeing this, people also nodded. The old man was surprisingly cute...

During this adventure, people saw the way he struggled to protect Guda.

Because of this, even if you already know that the other party has a deep connection with the mastermind behind the scenes, it is really difficult to doubt him.

Up until this point, people still had a good impression of Shinjuku Archer.

It might as well be a question of intuition...

They do not feel that the other party is malicious or dangerous.

Da Vinci: "Having said that..."

However, Artoria opened her eyes and interrupted sharply: "It's not about this. It's about a more fundamental issue that is difficult to understand."

Matthew: "?"

Artoria Alter: "I fought with that Archer from Shinjuku once."

Matthew: "Hey...!?"

Guda: "Really!?"

Artoria Alter: "The battle was caused by an accidental encounter.

In short, he is very strong, especially with extraordinary magical power. "

Everyone:! ! !

This is talking about, uh... a person?

Immediately, they reacted quickly.

The strongest one should be the professor behind the scenes!

If Shinjuku Archer had the strength to compete with a top-notch heroic spirit like the King of Knights, he wouldn't have been so embarrassed before.

Even the Phantom can come up to bully and bully.

Artoria also changed her words at this time and said: "But, Fujimaru Ritsuka. The person I am fighting against,

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