...Why kill him (Phantom)? "

Alter Emiya: "Ha, is there any reason not to kill?

The idiot who keeps monologuing even before he dies

No need for sympathy at all.

But——I can actually hear it from your mouth

[Why kill him? 】This kind of question itself makes people uncomfortable.

Are you really the half of Archer from Shinjuku? "

He seemed unable to accept that the professor had any good side.

Emiya's tone made people more curious about Shinjuku Archer's true identity.

Shinjuku Archer: "Well, that's what I am.


Wait a moment. That is, do you know my real name? "

Emiya Alter: “Of course.

How could I not know about someone as famous as you?

...but I'm not going to tell you. "

Everyone:...! !

grass! The old Riddler!

When I first guessed the true identity of Mashu’s spirit base, it was also...

I guessed a few unique points,

Now, again? For these guys who always like to hide things and never tell their real names even when they are alone,

People's mentality is a bit crazy!

Too cautious!

Shinjuku Archer: “Don’t say that.

It would be nice to even give some tips. "

Emiya Alter: "I see, the good side is like this.

Don't worry about it, as long as you die, the remains don't need to be thought about. "

Archer from Shinjuku: "Hmm...!"

While the two were talking, Ma Xiu notified Heidi and Heizhen to rush for support.

However, although Berserker was defeated, the two of them were still dealing with the remaining coloratura singers, and both expressed that they could not spare their time for the time being.

Wheel war?

The worst result still occurred.

People's hearts sank when they saw this.

What about those dolls...?

Christiana is obviously dead.

This is worse than imagined! Losing two powerful combat forces, if the old man fights alone.

Chapter 38: Everyone: Shinjuku has a lot of tricks, it’s all a conspiracy!

Pills~! ! !

Although it is not clear what the specific strength of Black A is.

But using the red A as a reference, it’s okay to hit our old man, right?

He is obviously the same person as the enemy boss, but his combat power is unexpectedly mediocre (weak).

People don't have any hope.

We can only count on the old man to protect the Master, even if it takes time, it will be until Heidai, Heizhen and the others come to help.

But when I think about the scene where Black A used some unknown method to attack and explode the phantom from within...

People shuddered——!

So how exactly is that done.

Don't wait until the fight begins, Guda suddenly explodes from the inside!

That human reason is really hopeless!

Just when people are thinking fast.

The old man here is ready to bite the bullet.

Guda was just about to give the order.

? ? ? : "No, that's not necessary."

Emiya Alter: "What!?"

Several attacks hit Black A,

Emiya Alter: "Tch...!"

The soldiers met hand to hand, and soon two black afterimages flashed in the air.

A familiar figure appeared in front of people.

Hassan Cursed Wrist: "This is our first meeting, Mr. Emiya.

I, Assassin - named Hassan the Cursed Arm.

For some reasons, I decided to take this side, and I ask for your understanding. "

Curse, curse the wrist? ! Hassan!

The assassin does not engage in sneak attacks from behind, but confronts Archer, one of the three knights, head-on, and protects the Master from Black A's men.

Hiss~! ! For a moment, people were stunned!

Is this an assassin?

Oh, I think of a certain Assassin who likes to open unparalleled titles,

Everyone:! ! That’s okay!

It's indeed a curse. You haven't grown so much in a few days? !

This is the essence of the true teachings of the leader!

But he was clearly an assassin, but he stood upright in front of the enemy and introduced him so politely.

I don’t know why——

People feel the word ‘arrogance’ in their hearts.

When people looked at Emiya again, as expected——

Black A said unhappily: "You don't look like an assassin at all, and you don't want to do that kind of dirty work.

Are you going to be a righteous partner? "

Everyone: "...! Did you just say partner of justice?!"


As expected, even if I become black, I will never forget that word!

This wave? Is this wave of righteous partners mocking righteous partners? The second brother laughs at the elder brother?

People suddenly thought strangely in their hearts, and even wanted to laugh.

Wait, if you follow what Phantom said before,

Everyone is living in a state of intoxication, doing certain things for their inner desires.

Is it just obsession?

Emiya's obsession, isn't that—?

What would it look like if the partner of justice manifested himself in the form of evil?

If they could think clearly, maybe they could understand what Emiya wanted to do.

On the other side, Emiya Alter: "What a joke. Hassan, Sabah."

Cursed Wrist also began to threaten Black A,

If he doesn't retreat, Hei A won't be able to leave until Hei Dai and Hei Zhen come over after finishing their work.

Even the Curse Arm said violently, no... let Emiya just raise his gun!

He wants to kill Emiya right here!

Two against one, plus there are two backups.

Emiya Alter: "... How hateful."

Despite being ridiculed,

"I don't really like this chaotic state.

Excuse me.

I especially don't get along with that woman...!"

After saying that, Black A disappeared.

And almost immediately followed--!

Altria Alter, who came late: "Tsk... If he stays for another second, I can crush him to death."

Black Jean also rushed in the flames and said unyieldingly: "That annoying scarred man,

If he stays for a few more seconds, I can burn him to death...!

... Who are you? Enemy?"

Mash: "No, a companion!"

Although they may no longer have the memory of fighting together in the singularity.

And the Curse Arm also said that although he has no memory, the spirit base recognizes that he and they are companions.

So he will stand on this side in the future.

‘Can it still be like this? No need to conquer again! ’ People thought in amazement.

Wait, if the spirit base also inherits the favorability of the previous singularities.

Then won’t it be possible to help familiar Heroic Spirits directly for free when they meet in the future?

People thought happily...

In this way, it may become easier to flank the enemy when a singularity appears in the future.

All the enemies are 25? !

This is not bad!

After all, most of the well-known Heroic Spirits are old acquaintances of people.

In people’s impression, there is no servant who doesn’t like Guda.

And from now on, even if the Heroic Spirits have no memory of fighting together in the singularity, they all know Guda’s great deeds.

This also makes people who are indignant because Guda’s great deeds were forgotten by everyone after Goetia was defeated feel much better.

Thanks to this inheritance of favorability?

Now Guda’s combat power is gradually getting stronger!

There are already four servants!

But people soon found out that they were too excited too early.

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