The Rhine Fairy swam into the sea of ​​fire along the rising waves and took the ring away, becoming the final beneficiary.

Seeing this, Hagen jumped into the water and wanted to take back the ring, but was taken off by the fairies.

At this time, the sky was not only reflecting the brilliance of the flames, but Hagen also ended his life in the rapids.

Although he had never worn the ring, he was the owner of the Rhine Gold.

Perhaps the magic gold was originally an ominous thing.

Without Siegfried's powerful immortal body, Hagen struggled hard in the face of this ruthless water and fire, but still died fragilely.

At the end of losing consciousness, he still couldn't let go of Siegfried's choice.

The story of Siegfried the dragon slayer in "The Song of the Nibelungs" came to an end.

Everyone felt a palpitation when reading this at this time.

The Rhine Gold almost runs through the thread of all the plots in the previous story.

This time, people saw the power of the curse again, and felt sad for those who desperately wanted to snatch the so-called Nibelung treasure.

Even if you lose your life, what's the use of getting the ring, the gold, and the treasure?

Are power and wealth really that important?

The story seems to have come to an end.

Then everyone found that there was another ending in the book, just like the Archduke and Akado.

"Are there... other endings?" Rhine asked in surprise.

The faint heaviness in people's hearts dissipated, and was diluted by the joy of the new story line.

Could it be the perfect ending that Siegfried survived?

With a glimmer of hope, everyone who continued to read on found that this story line was completely different from what they imagined.

After a short reading, everyone understood.

The second route is the route in which Hagen and Gunther survived as "evil men", but caused Queen Klinshilde's deep revenge.

Originally, Yan felt that the second half of the Nibelungenlied had almost completely become the revenge story of Klinghild, which was somewhat out of the epic feeling of the dragon-slaying hero legend, so he took it out as a separate ending.

Or, in fact, Klinghild should have been the real protagonist of this book.

A woman who loved Siegfried more than herself, and had a morbid love comparable to the Siegrud version of Brunhild's Valkyrie.

Suffering from the regret and self-blame of telling Hagen about her husband's weaknesses, the silver-haired witch bid farewell to her own innocence and kindness, and completely turned black.

She wanted to personally send Siegfried to his death with the blood of her brother Gunther and Hagen!

Chapter 228 King Attila!

Klinghild hated her brother and Hagen who killed her husband, and lived alone with her mother.

Hagen seized the key to the Nibelungen treasure, sank most of the treasure into the Rhine, and used the rest to bribe Gunther's knights to oppose him, leaving only a small part for Klinghild.

At this time, far away on the other side, Attila, the king of the Hun Empire, had a queen who unfortunately passed away, and he (she) wanted to marry another wife.

So many of his men recommended the beautiful widow, Klinghild, to Attila.

Count Hüttger responded that she was a dignified and beautiful lady, and he volunteered to go on a mission to propose marriage for her on behalf of the king.

Hagen opposed this marriage.

Giselher, the youngest of the three royal siblings, finally came out to show his presence.

He accused Hagen of having hurt his sister too much and was no longer qualified to decide his sister's future and happiness.

So Count Hüttger finally met the beautiful Queen Klinghild.

Hütteg: "Beautiful Queen! You might as well listen to our advice. You will marry my King Attila and enjoy great glory from now on. Perhaps this will make you forget your sad past."

Klinshid: "How can I make myself want to be a hero's wife again? Death took my husband away, which made me heartbroken. I am willing to mourn for him at any time and keep him for the rest of my life."

Hütteg: "Please stop your sadness, Queen! Go to Attila. I swear to you that if anyone dares to insult you, I will help you avenge even if I am alone."

Hütteg's words reminded Klinshid, making her wake up suddenly and sweat all over.

Revenge - she has not yet avenged Siegfried!

The gentle and kind temperament of the queen was gone at this moment, and turned into unstoppable hatred.

Even if that person was her most beloved brother, even if the other person was her husband's good friend and a hero of Burgundy whom she trusted.

Now they all have only one identity left, that is, their enemies.

The queen's emotions finally loosened a little. Klinghild, who originally wanted to be a widow for Siegfried for the rest of her life, suddenly showed a firm look.

Klinghild: "Hütger, please swear to me that as long as someone invades me, you will be the first to stand up and avenge me."

At this time, her face was a little confused, helpless and timid like a weak and frightened rabbit. She didn't know whether she was right to agree to this, but the will of revenge was driving this body that had lost the hope of living to continue to move.

Claire, Rhine and others were all breathless when they saw this.

They were shocked and complicated by the price Klinghild would pay for Siegfried's revenge.

It seemed that marrying Attila was a betrayal of the love between her and Siegfried, but in fact, it was because of the deep love that she wanted to avenge him at all costs.

Is it worth it? Or not?

People are even wondering how Siegfried would feel after knowing this.

Will he be angry, sad, blame himself, or relieved and compassionate?

At this time, Hurtegger in the book also solemnly swore to the queen: "I promise that I will not let anyone bully you. I will die for this!"

Count Hurtegger finally returned to the Hun Empire with the queen.

Klinghild and Attila held a grand wedding, and then they found out that their new husband was actually a woman? ! (Fog)


"!?" At this moment, all the readers were stunned.

A new illustration appeared in the book, in which King Attila and Klinghild, who looked confused and bewildered, stood together.

Both of them had silver-white hair, one had smooth skin like milk, and the other had a healthy wheat color, with a beautiful figure and a tender body. They were rare beauties in the world.

Attila held a sword in one hand, and there was no obvious fluctuation on his face. He didn't seem to care much about who his "new wife" was.

Neither like nor hate.

Clinhild still has a hint of nervousness on her face.

Although he has turned evil, he has not turned evil completely, and still retains the innocent instincts of a girl... Clinhild was very nervous before meeting the king of the legendary Hun Empire.

Unexpectedly, when they really met, Attila's real image surprised her.

She had never thought that she would marry a second husband one day, let alone marry a woman, a woman who was no less beautiful than herself.

Even the once noble princess, Clinhild, was a little too excited when facing this scene, and her face turned slightly red.

It's over, it's over... What the hell is this lesbian scene! ?

Many readers who originally had no good or bad feelings towards the character of Attila now feel mysteriously embarrassed and weird like Clinhild in the book.

King Arthur next door doesn't dare to play like you!

Two beautiful girls got married openly.

It's simply a pioneering work in ancient times! Unprecedented!

"Oh oh oh oh! This looks quite interesting!" A certain alchemy god suddenly cheered and looked at the illustration with interest.

Even gods have gossip!

Hahahaha! I didn't expect it! He really didn't expect that Klinghild would marry a new king who was also a woman.

However, a more erotic scene appeared in the book.

King Attila didn't care who his wife was. In fact, she just listened to the opinions of her subordinates. In order to maintain the king's majesty, she established the position of the queen.

But she was very kind to her nominal wife.

Klinghild enjoyed very good treatment in the Hun Empire, without any harshness. Even if she and Siegfried were summoned to Chaldea in the future, Fei Ge also thanked Attila for taking care of Klinghild during this time.

But Attila himself didn't have any memory of this, and he might still feel a little puzzled about Siegfried's gratitude.

It is worth mentioning that the two of them gave birth to heirs with the blood of both sides through some magic.

A healthy prince.

Klinghild was also very grateful for Attila's care during this period, and regarded him as her best girlfriend and friend, but she still did not forget about revenge.

The birth of the prince this time gave her an opportunity. She used the excuse of missing her relatives in her hometown to send people to ask her brother Gunther, Hagen and the people in her hometown to come to the Hun Empire.

Gunther and Hagen did not doubt it much. They thought Klinghild had long forgotten the hatred and was now quietly serving as the wife of King Attila.

If they could have more exchanges and ease the relationship between the two sides, this was what Gunther and the others wanted to see.

This would also prevent Klinghild from taking revenge on them with the power of the Hun Empire.

So the group happily kept the appointment and embarked on a journey to the Hun Empire.

Chapter 229 We must let the dragon learn how to guard against the dragon slayer!

As everyone set off.

Halfway along the way, Hagen heard two fairies of the Rhine River make an ominous prediction about their journey.

Hagen was half-believing and half-doubting, but finally decided to move on.

It takes at least two days to reach the capital of the Hun Empire. They must pass through the fiefdom of Count Hurteg, so everyone plans to rest for a night in the fiefdom of Count Hurteg before continuing their journey.

When everyone arrived at Hurteg's territory, they met Hurteg's wife and daughter in the territory.

The earl's daughter has such a noble and elegant temperament.

Prince Giselher (Klinhild's youngest brother) fell in love with her at first sight and hoped to marry the girl.

The earl's daughter was very shy, and only said "yes" with the encouragement of her father.

So Count Hurteg promised Giselher that when Giselher returns to his country, he will let his daughter go back to Giselher's hometown with him.

When people saw this, they were attracted by the gradually relaxing atmosphere in the story, and they couldn't help showing a gentle smile at the corners of their mouths.

After experiencing all kinds of sad plots in the past, the girls couldn't help showing an aunt-like silly smile when they saw the sweet love between the little prince and the earl's daughter.

It was like seeing his son bringing his wife home.

However, when Hagen and others arrived at the Hun Empire, the atmosphere gradually became tense.

Hagen heard the news of his followers being killed while dining, so he killed Klinghild's son.

At this time, the two sides were deadlocked, looking at each other with murderous eyes.

Hagen and his warriors were so powerful, and he himself held the sword Balmunk that Klinghild's husband had worn before.

No Huns dared to fight for a while.

Klinghild ordered people to close the hall and set fire to Hagen and others.

However, Hagen and others still survived.

When Count Hütger heard the news and rushed over, he pushed open the door and was very sad to see the tragic scene in front of him.

Klinghild mentioned the oath she made to Hütger at this time.

The count had no choice but to make up his mind.

He walked into the hall, "I must fight you!"

In the end, Count Hütger fought bravely in the hall and died of exhaustion.

King Dietrich, Hütger's friend, was in great pain when he heard about this.

"We have lost all the comfort that can be persuaded." He mourned for Hütger and then joined the battle.

The heroes were caught in an unprecedented melee.

In the end, only Gunther and Hagen survived because they were captured.

Giseleher, who had been promised by the Count to return with the Count's daughter, also rested here forever.

The handsome faces and smiles of Giseleher and Count Hütteger seemed to be still vivid in my mind.

Claire covered her chest with her little hands.

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