Then who is he! ...! ! ! That’s outrageous!

Infinite matryoshka doll, you're done pretending, I'm pretending, you're done scheming, I'm scheming!

Now people are aware of everything that happened in this singularity,

I can't tell the difference between true and false.

Even Hassan, who was originally attracted by Yan Qing's doppelgänger, saw this.

They were also speechless one after another...

The various twists and turns made them sweat.

For a certain Hassan who believed that the Knights of the Round Table could spare innocent civilians and was willing to commit suicide...

Except for the art of assassination,

This kind of psychological dirty tricks and conspiracy made Hassan shed tears when he saw it.

When did the battle between heroic spirits not involve fighting for glory?

Instead, he turned into these monsters and monsters!

Are upright warriors like Saber and Lancer in the Holy Grail War almost extinct?

Everyone is like those magicians, almost turning into lyb!

It is worth mentioning that regarding this ‘count’ who I don’t know who he is,

Someone suddenly remembered what the professor said before, what he said about Holmes...

At that time, before he could tell his real name,

People have also speculated whether the third party the professor mentioned could be the earl.

Could this count be Lao Fu? ? ! grass!

And on the other side,

count? He continued to murmur: "In this case, I have naturally deduced my real name.

Now that you know your real name, of course you also know my true face. "

He began to think from the perspective of Shinjuku Archer.

The information exposed is obviously very pitiful.

But regarding the fact that he has been seen through by Shinjuku Archer,

count? There is no doubt...

What kind of judgment this is based on is not clear.

But that determination once again made people realize that Shinjuku Archer is not that simple.

count? : “…I don’t like to put myself on the chessboard.

Not to mention that the other party is that guy.

All in all... let me calm down that uneasiness. "

With a swish sound, the earl disappeared from the spot.

The screen changes——

On the other side, Guda finally woke up,

People's five senses suddenly fell into plot CG mode, and were associated with Guda.

The first moment I opened my eyes,

When I saw Yan Qing’s face and the interior architectural background behind it.

Everyone: "!!!"

This, this is not...! ~@!

Was he diverted directly to the enemy's base camp?

It’s over…

Later, after Guda had a conversation with Yan Qing, he also knew where he was.

Yan Qing even introduced to him with great interest...the real Shinjuku Archer,

He said that he brought Guda here just on a whim, and if he was killed by the leader, don't blame him.

He won't care!

Guda: "Chief?!"

Shinjuku Assassin: "Yes. Our leader...the incarnation of evil, the agglomeration of evil, and the concept of evil.

——The real Archer from Shinjuku. "

If Guda is the savior of this world,

So... what is that description...

(Dio: Yes, I am...

Shinjuku Archer: I am the savior of evil people! ! )


A sound of footsteps came slowly,

When the figure gradually walked towards Guda.

Even people who have known about its existence for a long time and have even seen it many times cannot help but be reminded of this historic meeting.

And the moment Guda saw that familiar face,

"'s Archer.

It's not... the same person. "Guda murmured shakenly, then strengthened his mind.

As the master, Guda has his own judgment...

Whether the Shinjuku Archer who once helped him is trustworthy or not will never be affected by one or two things.

At the same time - the professor also said: "That's right.

I am evil and he is good.

Because of the power of the Holy Grail, we—no, it’s my superfluous feelings,

The heart that is harshly criticized by goodness is divided.

In the battle with 'him'.

Such feelings are not needed. "


It’s Lao Fu who doesn’t know how to say it!

People thought again about the count who also started to feel a little strange.

Shinjuku Archer: “…I didn’t expect that during the process

That kind of scum actually has consciousness.

Not to mention actually running away and trying to resist us.

But after all, before you come,

He is just an existence like a flying insect scurrying around——.

Shinjuku's Berserker was defeated,

Rider won't be able to return anytime soon.

...However, we still have two demons (servants).

No impact on plans. "

Guda: “What’s the plan?

Could it be to smash this planet...? "

Shinjuku Archer: "As expected, you already know.

As you can imagine now.

Our goal is undoubtedly to decompose this planet, Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Do you think it's impossible?

But I can do it.

This is what I believe,

They believe so too and act with me.

In 1999, the world will end.

The nonsense of the past will become reality. "

At this moment, the epic also has a narration note,

which is a prophecy of the end of the world that suddenly spreads in a certain era in the future.

In fact, since the end of the Age of Gods, humans who use xxx years to calculate the years have not been known since some time.

Even with such a doomsday declaration, they still successfully passed that year and crossed to a more distant timeline.

A doomsday prophecy?

Will there be such signs in the future?

The hearts of the gods tightened.

Will it be related to Ragnarok?

Some gods even remembered the horror of the final trial of mankind and attributed it to the demons and trials that destroyed the world.

Maybe it's not just nonsense...

It's just a possibility that mankind fails to cross the trial and is destroyed?

That is, the failed world line...

And now that man wants to let that possible Energy blossoming? !

It must be said that due to too much persecution, the gods now have strong imagination.

With just one sentence,

they have already begun to add drama to the epic! !

It is about their personal freedom and life.

At this time, they are more cautious than when they were collecting believers.

But Meili felt a little strange at this time...

Why did he say so much to Guda, and he didn't seem to kill Guda directly.

So... unnecessary... is it another temptation?

It seems too deliberate.

So how credible are these words?

Meili's mouth curled up a smile, and she was more curious about the truth of the matter.

Well... hum, men's mouths are deceitful, and you can't believe a word of it!

Chapter 45 The destruction of the world is really...?

Guda: "Why do you do this!?"

Shinjuku Archer slightly widened his eyes: "Motive, motivation...


If I must say, it should be because I am a mathematician.

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