[There should be rescue to save you. 】

[The rescuer should tell you everything. 】

[I sincerely apologize for being so frightened. 】

Although there is no betrayal, there are still many elements that remain unclear.

This letter directly confuses people.


Is this within his expectation?

He even predicted that someone would come to save Guda?

who? Who else in Shinjuku is capable of rescuing people from the enemy's base now?

Hassan: These tactics are so dirty!

Many races: cunning human heroic spirits, hateful, betrayal is betrayal, why do you think you have betrayed but you haven't betrayed yet?

Why are humans so messed up?

Races with more bad tempers, for example, have long regarded Shinjuku Archer as a traitor and an enemy undercover.

Isn’t this already obvious?

Guda has been taken back to the enemy's base camp, and they said there is rescue?

What a liar!

That is, such a simple and kind-hearted person is still willing to believe in that man.

That person is clearly the same person as the professor and has the same evil nature! !


Such traitors should be killed immediately.

Even those who still believe in the old man like Guda, no one feels that there is really hope at this time.


? ? ? : "...Let me explain this issue."

A sound woke people up,

They all looked at it!

Shakespeare: "Uh-huh, who is it!?"

count? The figure finally appeared in front of the Master for the first time: "My name is Edmond Dantès.

Some people also call me the Cave King. "

Guda: "Cave King!?"

count? : “Be quiet, Fujimaru Ritsuka.

I am the rescuer sent by Archer from Shinjuku.

To be precise, it was designed to be here.

But forget it, there is no time now anyway. "

The man who calls himself Edmond Dantès,


People suddenly opened their eyes and saw some interesting information (notes).

That's some relevant information about the real Cave King.

‘His cruel way of living, his anonymous revenge drama,

The longing and persistence for the lover Mercedes who was forcibly taken away and ravaged,

As well as his experience of changing his past due to distress and regret, people in France and even the world praised him as "the most famous Avenger in the world".

Although the story of the King of the Grotto was created by Alexandre Dumas, the [Father Faria] who guided Edmond who was imprisoned in the Chateau d'If is now confirmed to be an actual person...

Although his real name was indeed Edmond Dantès, he also realized that he and Edmond Dantès, the man of the sea in Marseille, were not the same person.

Because Edmond Dantès abandoned his viciousness after staging a tragic revenge play in Paris...

And when he appears as a Servant, he exists as the idol of the vengeful ghost.

He evaluated himself: If this is the case, he is not Edmund. ’

‘My name is the Cave King.

I don’t know what love and affection are, and there is only the black flame of resentment burning with hatred and revenge in my heart.

I am the Avenger who will continue to bring disaster until everything is reduced to ashes.

If there is no concubine in this world, then this body will live forever as a vengeful ghost of eternal calamity——'

Even though I haven’t seen the complete story about the Cave King.

But in those few words,

It describes the irreconcilable evil, the evil that will never look back, and the will that will never wither.

Shocking people...

It also allowed people to understand the true nature of Avenger as a job agency for the first time.

Compared with the description of the vengeful ghost,

The Avengers that people knew in the past were too much of a joke, which led to people never taking this special eighth job seriously.

A certain avenger is actually as pure and easy-to-understand as a newborn baby. She is essentially kind but is a bit arrogant and arrogant.

A certain avenger, who was actually an innocent monster, finally merged with Anna and became the new wife in people's minds, the hard-steel Gorgon for everyone and the mother goddess of creation.

Although these followers all bear hatred and fight for revenge, they appear...

But none are as pure as this description from the Cave King.

grass--! What happened to the ignition? !

People feel excited.

Then he came back to his senses,

He felt more and more that the man in front of him was not the real earl.

Is Edmund's name such an inconvenience?

Everyone looked at the mysterious servant who claimed to be the Cave King in front of them with vigilance and suspicion.'? ? ? ’

Who is he?

But here, the fake Cave King said that he was unable to take Shakespeare away with him, so he had no choice but to let him stay here and suffer alone.

Shakespeare shed tears of sadness in his heart: "Oh, what a tragedy!

...Having said that, I actually quite understand it. "

Guda: "But..."

Shakespeare: "It's all right, all right.

Although being tortured was very painful and uncomfortable,

But he shouldn't die in a short time.

The most important thing is that the safety of Mr. Fujimaru Ritsuka is the top priority now.

Don't worry about me!

But you must come to save me from now on. "

Fake Cave King: “I understand.

Come on. Shakespeare. "

After saying that, he took Guda and ran away!

Shakespeare was still shouting behind him: "Good luck to you!"

What a sad thing this is...!

It's another tragedy indeed!

But when I think about it, the person who was left behind is also a playwright (a great bard) who likes to write tragedies like An Tusheng.

Very good...!!

People unconsciously bring him into the old thief An Tusheng.

Suddenly I feel that my heart is not hurting anymore, and I am a little happy?

Ask you to feed me (us) knives every day?

What is this wave called? This is a tooth for a tooth, double return!

Ah, it seems that such a package is also coming to An Tusheng.

Imprison you, and use chains to torture you constantly. You are not allowed to come out until you finish writing ten new epics in one breath.

Everyone is shocked by their sinister intentions...

It's really too cruel (happy)! Damn, I'm a little moved!

At this moment, Guda and others who were escaping suddenly triggered an alarm mechanism like Chaldea.

In this building, a shrill alarm sounded and a red light lit up!

Chapter 47 Just because he is the Cave King!

"We've been discovered, go away, Master.

It's okay, don't worry.

This level of security measures is a piece of cake for me!"

The fake count took Guda all the way outside, but was blocked by King Lear.

The next moment, "Master, it's a pity that I don't have strong power now.

Please command well, in order for us to survive...!"

Everyone: …………

The power is weakened, no, it should be that he doesn't have the strength of a real Cave King at all.

When it was already guessed that the Cave King in front of them was a fake,

people had already understood it vaguely in their hearts.

Even if the appearance can be simulated, the strength itself will not change.

Thinking like this-the possibility that this mysterious man is Lao Fu is even greater.

Although Lao Fu is a heroic spirit, how can the detective profession be compared with other professions that specialize in fighting.

The fact that they have some strength must be due to the blessing of the legendary level.

After spending some effort,

beyond people's expectations,

the two successfully escaped and came to the top of a tall building.

Just like the place where Guda fell at the beginning.

Those enemy heroes didn't catch up...

Did they not react, or... -- um...

Forget it, with their IQ, they can't guess what the professor and others are thinking, it's too brain-consuming.

And back here,

the fake earl: "Huh, it's not easy.

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