Try to avoid mentioning the consequences of Moriarty as a man.

...It can be said that there are as many servants more powerful than him as there are stars in the sky.

Just start searching from the age of gods,

There are many servants who have charm that surpasses him.

But when it comes to planning, you don’t have to lift a finger.

There are only a handful of evil charms that can form a web of evil.

...Yes, I am afraid of the impact Moriarty will have on the world.

Therefore, the description of him is simplified as much as possible.

Okay, here comes the question.

Moriarty claimed that he was divided into good and evil halves.

It is also said that the evil side has taken away the power and true name, and exiled the good.

But as far as I'm concerned,

I can no longer accept this.

That's because...

I can barely sense the quality of goodness in Moriarty.

But when I meet you, I will protect you

What Archer in Shinjuku did was not hypocritical.

Rider in Shinjuku, when I want to protect you from that vicious beast,

He has completely put his own life aside.

No matter what the conspiracy is, he will definitely leave a way out for himself...

But he took no such action.

The reason why he was saved was really just a pure accident.

...The moment I understood this, I was really shocked. "

It is absolutely impossible to have a kind person, but he is definitely not hypocritical and saves the Master...a contradictory individual...

It is an existence that makes even a wise man like Sherlock Holmes go crazy, have a headache, and cannot understand it.

Moriarty - is this the old man's real name?

People are becoming more and more anxious about the mysterious truth hidden behind it.

No matter what it is, there are rules. No matter how incredible the phenomenon is, there should be an explanation!

So what should be the truth about that man?

Guda: "Archer is Moriarty..."

Holmes: “Although I had suspected that he was an impostor, it didn’t seem like it.

This is indeed a headache——.

[He really can only be the good Moriarty.

Even if you lose your memory, you still have to fight, just like the protagonist. ]"

When he said this, Lao Fu became a little excited and opened his mouth.

People can be sure that when placed in the text version, this must be a section of bold and black font.

Language is contagious,

Can convey people's emotions!

Seeing Lao Fu's excited expression, even though he didn't really understand the story between him and Moriarty.

The image of an absolutely evil person also appeared in people's minds.

Shocked Sherlock Holmes for a whole year——!

Holmes: "Oh, this is indeed a headache!

After all, I never imagined that such a person could exist in the world!

But, strictly speaking, even though I know your life will not be in danger,

But letting you be kidnapped is really a cruel method——. "

Guda finally reacted: "Let me be kidnapped!?

That bastard! ? "

Holmes: "But it was only a matter of time before you were kidnapped.

It should also be in his calculation that I will save you when necessary.

Well, it's better not to hide anything from Moriarty.

You can tell him everything about our conversation.

You have a worried look on your face.

But please don't worry. He already knew it all.

You were taken away and saw another self,

And will be rescued by me, everything is known.

At the same time, he also knew that his real name would be exposed during the process.

And I still have doubts about him. "

Everyone's face turned dark when they heard it, and it didn't matter whether they said it together or not!

If you don't tell him, it might make Moriarty think that the Master is biased against him and no longer trusts him, which would hurt the old man's heart.

But what I said...

For such an unstable man with a very dangerous identity,

Even people who have a crush on this cute old man because of the previous plot are wary and cannot guarantee that... Moriarty will not affect Guda's follow-up plans in the end.

If nothing else, even the good Moriarty here is on the Master's side.

It's unacceptable for him to dare to plot against the Master's safety.

No matter when, Guda's safety is the most important thing!

Holmes: "Of course, he and I never met once.

But he should have been convinced.

Even if you don't know your real name, as long as you can construct a theory, your real name will naturally surface.

That Moriarty shouldn't be lazy on this issue.

He and I are both this type of people.

Anyway, after everyone is here,

I have another truth to tell you.

...that is, the meaning of destroying the world. "

Speaking of this, Lao Fu deliberately let it slip and mentioned the nature of everyone.

Just then...

A strange human figure suddenly approached the two.

"Oh, that one over there."

Chapter 50: Shura Field, a great sense of immersion!

who? !

There is no normal person in Shinjuku. As for the figure that appears at this time,

Any fool knows there's something wrong.

When people followed the sound, they looked.

A man who looked like a socialite was staring at Guda with strange eyes.

It was as if he was sizing up livestock, which was creepy.

Guda: "Huh?

Are you talking about me? ”

Celebrity: “Yes, yes, you… have a good face.

You look very good, so beautiful.”


Is he attracted to Guda?

This is a terrible and bad statement. Those who chose Gudako are fine. Those who chose Gudafu are stunned when they see this…

They smell the scent of bananas.

Then, the celebrity continued: “It can be said to be healthy.

Well, it must be very nutritious.”


People suddenly realized something,

then they widened their eyes and looked at the man with some fear.

People noticed that it was not a simple praise or appreciation, but a tone like when commenting on delicious food.

It was as if he was talking about how fat this piece of pork is and how to cook it to make it delicious.

Ugh~!! People who thought of a certain possibility retched in their consciousness.

This, this person, does he want to eat Guda?

A cannibalistic human? Isn’t that a monster covered in human skin?

Guda was also surprised and said: “…What did you say? ”

Celebrity: “Is it better to cook it raw (three-rare) or burnt (well done)…

Trouble, it’s really troublesome.”

Accompanied by the words that were obviously malicious and undisguised, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

And then the celebrity started to talk nonsense…

Old Fu, who was watching, chuckled: “Hahaha, your brain is not normal.”

Guda said sadly: “Are all of them like this!”

Holmes: “Since Shinjuku became like this,

there have been several serious food shortages.

But now Shinjuku still has more food.

Because it can be said that most of the human beings have died.

The ones who are still alive are magicians and murderers. ”

The next moment, Holmes changed into the skin of the count again.

“…In summary, I’m sorry, Master.

I hope you can help me a little.

It’s nothing, it’s much easier than King Lear just now.

Of course, there will be more people! "

He looked in one direction with a hint of meaning.

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