——! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! ! !

No more,

People can't hold it in any longer.

Oh, this is the devil, God dancing with ‘women’.

And in the blink of an eye, people saw the Master sobbing helplessly: "Ugh..."

Poor, weak, and helpless!

Finally, for once, people no longer envy the Master.

Although there are many benefits, social death and various dangers are also terrifying!

Hei Zhen: “…What, I’m really unhappy.

What kind of dance are you doing? How can you dance blindly based on intuition? "

Upon seeing this, a celebrity wanted to take the opportunity to invite Hei Zhen to dance, but in the middle of the conversation, Hei Zhen was scared away by a murderous look in his eyes.

Everyone: Hey, are you even afraid of the village girl?

He deserves not to be able to get beautiful women.

At this time, you should boldly go up with A!

Can you bear to see such a delicate and beautiful girl standing there alone without a dance partner?

Laughing to death...

People felt a sour smell in the air.

It seems that Hei Zhen also wants to dance with the Master.

Thinking of this, everyone laughed and stopped laughing...

Damn it, putting aside women's clothing, this is a rare opportunity to dance with Tuxedo Heidi and Tuxedo Heizhen!

And just when Hei Zhen was about to explode and couldn't help but want to set fire...

Heida reminded Guda that several bodyguards appeared upstairs and the target was probably coming.

At this time, Guda also began to recall the memories of the previous plan...

The screen flashed,

People saw that scene.

Holmes: "Assassin from Shinjuku will always be in drag when he shows up.

It's really pitiful that you obviously pursue glory and wealth, but you can't show your face.

So, if you break into the building he uses as a base,

Even if he releases his Noble Phantasm, he will undoubtedly escape among the crowd. "

Moriarty said: "But as long as Fujimaru Ritsuka, who has the best judgment among servants, is here,

That's a different story!

Many people would be surprised to see a Servant present.

But when you show up, few people will be surprised.

And he broke into the enemy camp alone!

...Well, it’s another dangerous mission! !

That’s why I let two reliable servants,

Dress up to fight with you.

I remember this situation in Eastern proverbs... That's right!

A man relies on clothes, a horse relies on a saddle, and a dog relies on bells to run happily! ! "

Moriarty responded with furious blows from Heidi and Heizhen.

The flag and the holy sword fell down...

Who are you talking about as a dog?

The people who finally fully understood Moriarty's plan were angry...

That description is really inappropriate.

How can you say that beautiful girls are dogs? They are dogs and they want to be the dogs of beautiful girls.

If that doesn't work, can a dog leash be used? !

And on the other side,

Shinjuku Assassin finally appears again.

And when people saw whose vest Assassin was wearing this time.


They were stunned.

Heidi in casual clothes?

But Hei Dai, who was originally the calmest and most rational person in the group, became even more impulsive than Hei Zhen this time.

When watching the other person push his face and talk about all kinds of pleasures.

I can't even stop the cud...

Heidai said that even if she could bear it, the holy sword in her hand could not.

So he said: "There is no cure!"

Moriarty: "Are you giving up too quickly?!"

And here is the holy sword (the magic sword’s radiance gathers),

On the other side, Assassin in Shinjuku has not yet sensed the crisis, and is scolding his subordinates to collect money for him to spend his days and nights.

And took away all store assets in Shinjuku.

After my subordinates retorted that they hadn’t heard that there were any assets like that left...

Shinjuku Assassin: “What we have to win are three things: self-respect, love, and courage.

Ask them if they will be loyal even if they have to bend the knee.

Instigating parents to sell their children, and children to sell their parents.

Take the option of resistance out of their minds.

In this way, everyone can be happy, I am happy, and you are happy,

The whole world will be filled with happiness! "

Everyone:! ! !

This is already crazy.

Why do you want to violate human nature like this?

What kind of shock did Assassin go through during his lifetime?

That definition of the concept of assets,

It makes people feel cold in their hearts and make their hair stand on end.

And what kind of happy world is this? Isn’t it just suffering and degradation?

Indulge in wealth and indulgence,

He wants assets, and on the other side of man's desires, of course he also wants to satisfy himself.

Soon Shinjuku Assassin talked about letting his men capture two beauties so that he could see them...


experience--. "Shinjuku Assassin's perspective suddenly saw something, and he was so frightened that his voice became slower and slower without realizing it.

Especially after seeing a certain Heidi with the same face as his current vest and holding a glowing holy (magic) sword!

The most anticipated scene is here...

Shinjuku Assassin: "Ha!?"

Chapter 58 This wave is a beauty trick from the Chaldean Master!

This wave is the fake Li Kui bumping into the real Li Kui.


When people saw Shinjuku Assassin using the appearance of Heida, people were shocked, and began to look forward to how the other party would react when they saw Heida himself suddenly appearing in front of them!

And the other side did not disappoint them.

Fuck! So funny! This little chicken is so frightened like it has encountered an eagle!

The child was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

Who can not be moved by seeing a big glowing sword at such a close distance!

(Everyone: Are you moved?

Shinjuku Assassin: 'Don't dare to move, don't dare to move!')

Shinjuku Assassin: "Wait, hey, no way...!?

No, no no no.

Why, I don't understand!?"

Subordinates: "What...what happened!?"

The background music is getting tense and the battle is about to begin.

Shinjuku Assassin, however, did not seem to be prepared at all.

Instead, he continued to shout with his black vest on: "What's the matter, you idiot!

Look, that woman!"

Subordinate A: "Well, it's a beautiful woman...

Ah, so it looks exactly like your face today, boss."

Hermitos saw that his face looked a little strange,

and his subordinate's brain was a little bit wrong. His boss was so panicked that he hadn't reacted yet.

Not to mention that they had drawn their swords.

When others saw this, they laughed even more!

Hahahaha, I felt sorry for Shinjuku Assassin for a few seconds.

And the next moment, Shinjuku Assassin, who couldn't hold it back, punched his subordinate's brain. It was better to kill such a stupid subordinate himself.

He then ordered other subordinates to gather more soldiers to deal with Hei Dai.

At the same time, those celebrities were dismissed...

For fear that the celebrities would also be killed in one pot.

People looked at this scene and suddenly felt so weird!

The other side is the evil force, but they are protecting humans (a group of beasts in human clothing).

On the contrary, Guda and the others look more like evil forces.

Countless small fish "bees" surrounded Hei Dai and others like moths to a flame under the order of the boss.

Mashu's image suddenly appeared at this time: "Permission has been granted! Restore communication now!

Master! That! This suits you very well!

I will cherish the photo...!"

Guda: "Stop!"

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