The Wolf King has already merged with the Dual Knight.

Based on this, a new phantom must be merged in!

People: !!!

No wonder the Wolf King can recover so quickly,

Can it merge and become stronger?

What kind of monster is that!

There should be two conscious individuals,

but because the Dual Knight has almost no self-opinion, the control of the body is completely handed over to the Wolf King.

But because of this, the next further fusion is not only the Wolf King,

‘Can you bear this hatred? ’

Recalling the words of the evil Moriarty just now,

if there is anything that can keep the consciousness that is constantly merging and still retain the last clarity, it must be crazy obsession.

It is really unexpected...

They were still thinking about Yan Qing’s double body, what a heavy burden it is for him, the superposition of that memory and personality, can make the former Renxia lose himself.

As a result, there appeared a person who directly merged his entire body, a real fusion summon.

It even reminded people of the scene when a certain Pharaoh played cards.

Fusion is no longer popular these days!

And the new servants who were transformed and sublimated by the fusion with super strong hatred!

When the new monster was born,

many readers who are human beings saw this, their blood was cold and almost frozen!

Their consciousness bodies trembled instinctively.

The overwhelming hatred was too terrifying, and it was specifically aimed at humans, and only at humans.

It was a confrontation between humans and animals, destined not to stand in the same position.

Named as a beast, it continued to evolve... a monster that launched the most primitive resistance.

When people were still thinking, calculating gains and losses, the cost and trade-offs of the struggle,

the violent power that seemed to conquer and tear everything apart made the brains of those who felt this power go blank.

In the face of such power, can human power really stop it?

Now... it just needs to violently tear everything in front of it apart.

One force defeats ten skills!

Just as they thought about it, they saw a wolf-like monster that looked even more ferocious and terrifying. It suddenly became transparent, roared, and rushed out... running onto the street!

Instantly, people realized something.

The hatred that was like flaming fangs, which could no longer be suppressed, and the violence that was about to overflow from its body and vent,

'It's targeting Guda! '

The very affirmative tone made people's hearts tighten.

The last calm atmosphere before the storm became extremely strong in their intuition!

Chapter 63 Precisely because it is a human, a chaotic individual!

The enemy of the wolf king is human.

The human who killed his wife is no longer there.

This caused it to set its target on the concept of 'human'.

It has become an irreconcilable enemy with humans.

Like the former Dragon Lord Azidahaka, it is also full of danger to the concept of human.

But one loves human deeply, and the other hates human deeply...

Love and hate are the two most terrible forces in the world.

When an enemy deliberately wants to conceptually destroy your race...

When people think of this, they feel chilled and horrified.

That evil Moriarty may be right,

'Guda is the human among humans, symbolizing the human's determination to forge ahead,

keep moving forward, never give up, and have the courage to open up a path. '

Such a savior and hero that people admire is almost a representative of the strong will of mankind.

With Robert's almost human wisdom,

he should be able to understand that Guda is different from those who killed his wife.

No, maybe they are the same?

At least from the standpoint of protecting the human homeland,

even if the means are despicable, if he is determined, Guda can do it...People think of it,

just like the hunters who once thought hard about how to deal with Robert, the wolf king.

...Moriarty deceived Guda to press the button, but actually took the guilt of killing the "dolls" for Guda alone.

Although Guda didn't do it himself at that time, they did feel his determination.

... Robert poured all his hatred and murderous intent on such Guda.

He has all kinds of noble qualities such as courage, kindness, and a spirit of sacrifice,

and he does not refuse to do anything and compromise appropriately.

Such a chaotic and complex existence can treat good and accept evil, which is exactly human.

Just like those hunters at the beginning,

they fought and fought with the wolf king just to protect their homes.

After all the failures in the battles, they adopted the most despicable psychological tactics.

Humans are originally a group of chaotic individuals.

The goodness or badness of a person should not be easily defined by a simple thing.

And it is this familiar chaos,

or it is precisely because Guda is a real human that he must be killed.

Just like before... those hunters who can never be defeated,

who always come up with new ways to deal with themselves!

The harder they work, the closer the Master will be to them.

Just as the Wolf King was riding the Headless Knight in a semi-transparent state, galloping wildly and wantonly on the streets of Shinjuku,


the scene changed, and a scene of memories appeared before people's eyes.

Everyone was slightly startled, then calmed down.

The fragment of memory seemed to be about the life of the Wolf King?


In the past, Wolf King Rob led the fierce and beautiful wolves (subordinates) with great power to do evil on the plateau.

Hunting the sheep in the ranch, countless hunters came to hear the news, but all returned empty-handed.

Whether it was poison bait or trap tactics,

even in the direct confrontation of strength, the legendary hunter's beloved dogs and horses were filled with hatred and could only leave sadly.

A series of the most sophisticated tactics used by humans could be easily seen through by Rob, and he deliberately concentrated the poison bait together to laugh at the weakness of human wisdom.

Everyone was helpless against it! Nothing could be done!

But at this moment,

someone wrote the following words in the book depicting the story of the Wolf King with the height of a historian.

'There are many heroes in history who often live a glorious and proud life in their lives, and have never failed, but they are implicated because of the reckless actions of his friends or subordinates.

Rob will suffer the same fate as these heroes. ’

(To deal with a beast that is also intelligent and wise in the same way as humans,

this is the highest honor for an ordinary beast!

Everyone was shocked-then looked.)

The humans guessed that due to her special identity, the female wolf Blanca was the most unrestrained subordinate in Rob's team, so they set up a maze to target this feature, set up a poison bait trap that was easily discovered by Rob,

but set up a more hidden trap for restless subordinates around,

and finally Blanca successfully fell into the trap.

The hunters killed the beautiful female wolf in an extremely cruel way.

After that, Rob's howling sounded day and night on the plateau. This arrogant wolf king hero was in great pain.

And even after death, people did not miss the opportunity to use the female wolf,

using the smell carried on its fur to set up a net to attract the wolf king to take the initiative to fall into the trap.

And knowing that it was just a trap,

Rob still rushed into the encirclement without hesitation.

At the last moment of his life, the wolf king still let out a hair-raising roar and fought tenaciously with the hunter.

When it knew that everything was lost, it just quietly looked at the plateau, which was once its kingdom, and died silently in grief.

The hunters placed its body side by side with Blanca's body to pay tribute.

The not-so-long life of the king of beasts ended here.

But what was shown in it was even the most ordinary animal,

which was not a fantasy beast or a monster, but was like a human, fighting for the pride and dignity of his life until the last moment of the lone wolf.

When they stubbornly resisted the survival law of human civilization for survival, in the great contest, they had to accept the fate of failure.

Survival of the fittest - this is the highest law of nature.

But this could not stop them from stubbornly fighting with humans in a nearly desperate struggle for survival and freedom, and even roaring wildly at the last moment of their lives. How tragic!

People stared at the scene in a daze, and were speechless for a while.

They seemed to understand that Rob's hatred might be mixed with a lot of confusion about the fickleness of fate.

This was not anyone's fault,

but fundamentally, humans and beasts could not coexist, just like a struggle against fate.

They were destined to be enemies and must kill each other mercilessly.

In addition, the hatred of his wife being killed by humans... drove him to become an avenger, engaging in meaningless fighting and fighting.

And such a result also made people realize that between the wolf king and humans,

there was only a final life-and-death contest left.

If you feel pity because of the tragedy of the wolf king's story, it would be the most stupid thing, and it would be a blasphemy against the lonely king.

They clenched their fists...

and realized something.

Perhaps respond positively, kill him, and then bid farewell to those hunters for his tragic, struggling, and dignified life.

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