Holmes: "That's right!

Oops, sorry for saying something depressing.

From the moment the Wolf King was destined to be our enemy,

Those words you just said will become facts (pain) that will be engraved in your heart sooner or later.

That’s why I think it’s better to get injured first.

But it seems that I am worrying too much. "

Alter: "Sherlock Holmes.

I have had this thought before, you are actually a hopeless evil person, right? "

Moriarty: "Right?"

Holmes: "Hahahahaha, I don't deny it.

Miss Artoria. "

There is always a thin line between genius and madman, and good guys and bad guys just have different stances...

This is a truth that people in this world have gradually begun to realize after reading countless epics.

Nothing is absolute...


‘It’s normal that we like Moriarty as a villain, right? ’

Although it's just this interesting version of the old man, not the original version.

Speaking of which, Winky was once a villain that many people hated during the Five Wars!

Artoria Alter: “But that’s not a problem.

He is a being that must be eliminated.

Not because the Wolf King is an enemy.

It’s not about correcting singularities. "

Moriarty: "...What does this mean?"

Alter: "You are the leader of the evil organization.

Even if he understands that he is evil, he still develops his evil existence based on almost instinctive factors.

It's just that I'm like that too.

I do evil for the sake of order, and this is unshakable.

So I can't feel it and understand it personally.

...But the arsonist woman said so. "

Heidi fell into memories——

Scenes of scenes come into view before people's eyes,

Joan of Arc Alter: "Hate and revenge are the food for my survival.

Even so, the distortion of the mind is inevitable.

Ask me why?

Not because of any remaining conscience.

It's not that naive and cheap kind of existence.

It's purely a matter of psychic acceleration.

In order to fulfill our hatred and revenge, we can only move forward desperately.

Faster and faster than galloping, constantly accelerating.

Half-hearted hatred is far from satisfying, and incomplete revenge is not delicious enough.

When taking revenge on someone who deserves revenge.

When taking revenge on someone who deserves revenge.

You will find that you can no longer stop.

The soul that should be nourished dries up, cracks, and then becomes hungry.

Never ending, never ending.

I don’t think there are many Extra job agencies like this.

But recently it has been popping up in endlessly...

If, by any chance, you encounter such an opponent.

Tell that guy (Master) to kill him without mercy.

That's not defeating the enemy.

But after liberation fell,

A bird that can no longer flap its wings and fly.

Tell him to show no mercy,

Don't hesitate to use any means to kill your opponent. "

Did Hei Zhen actually say such a thing?

That sounded like it was not just talking about the other Avengers, but also herself.

No wonder she was so persistent during the Hundred Years War of the Evil Dragon;

Almost beyond redemption…

At that time, she also described it like this, she couldn't stop at all.

Woohoo, Joan of Arc Alter! When people think of Heizhen, the figure they saw not long ago, covered in blood and fighting alone, flashes in their minds.

Guda: "Jane...

Please be safe and sound..."

Moriarty: "...I see.

Of course, I understand the crime was motivated by hate.

I also feel that I should understand the Avenger job description.

Although only for understanding. "

Artoria Alter: "...Having said that, the problem is the Wolf King.

Even including me

The top servants from all over the world gathered together to fight against that guy.

And when victory is about to be achieved,

What would he do? "

What's the meaning? ! Everyone looked at Heidi in confusion and astonishment.

Since we all have to win, there is one more thing...

Holmes suddenly said coldly: "You know how to run away."

Escape, run away? !

Everyone was shocked and subconsciously felt that it was impossible.

It reminds me of the violent fighting posture of the Wolf King fighting Heizhen, tooth for tooth, eye for eye.

And the legend of Wolf King Robert...

Even though he knew he was trapped, he still had no hesitation and fought to the last moment.

But when I think about the current Wolf King, he does not hesitate to distort everything, but only has the hatred of killing humans.

Also, when I was a Rider, I ran away when I was defeated.


In order to achieve the goal of exterminating human beings, I'm afraid it's not surprising no matter what it does, right? !

Thinking of this, everyone felt a little cold in their hearts.

powerful enemy,

The enemy will run away if you can't defeat it!

After escaping and returning, the enemy will become stronger!

A troublesome monster...

Holmes: "It's a good thing for him - but not a good thing for us,

No dignity.

Run away when you realize the disadvantage.

All living things are good at staying alive.

What's more, it's a beast that relies on instinct to survive.

No matter how strong the hatred is,

He is also a wolf, and the rider's will is almost as if it does not exist. "

Da Vinci: "So, first of all, we must ensure that he cannot escape."

Chapter 70 It’s just a dog, not a wolf!

If you want to defeat the Wolf King, you must first trap the Wolf King.

Originally, Heizhen's Red Lotus Hell was a good choice.

But even the blazing fire, which was taller than the human wall, the giant wolf could jump over with a powerful leap that was not consistent with its huge size.

Not to mention that Hei Zhen had already been sacrificed once before.

Matthew suggested forcing the Wolf King indoors.

Da Vinci said that ordinary buildings are no different from paper under the opponent's claws.

Then they thought about how the legend of Rob was wiped out during his lifetime...

Everyone:! ? !

Blanca? Using the Wolf King's wife as bait to set an inescapable trap?

But where can I find something that smells like the Wolf King's wife now?

People are silent...

And with the current Wolf King's monster-like strength, is there really a trap that can trap him?

Although the stories of heroic spirits during their lives are often the easiest place to discover their weaknesses.

But this weakness does not seem to hold true for Rob.

Everyone felt heartbroken - how could we fight?

at the same time--

They saw that Da Vinci also put forward the same opinions as they and others thought.

I don't think that kind of trap is still effective against this evolved monster.

At this moment, Moriarty closed his eyes and smiled, as if tasting a bottle of fragrant wine: "Da Vinci.

That's because you don't understand Shinjuku, so you have this understanding. "

Holmes: "...Indeed, in Shinjuku, the power of stories is beyond imagination.

The anecdotes of heroic spirits...such as Achilles' heel,

Siegfried's back and these are all weaknesses.

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