Except for the Master, it is possible that all the others were killed.

Based on the worst result,

People seemed to have seen that at the next corner, when the third 'trap' appeared in front of the Wolf King,

The Wolf King could no longer stop running,

The bloody and tragic scene would completely cover people's retinas.

For a moment, people held their breath nervously.

Chapter 73: It's an unattainable dream after all!

Da Vinci: "Five seconds left to reach the third trap!


Alter: "Three--"

Moriarty: "Two!"

The street was roaring like an earthquake, the earth was shaking, and the beasts were roaring.

It's getting closer and closer!

People's minds were also raised to the peak moment!

Holmes: "One..."

Guda, Mashu: "Zero!"

The next moment, the figure of the little white dog finally came into people's eyes.

When the perspective was close-up to Kavas II,

the puppy barked obediently.

Hesse Robert: "!!!"

It was clearly a weak cry like a sheep.

A pet and a real beast are naturally incomparable.

People were even prepared to see Kavas II's flesh and blood, or even shattered.

But such a soft call,

made the ominous giant hidden in the invisible stop!

Even though people couldn't see the transparent monster...

But people could still clearly see the deep scratches left by the monster's running on the earth.

The traces finally stopped here.

The mother earth, who was covered in wounds, would be relieved.

Thinking of this, people's eyes widened in disbelief.

It actually-really, succeeded? !

Alter: "How!"

Da Vinci: "Move-"

Mashu: "Stop!"

Moriarty: "...I'm really sorry, Wolf King. (Old Robert)

We've used your love again."

As soon as the voice fell,

because of the Wolf King's stop, the trap under his feet was activated again.

This time, the wolf king did not move, and was firmly caught in the trap.

Da Vinci: "... He's been caught!"

Mash: "Hessen Robert.

Stop moving forward, and show your figure at the same time!"

Altria Alter: "... Go ahead, Master.

Even that trap can't block his movements forever.

He will definitely try to escape even if he tears his front legs.

We don't have time or space to wait for reinforcements."

The background music suddenly became tense...

Everyone was thinking,

It's outrageous...!

Avengers who are so powerful will be punished by such a plan... Ugh!

And no matter how unbelievable it is, what is happening in front of us is already a reality.

People can only gradually accept it...

Then watch Altria Alter start to attack the wolf king, wanting to put an end to the never-ending gallop.

Let the tormented soul rest in peace.

At this moment, it's really time to end.

As an enemy, the best reward for this beast king with an incredibly strong will is to send him off!

After a fierce battle,

Alter's holy sword failed to cut off the wolf's head,

but it was able to detect that the wolf king's magic power was gradually exhausted.

Magic power is needed to maintain and move the servants!

This point was introduced in detail in the Holy Grail War, and people still remember it.

However, the behemoth is still moving without magic power! !

What on earth is this--! !

People can't remember how many times they have been surprised.

The wolf king Rob is even tougher than people think, just like a blood cow.

Looking at the Wolf King who was obviously exhausted but refused to dissipate, Altria Alter said: "The driving force behind your actions is hatred or revenge.

... No one can share this pain for you.

This pain is also a retribution returned to you,

This is undoubtedly your joy.

But, it's enough.

-Goodbye, Wolf King."

Then the next moment,

It was not the Wolf King, but the Dullahan who had never shown any self-will since the beginning of the Shinjuku plot. At the critical moment, he suddenly attacked and blocked Hei Dai's sword.

When Hei Dai asked him what he wanted to do in a startled voice.

The Dullahan took the initiative to throw away his weapon and blocked in front of Robert.

Mash: "Open your arms...

How could it be, but, this..."

Guda: "Protecting it...?

He's going to protect Rob...?"

Mash: "Ah, yeah.

I think that's what he meant..."

Alter: "Hurry up, back off!

Are you still a Servant like this?"

At this moment, the bloody scene reappeared, and Rob took the opportunity to tear off his front legs and escape.

Da Vinci reminded Guda and others,

and said it didn't matter, the wolf king was very slow, and he could catch up on foot.

The limping figure,

the indescribable sadness at this moment!

'Don't you want to give up even so? Don't you want to give up? 'Everyone looked at this scene in shock.

Hei Dai still wanted to chase,

but Holmes persuaded her to forget it and let him go.

"Let him go.

Victory is destined to be ours.

Whether it is Hessen or Robert, it is over.

...At least in the end, let them go.

As a rider, you also want to fulfill your last duty.

But it doesn't matter.

He finally regained his freedom.

You don't need to be responsible for it. "Said Holmes, looking at the headless knight who had begun to dissipate.

Headless knight Hessen, did not say a word until the end, he just left this world in silence: "......


This hellish Shinjuku, only Robert's lonely back was left, and there was no monster named Hessen. Robert.


Using the same despicable means as the hunters in the past, humans once again defeated the beasts.

When everyone should be happy,

But people's mood can't get better at this moment.

...Using despicable means again, I'm so sorry.

As an opponent, they should have defeated the enemy in a dignified manner, and the sense of accomplishment (convinced) and satisfaction (relieved) were not good for both sides. is the perfect answer.

But the human body is very fragile, so if you want to deal with the enemy, you have to use all your tricks and strength.

Standing in the same perspective as Guda and others, I have felt the oppression and incompetence brought to them by the Wolf King along the way.

It is precisely because normal means cannot deal with this avenger.

That is why I have to use despicable tactics.

That kind of helplessness...

Perhaps the humans who killed the Wolf King in his lifetime are also like this.

Everyone has the desire to live.

But - at least this time humans did not kill them all.

Thinking of this, people looked at the disappearing back of the Wolf King, and their mood finally improved.

Guda: "Is that so..."

Holmes: "Yes, Mr. Fujimaru Ritsuka.

The Wolf King has finally returned to being a beast."

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