Moriarty: "Taking advantage of your honesty, abusing your frankness,

You set a trap with your innocence.

But that's all I hope you can believe me.

That moment, the time to talk in the residence, the time to fight side by side.

Although it is just filled justice,

But the one who honestly believes in justice is me (him), not me (now).

Just take the villain in front of you,

Just think of it as a terrorist with a similar face. "

Don’t you want to tarnish that relationship?

Everyone: ...Well, so—just wake up as soon as possible.

The charm of evil cannot compare with such sincere emotions.

The only real thing...

It is something that everyone would envy.

But—it’s not too late to wake up now.

On the other side, facing Moriarty's request,

Guda: "I refuse."


I, Fujimaru Ritsuka, like to say NO to self-righteous people the most!

Moriarty:! ! !

He suddenly froze with an expression of defenselessness on his face.

I originally wanted to make a handsome exit, but——

Moriarty was anxious: "...You are such a stubborn guy!

However, you should just follow your own heart!

Dear detectives!

For your great help, I sincerely want to say "go to hell!"

I won't let you testify next time!

I will greet you with a complete crime that is impossible to prosecute or impeach! "

Everyone can understand Moriarty's current mood.

After all, we have already won...

All old enemies have been defeated,

But he was overturned in the end, and was even accused of being a criminal for the first time in his life.

Everyone has that kind of unwillingness.

However, although Moriarty lost in the end, he won in people's minds.

Such a perfect... successfully defeated Holmes' plan,

If Moriarty hadn't relented in the end, he would still have been the winner.

Serious gentleman: "It's a great honor to receive such a compliment from you. Then I'll take my leave.

Well, science is indeed wonderful. "

The doctor in Bird's Nest Head said: "I quite agree with this.

But let me tell you, do my two roles overlap? After all, they are all PhDs. "

The old man playing with knots: "...Don't worry, there is no overlap at all.

Humph, he actually dragged out such an immortal bad guy.

Thank you so much. "

The round-faced priest said, “Then I’ll take my leave too.

Goodbye, everyone. "

In bursts of light, the shadow followers also turned into particles and dissipated.

"Also, Moriarty.

I wish you happiness in the future. "

Perhaps it was because his strength was worse, but it was Moriarty who showed signs of dissipation first, but he survived until the end.

When the last priest with a round face disappeared and left...

Moriarty: "Hey, what does the future mean?

Sarcastic? "

He looked shocked.

What do people think of——! Suddenly excited!

Oh, it can't be that one, right? !

It should—it’s possible, right?

It seems that any heroic spirit that has appeared at a singularity can be recorded.

Peer: People think of the Chaldean Heroic Spirit summoning mechanism.

up——! Hurry up and come to the stinky old man’s up! Explode!

The sad scene of life, separation and death is not what people want.

You only need to spend a little bit of your super power - Ke La, to take your favorite heroic spirit home...

This is already a law of truth in the game forums of different world FGO players.

And Guda also climbed up the pole - taking the opportunity to send an invitation to Moriarty: "Want to try to be summoned?"

Everyone: Do you want to come? (expect)

At this moment, people were completely brought into Daoguda's perspective.

Those kryptonians looked at Moriarty expectantly. As long as they dared to show up, they would dare to use Wubao.

And those Chief players who were not Kryptonians and had dark faces shed bitter tears.

Why can Guda summon heroic spirits directly through the spiritual base record just by thinking about it?

But they want to smoke!

They are also Masters, why can Fujimaru Ritsuka's summons be so convenient? Even though Iroko was excited when they debuted, they were as humble as silly roe deers.

Jealous! ! Jealous! ! !

Moriarty: "That's ridiculous!

...Ah~, no.

Wait, maybe that’s not so ridiculous, right?


Maybe it is indeed...possible...? "

Sensibility continues to affect Moriarty, and when faced with his inner true thoughts, the arrogant old man can no longer be arrogant.

Hermitus: As expected... he still enjoyed the days of adventure with Guda.

Shakespeare: "Of course!

You have already been recorded as a serious follower once!

That being the case.

In short, as long as there is a very strange master!

It’s not that ‘people who need poison don’t like poison’,

But 'Those who need poison love poison'!

Well, probably so. "

What a wonderful metaphor!

People look to Shakespeare...

Normal people, probably no one would like poison.


It's over, and they feel like they are no longer normal.

Moriarty: "That's right.

Then there is nothing we can do.

As long as I'm called,

It will definitely make you very happy! "

Everyone: Sparasi!

Well, it's undeniable... This interesting old man, just imagining the plot of continuing to attack the singularity with him,

The corners of people's mouths couldn't help but curl up, feeling a little happy.

He is indeed a Servant who will not make anyone feel lonely.

Guda: "It's an appointment."

Moriarty: "Nothing, no agreement required.

As long as you can still remember it.

Goodbye then!

Adios amigo (Goodbye, friend)”

aibo! ! !

Inexplicably, people are reminded of this word, and their minds even recall the affectionate exchange between Yami Yugi and Biao Yugi next door.

This is the bond of friendship.

The bad old man is so cute, the bad old man is so attractive, I want the bad old man, old man, come to me!

And most of the non-chiefs and zero krypton players: ‘No—! ! ! ’

They also want to summon Moriarty.



Sure enough - just open the game and look at your stone balance.

‘I have no money to continue saving people. ’ Many people had bitter tears in their eyes.

How cruel! ! This is really cruel!

Chapter 98: You should pay back the dance you owe!

Watching Moriarty completely dissipate...

Andersen: "Suffered a heavy blow and fell into an extremely near-death state.

But he still said hello energetically and disappeared...

This is the so-called last ditch attempt to save face. "

Shakespeare: “By the way, I think that last line of greeting.

It should be to erase the sad atmosphere, what do you think? "

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