Hee hee, wife... woo hoo.

As expected of Hei Zhen...

But when they thought that the person dancing with her was not themselves, everyone burst into tears again.

No, no, the game should be updated with this chapter quickly!

They can't wait to beat it themselves.

They also want to have sex with the super beautiful girl Black Jung! ! ! (broken sound)

Guda: "Dancing?"

Black Jeanne: “Dance~dance~!

Ballroom dancing, ballroom dancing.

Think about it, before fighting Assassin in Shinjuku,

The one you danced with that idiot king!

This is so unfair! ?

Or what do you mean?

You would rather dance with the king than with the village girl! ? "

The royal chefs were hard-pressed: What else?

I have my heart and soul for the King of Knights!

Quanzhen Cultists: Leave me alone! I am willing to dance with the village girl!

lsp Party members: Don’t fight, don’t fight, you are all my wings! They are all my wives!

Chapter 99: First hearing the names of other Demon God Pillars!

Joan of Arc Alter: "... jump?

Well, then hurry up. You lead the dance, lead the dance!

Really, you are too confused.

Hey, are you too close? Don't smell me, you pervert. "

“Is all dancing like this?

...Um...I understand..."

Everyone: Pfft, Bengbu has stopped, and they are about to laugh out loud.

That's not the case.

This is too easy to fool! Speaking of which, they also really want to smell the scent of Heizhen’s wife! ! !

And after some panning, pacing, and dancing.

Black Joan smiled happily, as innocently as a child who got a beloved toy, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Black Joan of Arc: "Okay, then we will be equal to that guy.

Deserve it.

You ask me if I dance for the sake of confrontation?

You are so stupid. Of course I dance because I want to. "

Everyone:! ! ! !

Oh oh oh oh...! This hit was so straightforward that many innocent people turned red in the face.

It's really surprising that he's no longer arrogant at this time.

Black Joan frowned and pursed her lips: "What are you doing, with a bad smile on your face.

Be careful I burn you to death. "

But you——you are obviously very happy.

When people look at Hei Zhen who doesn't mean what he says, they are still a little embarrassed.

Only then will the slightest bit of girlishness appear.

However, it is precisely because of his strength, straightforwardness, simplicity and courage to pursue what he wants.

All these contrasts make her different from Joan of Arc and have a strong charm of her own.

And Hei Zhen, who was satisfied after dancing, dispersed.

Before finally leaving...

Black Joan: "Well, goodbye.

I will practice again before we meet next time.

So you also have to——. "

We have agreed to dance again!

When Black Joan also returned to the Hall of Valor, Guda also successfully transferred the spirit son back to Chaldea.

After waking up,

Matthew asked what happened during the previous communication interruption.

Guda: "Keep it secret!"

Matthew: "Ah~ tell me, senior, senior!"

The two figures ran away and chased each other, gradually moving away.

Seeing his cheeks swelled, Mashu made sure to ask what happened.

Everyone: "Are you jealous?!

But if I tell the truth, I would really be jealous! "

Master...it's really not easy!

There are always beautiful and cute juniors coveting their bodies with sexy and beautiful female Servants.

Damn it!

Please give them some Shura Field like this.

On the other side, another servant also arrived in Chaldea.

It was Holmes who was devoured by Moriarty before.

People who know that there will be an important plot for Lao Fu in the future suddenly realize——

Did you join at this time? !

Afterwards, Holmes mentioned the matter about this subspecies singularity.

During the brief moment when he was absorbed by Moriarty, he stole part of the memory information about Moriarty's conversation with the demon god Baal.

In addition to Baal, there are three pillars of demons still alive in the world.

Crowd: Three more? !

In other words, could there be more than one subspecies singularity?

Obviously, it was with great difficulty that he repaired the seven singularities and prevented the incineration of the human body.

Looking back, there are so many more tasks...

Well, the Master of Chaldea is really a hard worker.

People know that alien gods will still exist in the future, and they feel increasingly powerless about the future of this troubled world.

Hermitus, gods:...! hateful! It’s time to step up our efforts to cultivate heroes!

It’s not enough, it’s not enough now!

How can we deal with so many crises in the future with our current combat power?

Holmes commented on the Demonic Pillars: "It's not so much that they survived that battle.

It would be better to say that he gave up the fight and escaped.

Although there are only three pillars,

But they are no longer moving forward for the common goal of human incineration. "

Holmes: "Each with his own desires,

Lurking in this world at some time. "

Da Vinci: "That is to say——."

Holmes: "That's right, Leonardo da Vinci.

The human incineration incident has been resolved, and the Shinjuku Phantom incident can also be said to have been resolved safely.

But... there are still mysteries in this world that have not been solved!

In addition, there is one thing that bothers me. "

Da Vinci: "Hmm? What is it?"

Holmes: "...


... No, it's not time to say it yet."

Da Vinci: "It's really annoying to be treated like this!"

People's mood was originally lifted again because of the conversation between the two.

But when they heard that Old Fu suddenly did this, he showed a shameless laugh on his face.

!!! Damn!

What's wrong with suddenly wanting to beat someone up.

Riddler, get out of Chaldea!

That's why they hate this kind of detective (wise man) servant the most.

Could it be that the wise men only say half of what they say, and they are all trained by the same master (common problem)?!

Holmes: "If I'm interested, I will help tamper with the data of Chaldea (your side).

Integrating truth and falsehood together is my specialty. "

Da Vinci: "Hmm... I see.

From this objective perspective, geniuses are really irritating! "

Everyone: '... You are also a genius.

Is this considered scolding yourself?'

The staff all agreed, and their eyes turned to Da Vinci.

Da Vinci: "?

Why are everyone's eyes so cold~."

Everyone: So funny...

This person has no self-awareness at all.

It seems that the ordinary Chaldean employees also have a lot of irritation when facing Da Vinci.


After all——

They are just 'ordinary people', and they can't keep up with the thinking of these geniuses.

Here we have to mention empathy!

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