If this goes on, something bad will happen sooner or later...

Just after finishing an expedition, the companions in the family couldn't stand it anymore and took Aisi out to play.

The Amazon sisters accompanied Aisi all the way to the street...

It's more appropriate to say that Aisi accompanied them than to say that she accompanied Aisi.

This girl who was obsessed with getting stronger,

was not interested in anything else except training and going to the dungeon, and could be called a brick-moving expert.

Only when she passed by the food court, she smelled the aroma of fried potato balls in the air, and Aisi's nose moved slightly.

"It smells so good..." Yi Jianyan said in shock.

"Do you want to eat fried potato balls? It turns out that Aisi likes this." The younger sister of the twins, Diona. Silut, said, and then took the initiative to buy three fried potato balls from the stall.

"I chose different flavors, try each one!" Seeing Aisi take the fried potato balls, and then her cheeks bulged, Sanwu's delicate face finally showed a trace of happiness.

The Amazon sisters were a little surprised...

This was the first time I saw Aisi showing a different expression, and she looked so happy.

Aisi, the foodie, was unexpectedly cute.

The two sisters couldn't help but poke Aisi's face, and laughed at the confused look on Aisi's face.

Then the three of them continued to stroll...

Since the effect has been seen, let's take this opportunity to let Aisi relax completely, and expand the effect is the real thing.

Unknowingly, they walked through the food street, and when they came to their senses, they had arrived at the door of the hostess of Fengrao.

"Huh? When did the hostess of Fengrao open a new store opposite?

Such a... unique architectural style."

"Let's go and take a look, sister."

"Well, Aisi followed. Aisi?"

The twin sisters came to their senses and found that Aisi had stopped at the billboard next to the store without knowing when, looking at the description of the "hero" in a trance.

Protecting partners?

Aisi also wants to protect partners.

She will never watch her partners sacrifice in front of her.

I don't want to lose anyone again.

For this, I have to become stronger! The girl was in a daze, unconsciously tightening the snack bag in her hand.

"Would you like to come in and take a look?" Liu looked at the three 'guests' standing in front of the door and said expressionlessly.

"Yes." This was the first time that Ai Si took the initiative to speak with her own will.

She was very curious...

Although she didn't know what the epic described in the billboard was,

but that heroic theory really touched Ai Si's heart.

The twin sisters on the side also looked at Ai Si in surprise, and then followed Ai Si into the store.

"Huh?! Such a big space!" As soon as they came in, the three were stunned.

From the outside of the store, it looked very small, not even one-third the size of the rich hostess.

But after entering, it was unexpectedly spacious.

There were bookshelves everywhere, and occasionally some peripheral toys and crystal cabinets (magic crystals) of unknown use could be seen.

There was also a lounge next to it for people to sit down and read books.

This was the effect of Yan using the space technique to fold it layer by layer.

Rather than saying that the store is built on the original address, it is better to say that it is built in another space.

Even if all the adventurers and gods of Orario are put in to have a party, it is completely fine.

Of course, the bookstore is naturally used for reading.

What else can it be used for?

No one really wants to have a party in the bookstore, or seek the future, right? !

Now that the business has just opened, it is enough to use only Liu as a maid for the time being.

But later, maybe Yan will really want to bring a few goddesses to work for him.

On this side, Liu also began to introduce the products in the store to Ai Si and others, and began to recite relevant information like a machine.

As a lv4 adventurer and an elf known for his intelligence,

Liu has a good memory...

She made sure that her introduction was exactly the same as what Master Yan introduced yesterday.

Of course -

The introduction was introduced, but Liu was not sure whether the guests believed it.

But fortunately, Master Yan said that they could try it out and experience it first...

After Liu introduced the main item in the store, the magic crystal, to Ai Si and others.

"Eh? Is this magic crystal really that magical?" The twin sisters looked at the crystals in amazement.

Even in the underworld where the miracle of God appeared,

immersing themselves in a whole new world is something they could never imagine.

The times limit their horizons...

The Amazon girls doubted whether alchemy magic could achieve such a level of things.

However, they were much more accepting of another product in the bookstore.

Heroic epics...

It's something similar to heroic stories.

You can read books for free in the lounge of the bookstore.

If you feel satisfied, you have to pay to take them away.

The twin sisters began to lose interest. It's just that heroic stories are interesting... but they are not as exciting as their real adventures.

The stories in the books are just made-up, artificially imagined works.

Real adventures are much more exciting and thrilling.

However, Liu explained that the epic is a real thing, and only the simple Ai Si believed her completely.

Can you see the transformation process of the hero?

Although Ai Si still had no expression on her face, her eyes were fixed on the books on the bookshelf and she couldn't move her gaze away.

Seeing Aisi like this, the twin sisters looked at each other and said, "How about we take a look first?"

"Then take a look. Aisi seems very interested."

So the three of them took a book each and went into the lounge and sat together.

Seeing this, Liu returned to the door and continued to wait for new guests.

Liu knew Aisi and the other three.

They were the core members of the famous Loki clan.

Even though the current Loki clan was not as strong as it would be in the future, its popularity was definitely at the top level.

Liu was very confident about the three people and did not have to worry about them stealing or destroying the bookstore's property.

On the other hand, as Aisi and others turned the pages of the paper book,

a new world gradually revealed itself to them.

Chapter 12 The villains do not need redemption! So there is no need to feel guilty!

Turning to the first chapter of the book,

the epic that was very different from the heroic tales of the world of the Earthly Wrong began from then on.

"... Wait for me.

I will definitely...

- Save you."

In the bright red world covered with blood, an illustration appeared in the eyes of Aisi and others.

There is no preface, no beginning or end.

The beginning is the epic prologue that ends with the death of the protagonist.

When they come to their senses,

they are already unfamiliar and bustling streets...!

"...Things are really getting bad." The story begins with a young man who was pulled in from another world standing on a busy street and muttering.


'The protagonist...is dead? ! '

Before opening this epic, whether it is Ai Si who is looking forward to it, or the Amazon sisters who just accompany Ai Si and kill time without taking it seriously.

At this moment, all three of them opened their eyes in shock.

Hey, are you kidding me?

The hero dies from the beginning...then the adventure is over.

Or is this person not the protagonist? !

When they calmed down and read it carefully, they found that the story was unfolding again from the first perspective of the boy who appeared at the beginning.

Soon the three of them were completely immersed in the fast-paced storyline.

The story unfolds with how an 'adventurer' from another world, Ang (the three of them subconsciously brought him into view), survives in this world.


This is a story that has never been seen before.

Such a wonderful experience would amaze even the gods.

It is completely different from the previous heroic stories.

They have to admit that they were attracted.

The young man, dressed in modern clothes that are very different from the style here,

calmly analyzed the current situation after discovering that he had traveled through time.

The currency was not available, and the only equipment left on his body was the cup noodles and snacks bought at the convenience store.

He couldn't even buy an apple, and was driven away by the uncle who sold apples.

Although he usually exercises and his physical fitness is pretty good, he still stays at the level of an ordinary person.

He is no different from the new adventurer who just came to Orario.

And in the alley on the corner of the street, he was very unlucky to be attacked by a group of three gangsters.

Although he fought hard, two fists were no match for six hands, and he was soon knocked to the ground.

The leader of the gang even pulled out a dagger.

This is getting difficult!

The danger level of an enemy with weapons and an enemy without weapons is not the same.

You can't provoke the enemy...

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