The cat spirit’s name is Parker…

But when the beautiful silver-haired girl introduced herself, she hesitated...

He hesitated again and again, as if he was thinking about whether to give a false name.

Ang sensed something was wrong with her...

“Since it is an employment relationship, a minimum level of trust is necessary.

Don't fool me with your fake name.

I don't want to be teased like I'm stupid. "Ang had a fake 'evil' smile on his face.

Because this was no longer the first time he was pretending, he was now gradually familiar with how to deal with this awkward, cute girl.

The girl's face turned red after being treated like this, "I... Emilia, my name is Emilia.

It's a silver-haired half-elf! "

The pure and easy-to-understand Emilia was choked to death.

For the hard-earned ‘trust’…

Even if Ang said it, it was just the lowest level of trust,

But for the silver-haired half-elf girl, it was also something rare and valuable that she had longed for.

Emilia felt a little guilty...

Out of caution and some personal reasons, she was not confident and wanted to lie about her name just now.

But according to what the other party said...

Not even daring to give my real name is a sign of distrust and deception.

This honest kid will blush even if he lies.

Now let alone continue to lie about the name of ‘Satila’.


Although that name is not called out in the epic.

There are also notes... Satira, the name of the jealous witch who once almost destroyed the world, and she looks very similar to Emilia!

They are all beautiful silver-haired half-elf girls.

"Huh?" The Amazon sisters keenly noticed something.

They are not simple little girls,

If you understand the circumstances in which these sisters were born before coming to Orario, you will be able to understand.

The Amazon girls who survived a fight like a gladiatorial arena,

I have long been used to seeing all the dark sides of human nature.

I am very familiar with all kinds of cruel phenomena in reality.

Emilia emphasized that she is a silver-haired half-elf...

He seems to be very unconfident, or he is worried or afraid of something.

In association with the existence of the jealous witch Satira.

I see……

Because of her similar appearance to a witch, is Emilia ostracized in that world?

Although it is human nature to judge people by their appearance,

But for such a kind girl, the thought of being ostracized for an unfounded crime, just because she looks like a witch...

Ah, the Amazon sisters are feeling a little bad.

Only Aisi was still confused. She didn't understand why her friend suddenly looked gloomy.

This is also why everyone in the family members protects her very well.

He didn't want her to be exposed to the twists and turns and dirty dark side of human beings other than what adventurers should know.

Just like the two people in this book,

That pure heart is a treasure that even the gods cannot bear to desecrate! !

It is a rarer and more valuable thing than simple kindness.

On the other side, Ang, who also noticed this, knew that his current situation was not suitable for him to ask more questions...

Although he noticed something, he still pretended not to know anything and praised normally: "Emilia? I know. What a beautiful name, this half-elf lady.

So time is running out, the introduction ends here, let us take action immediately. "

Chapter 15 It’s like the three gods combined can’t make one Mora!

Next, with a clear mind, Ang took Emilia to look for local snakes and ask for information.

If he is a habitual offender, the residents of the royal capital should be familiar with him.

Especially the uncle who sells apples. He must know a lot of information about all kinds of people he meets every day.

But that uncle is a man who is obsessed with money.

I remembered that I was driven away because I couldn't afford an apple, and was finally robbed in an alley. I was lucky enough to meet such a cute and kind-hearted girl...

Overall, if the results are good, then there's no problem.

This uncle is really his blessing.

"You need to pay for asking for information...

You should bring money. Ang asked with a confident smile.

"Ah...this..." Emilia.

"!? Hey, no way. You never go out without a wallet, do you?

Was the wallet also stolen by a thief? "hold head high.

Not good!

Looking at the little girl who made a mistake in front of her, she didn't dare to look directly into the eyes of her parents, looking ashamed.

"It was not stolen, but the money was all placed with Ram. And now I am separated from Ram."

"Who is Ram?"

"She is our maid..."

hold head high:"……"

Evil aristocrat, it turns out like this - he was careless,

As a noble, of course you have to ask your servants to pay. There is no reason to bring money yourself when you go out.

Then it will be difficult to handle now.

Tiona laughed like crazy: "Hahahaha, these two people...

A visitor from another world, a noble lady, a noble elf magician,

Two people with very different identities came together, but they couldn't come up with anything. "

Thiogne: “Although we have a solution, we still can’t do it without money.

Seeing that so much time has passed, the thief might have sold the stolen goods if he didn't hurry up. "

But Aisi didn't speak at the side, but looked tense, worried about the situation of the two people in the epic.

Ang: "Then there's nothing you can do, give's hopeless!! I won't accept this order.

It's so embarrassing for two paupers to actually want to buy information. "

Ang suddenly put on a bad posture and spoke in disgust.

"Hey, little brother, hold on a little longer. For the sake of how cute my daughter is." Parker said with a smile.

Of course it could tell that Ang was joking.

After all, the kindness in the boy's heart has not changed at all.

It’s incredible…

This was the first time that someone had such a good impression of Leah.

It couldn't be because he didn't know what the silver-haired half-elf meant.

"Oh, I made a mistake. It turns out it's not a pet, but my father-in-law?! Then, in return, can you give Emilia to me?

In this case, I can also become more motivated! "hold head high.

"That's not okay!! My precious daughter will not be handed over to anyone else casually! Huh!" Parker put his hands across his chest, looking like he was talking.

Emilia on the side was embarrassed! Shout out to Parker!

Even if Ang is messing around, why does it also follow him?

How could anyone like a silver-haired half-elf like her?

Thinking of this, Emilia's expression became a little depressed.

The Amazon sisters frowned: "...Is it really that scary? That jealous witch.

Just because of their similar appearance, Emilia felt so sad and had low self-esteem. "

They can't imagine,

And everything must be seen to be believed.

At least they thought Emilia was kind and beautiful, and her silver hair was beautiful. She was as holy as a god.

And half-elves and elves...

It's hard to see any difference in appearance.

If they remembered correctly, there seemed to be a half-elf lady in the guild, named Eina...

It's quite popular with adventurers.

“If Emilia comes to us, she will definitely be welcomed by adventurers and many gods.

Such a kind, beautiful girl with a talent for magic would be hated.

What a waste of resources. "

Ang: "Back to the topic, if you don't have any money.

Then make money on the spot. "

Emilia and Parker exclaimed at the same time: "Huh!?"

Even they never thought that Ang would come up with such an idea.

But making money is never that easy or so fast.

Ang didn't explain after that, he just pulled Amelia to the street and said something to Parker mysteriously.

"Is this really possible? I don't care." Parker looked at Ang in surprise.

"Don't worry, this is a very popular street art in my hometown.

There is no problem in raising funds in a short period of time. "

It turns out that Ang thought of using magic to attract the rich people of the royal capital to reward him with money.

Since it is the royal capital...

No matter how poor this country is,

The people in the capital should be relatively wealthy.

Wealthy people are so idle that they always want to find interesting things to occupy their excess energy.

That is to say...

There is a market——!

Ang has also asked Emilia before. Magicians and elves are very rare and noble professions even in this world.

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