And now the sun is clearly shining.

Is the time messed up? !

what is going on!

He went back to the past, and everything that happened before was just a dream that predicted the future.

Or even reached a new parallel world after ‘death’? !

There are notes on the concept of parallel worlds in the epic,

Aisi and others soon understood.

And this gave Aisi even more thoughts...

Parallel world?

So are she, her father, and her mother in the other world still safe and sound?

If the same tragedy happens in other worlds, can she travel through the past and prevent the death of her parents?

And those many thoughts are just illusions after all,

It is more unrealistic than the resurrection of the dead.

Even the three of them are still confused now and have no idea how Ang did it.

Return here after death.

They were so surprised that they could only look behind them patiently.

This time when Ang faced the three gangsters, his face turned cold: "I don't have time to play with you now. You are a bunch of lowlifes."

"Ha?! What did you say?!" The three gangsters showed disbelief. How dare he? !

Speak to them in this tone.

"It's three against one now. If you don't want to suffer, just hand over the money honestly."

"Guards!!" Ang suddenly looked behind the three gangsters in surprise.

! ! !

Just when the three gangsters believed it, their bodies trembled and they looked behind them in fear.

Ang had already charged forward expressionlessly, knocking the gangsters to the ground with a few close combats and over-the-shoulder throws.

His physical fitness is not bad,

Even if they had a head-on confrontation, they would still be able to fight with these three gangsters for a long time, let alone a sneak attack now.

Originally, according to the plan, he should continue to argue with the three gangsters and then wait for the opportunity to meet Emilia.


‘There’s no time! Action must be done quickly! ’

He didn't know when the dangerous existence that killed them would appear.

But by the time the stolen goods library is found step by step, it may be too late.

Whether it's clairvoyance or other future vision,

It would be nice to go back in time again...

In his heart, Ang was afraid of the final suffocating death,

While forcing myself to calm down,

Even if you tell Emilia about the future at this time, it will be difficult to gain her trust.

Although in the last reincarnation, he and Emilia had developed a good relationship and could be called friends.

But at this moment, he doesn't know the other person yet.

Just rushing forward so stupidly and telling people to give up their badges and stop looking for them will not only make Emilia wary of herself, but

Maybe there will be counter-effects.

" this man really thinking normally?!

Even now, he is still thinking about such things! "Tiona was a little surprised when she saw this.

Even though he had just died once, he was able to calm down quickly and analyze so much information.


Even now I am still thinking about Emilia.

Normal people should just sit back and watch this now and just fly away.

Obviously this matter should have nothing to do with him.

"This is the first time Ang has come to this world.

It is impossible to offend anyone, even to the extent of killing him.

Sure enough, it has something to do with that badge.

As long as you choose to give up on Emilia now, there will be no more danger. "Sister Tione also opened her mouth to analyze.

"Although it is a bit excessive, I really don't want Ang to continue to take charge of it. For him, as an ordinary person, it is too dangerous to be involved in an adventure that is not proportional to his strength.

It is irresponsible for one's own life. "Tione then said.

She and her sister once fought in the gladiatorial arena, surviving through blood and countless near-death situations to defeat their opponents until now.

Even if you defeat a strong enemy every time, you will become stronger...

But she didn't want to experience that feeling of suffocation, oppression, and despair on the verge of death again.

Especially the pressure of constantly pushing yourself to become stronger, and if you deviate even slightly, you may die in the next battle.

At that time, the two sisters were also very cold and fierce.

In order to survive, even if they were friends in the same dormitory a moment ago, as long as they get into the arena, they must kill each other with blood and tears.

Once you soften your heart, you will definitely be the one who dies.

There are also those who can't stand that kind of atmosphere and choose to die at the hands of their friends.

But no matter what, the preciousness of life is much clearer to the Amazon sisters than to other adventurers.

In the final analysis, Ang and Amelia were just a chance encounter.

We've known each other for less than a day...

Even if he turned around and left, no one would call him a coward.

In other words, life’s instinct to seek good fortune and avoid disaster is the most normal manifestation.

But looking at Ang, who was still trembling with fear, but still thinking clearly and starting to act step by step.

'This person...'

The more desperate the situation, the more calmly one can think of a way out and have explosive potential.

"Hero...!" Aisi softly read the thoughts of the Amazon sisters.

That's right...

Isn't that what you want to be a hero?

The more desperate the situation, the more incredible potential will emerge.

The son of a man who is so reliable that people look up to him and feel sorry for him.

And on the other side——

Ang was thinking about all the advantages he could use and how to break the inevitable death in the future.

He didn't want to experience the pain after the first encounter again!

He still remembered clearly the regret of not being able to remind Emilia before death, which was no less than the suffocation and despair of death!

He curled up slightly with his arms around his body...

Ang's voice trembled, and he said with another ugly smile on his face: "You really cause trouble for others, stupid woman...!"

But when he thought of the moment of redemption in the alley.

This woman...a woman who is simple, kind, and noble like a blooming lily,

I can't leave it alone.

'Calm down, long as the layout is appropriate, even if I don't take risks myself, I can help that girl! 'He hypnotized himself in his heart.

If not, he was afraid that he would choose to give up completely because of fear.

Chapter 20 Hermes: Blooming or collapsing in despair? !

"Ang...!" Aisi and the others looked at the not-so-powerful man described in the epic with some emotion.

His strength was not even as good as that of a level 1 adventurer.

But the heart that faced fear and had the courage to overcome it, just to protect the people he wanted to protect, moved them!

Aisi also remembered the "hero" theory on the propaganda slogan at this time.

It was talking about people like Ang.

On the other side...

The god Hermes finally started to play with the new toy he had just got - the immersive epic part in the magic crystal.

And the world of Dicuo - there was only one epic that was promoted this time.

The epic of the other world before, Yan, had not been moved here yet.

With only one choice, Hermes of course chose the world of Re:Zero.

Compared with the paper version of the epic of Aisi and others, the effect was better and the immersive experience was better.

Hermes almost thought he had come to a brand new world.

But unlike Ang, who had just arrived in the world of Re:Zero and was in a highly tense state of mind.

Hermes was completely excited and crazy!

The more novel the experience is...

For the gods who have been bored for a long time, the more interesting things are.

But soon Hermes found himself in a state of consciousness,

and he could not explore the world here at will,

but could only follow the perspective of the protagonist Ang and watch the evolution of the plot.

Despite this, Hermes did not feel disappointed, but watched Ang's story with interest.

He himself is a god who likes to observe heroes and witness the birth and growth of heroes.

Even if it is a different world,

if there are no heroes and nothing worth his attention, then there is no point at all.

At most, it is just a change of environment to a world with similar and equally boring environment.

It may even be worse than the wrong world.

At least Orario with many adventurers and families is much more interesting than ordinary different worlds.

Soon, as the plot progresses, Hermes' immersive experience also came to the place where Ang first saw the killer.

The real replay and rebirth is far from as simple as the text description.

When Ang died...

Deeper than the night, the endless darkness of despair and sinking suddenly enveloped Ang's consciousness.

Suddenly, not a single ray of light could be seen in the gloomy stolen goods warehouse.

Even the last bit of bright moonlight was buried.

At that moment...

It seemed as if there were countless indescribable hands in the void, including Xiang Ang, trying to drag him into hell...

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