Many people still don't realize that this is a story that happened in two parallel worlds.

They still look at it with the plot and world view of Fei Ge.

Even though a Valkyrie Brunhilde with a name similar to the Queen of Iceland appeared earlier, people didn't doubt it.

But if we continue to look at the back of the story, the completely different direction of the world will eventually make people react.

Speaking of re-cultivating new dragon-slaying heroes.

Then the question is...

The only sword Gram Gram can reach the evil dragon Fafnir.

But the sword in the tree was broken by Odin himself in the last battle.

This is a headache for Odin.

So Odin transformed into a one-eyed wizard and descended to the ground world again. He found Sigurd in the forest.

At this time, Sigurd was playing with the birds and water in the mountains. He ran carefree in the breeze.

The trees taught him the change of seasons, the birds taught him to sing, the squirrels taught him to jump, and the fish taught him to swim.

He is so simple and has no distractions or desires. He will not worry about money, nor will he be obsessed with power. He is the best choice for those who return the ring to the Rhine fairies.

When Sigurd met Odin in the forest.

Odin fooled Sigurd just as he fooled Sieglinde (the sword in the tree).

He pretended to be an old man who was lost and asked Sigurd to show him the way. After thanking him, he gave Sigurd a forging song as a thank you.

He told Sigurd that as long as he hummed this song while forging, any forging would be successful.

Although this one-eyed old man was unfamiliar, Sigurd felt particularly kind and kind.

Sigurd, who was kind-hearted, naturally believed the old man's words.

When he returned home with the joy of helping others, the dwarf Mime was angry because he failed to repair the sword again.

Seeing such a happy smile on Sigurd's face, Mime was unhappy.

He asked Sigurd to come and help him continue to knock and beat the sword, and promised Sigurd that when the sword was repaired, he would be allowed to leave the forest and go to the outside world!

Things went very smoothly. Sigurd happily hummed the forging song and repaired the sword Gram with the secret help of the God King Odin in the sky.

Then the dwarf Mime asked Sigurd to help him do one more thing. Only after completing this thing, he would allow Sigurd to really leave.

Sigurd, who did not want to go against his adoptive father's wishes, was depressed because of the broken promise, but he soon cheered up.

Mime asked him to kill the Eastern Dragon Fafnir, who was sleeping at the end of the forest, and told Sigurd that the scales of the dragon Fafnir were extremely hard. Apart from the Eternal Spear of the God King Odin, only the sword Gram could hurt it.

This sword only recognizes people of the Vierse tribe born by the God King Odin and humans to control it, and you are the chosen one who can control it.

The dwarf Mime, who had long seen through Sigurd's true identity, looked at the sword greedily, and then showed a reluctant look.

Although the sword is good, he can't use it.

Instead, the supreme power brought by the ring is what he desires most!

He told Sigurd that he would give him true freedom after piercing the dragon's heart with the sword.

Sigurd mustered up the courage and calmly stepped into the dragon's cave.

That was a dragon with extremely terrifying and powerful strength, and even the gods had to fear it.

Even Sigurd, who was holding the sword, relied on the sudden burst of power of the sword Gram to kill Fafnir with a sneak attack after a thrilling battle.

Gram pierced the heart of the dragon Fafnir.

The dwarf Mime heard the huge noise in the distance finally subsided, and then he dared to rush in.

When he saw Sigurd defeat Fafnir, he hurriedly and ecstatically asked Sigurd to dig out the dragon's heart. Mime, who knows everything about Fafnir, wants to eat the heart of the dragon to obtain the infinite wisdom of the dragon.

Seeing this, everyone was a little unhappy.

Why should the heart be given to Mime, a dwarf who did nothing?

People who have read "The Song of the Nibelungs" know that the dwarf Mime is not a good person.

A person who wants to guide the gods to kill his own brother in order to get the ring of his brother, what kind of character can this guy have?

Obviously, the sword Gram was repaired by Sigurd.

That was also the artifact that Odin had prepared for Sigurd and his father.

Killing the dragon Fafnir also depends on the efforts of Sigurd alone.

This dwarf now wants to collect the head directly and reap the benefits? !

Sigurd is very tired now, but he still chooses to listen to his adoptive father and dig out the heart.

At this time, an illustration appeared in the text.

It was a bloody scene of Sigurd holding the bloody dragon heart in his hand while the evil dragon Fafnir was pierced through with the divine sword.

Everyone stared at the dragon heart that was full of dreamy light, shining like the stars instead of a heart, and fell into a slight obsession.

Thinking of the legend in the text that the dragon heart gave birth to endless wisdom.

Could it be a manifestation of the infinite magic of the Supreme Ring?

Thinking of the fact that even the dwarf Mime, a man who was extremely greedy for the ring, did not look for the ring at the first time, but wanted to swallow the heart, people were moved.

The heart of the dragon clan really has such magic.

Rhine was also reading this book. At this moment, she remembered the dragon gene in her body, the dragon blood inherited from her father.

A desire to do something suddenly emerged in her mind.

When her father killed the dragon, did he eat the dragon's heart?

What would it feel like after eating it? Would it be like the God King Odin drinking the Fountain of Wisdom, becoming extremely wise and knowing everything in the world?

Or would power suddenly surge from the body!

Rhine suddenly woke up and shook her head violently. No... the evil dragon Fafnir is different from other dragons. He is a dragon transformed from a giant.

That kind of strange heart should be an accessory that can only be obtained after wearing the ring? !

Even thinking so, Rhine still lost her mind from time to time and couldn't help thinking about what the dragon's heart tasted like (power).

Not only her, but other people who were seeing this and the illustrations couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Chapter 242 People sit at home, and the pot comes from the sky!

Dragons are very powerful creatures.

Few warriors are qualified to eat dragon hearts.

This requires not only strong strength, but also the courage to face the crazy revenge of the dragons in the future.

Even if you can kill a dragon, other dragons will not avenge it. They are proud and beautiful, powerful and fierce, and are the most ruthless hunters at the top of the food chain.

But the dragons will never allow other races to eat them.

This is a trampling on the self-esteem, self-confidence, and pride of their race.

Among the humans in the other world, even Rhine's father, who was named the King of Heroes, had only bathed in dragon blood.

It has to be said that the body parts of the dragons are indeed treasures.

You can use it to forge artifacts and sew armor, as long as you don't treat it as food.

Other dragons don't care what you plan to do with the corpse after killing the dragon.

Even in the eyes of the powerful and arrogant dragons, the weak races that covet their power are just another way to show their strength.

It sounds stupid, but this is the real way of life of the dragons in the other world.

Unless they are dragons living together in groups.

In the absence of emotional foundation, it is good that the two dragons do not fight because of their arrogance and pride when they meet.

At this moment, Sigurd did something that everyone thought was great and brave.

It was not that the dragon heart was really tempting and delicious, but the natural awe of the dragons made them feel both afraid and excited about the dragon eater's behavior.

The more you are not allowed to do something, the more you want to do it...

It is probably because of this mentality.

That's right...

It was Sigurd, not Mime.

In the story, Sigurd couldn't help but loosen his fingers because his heart was too hot, and the dragon's most precious heart blood dripped directly onto Sigurd's lips.

After a battle, Sigurd, who was already very tired and hungry, subconsciously swallowed the hot liquid with a sweet smell at the corner of his mouth into his throat.

Then he put the burned finger into his mouth and sucked it, and the hot blood on the finger was also smeared into it.

Then, a magical change happened in Sigurd's body.

Claire and the others couldn't help holding their breath and opening their eyes wide.

They were all concerned, would Sigurd feel the power suddenly surge from his body?

The fatigue in Sigurd's body in the book had been swept away at this time.

He suddenly felt more relaxed than ever, as if all the consumption from the previous battle had disappeared.

What's more amazing is that he began to understand the whisper of the wind, the singing and conversation of birds.

"Eh? No feeling of power surge? It's different from when you get treasures in other heroic biographies." Claire said with some disappointment.

But then she couldn't help but refute herself.

"This is a heroic epic written by Andersen, how could it be the same as those coquettish bitches! That's right! It's because of this way of writing that it's more real. I, Claire, support Andersen from the bottom of my heart!!"

The other people in the bookstore showed awe after hearing this.

They all suddenly realized it!

It turns out that the real swallowing of the dragon heart is to feel the body lighten, not the explosive power surging from the body!

As expected of Lord Andersen, he even knows such a secret thing. He must have swallowed the dragon's heart himself!

People who thought of this became more fantasies about Andersen's own power.

Even the God of Alchemy couldn't help but start to imagine.

If that human bard, Andersen, really swallowed the heart of a dragon, and described it so unscrupulously, without fear of the dragon's revenge.


It seems that my assessment of his strength needs to be raised to a new level!

If he is really that kind of strong man, can I really search for more information if the original body does not go down to the world in person?

Hermitos (clone) was frantically questioning his own strength at this time.

So as a clone, he is really miserable!

Why does he have to do dirty, tiring and dangerous things!

On the other hand...

While Sigurd was digging out his heart, the dwarf went to the treasure guarded by the evil dragon and found the coveted ring and invisible helmet.

"The one who holds the sword is the real owner of the Nibelung treasure."

As for the dwarves who could not let go of the prophecy, Mime had the idea of ​​killing Sigurd as she looked at the treasures and gold all over the ground.

"Dwarves are really a group of disgusting and nasty creatures!"

"Oh my God, Sigurd is his adopted son. Can he just kill him after so many years of affection?"

"After all, they are a group of people who live in caves every day and never see the sun. It is understandable that their temperaments will become so dark."

"Is this the dwarf tribe? I heard that there is a group of dwarves living in the snow-capped mountains further north of the Northern Church. They are not related by blood to the Nibelung tribe in the story."

Although there are many tribes in the other world, in peacetime, the living areas of the major tribes are very scattered, and they rarely leave their own countries to come to the countries of other tribes.

Even in the capital, many humans have never seen the true face of dwarves in their lives.

In the human country where Yan is, there are no traces of activities of other tribes except the nearby orcs.

People can only imagine the images of other tribes based on the various legends and biographies of bards.

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