For Ram, who had just lost his sister, this attracted all the hatred almost instantly.

Not only did he not tell her ‘what he knew’, but he also laughed so... mockingly?

"Kill you——!!"

"Hey, Ram... I said - twin sisters, no matter which one is missing, the pair of sisters will not be complete." Ang suddenly issued a soul-like torture.

"What else do you want to say now! Rem is dead! There's no way to save her! Now that you've reached this point, knowing something is the only thing you can do, right!?"

Ram roared angrily as he still wanted to get the information he wanted.

However, she was disappointed and angry...

I heard some incomprehensible words again.

"——That (your) cry has not disappeared." Ang closed his eyes slightly,

“I originally wanted to take some easy routes.

Don’t want pain, don’t want to suffer, don’t want to be sad, just run away from it.

It's really outrageous, but I managed to save my life...

Thanks, Beatrice. Ang called Betty's full name for the first time, and a gentle smile appeared on his face.

"Thank you, I really appreciate your willingness to protect me like this.

Protect a weak fool like me.

You must have made a lot of determination to fulfill your agreement even if you break up with Ram and the others.

For you who protect my life and the agreement between us wholeheartedly,

Sorry...I guess I'm going to betray you. "

Because he remembered...

The people who accompany you during the saddest times.

He also regained his determination to save someone when he fought against the Sausage Hunters.

But this time, it may be slightly more painful!

Sure enough, he still wants to... change... everything! !

The moment the decision is implemented,

The man who is wanton, arrogant, confident and calm, as if nothing can defeat him, and with blazing fire in his eyes, is back again!

‘Ang, what do you want to do? ! 'Tiona and others! !

do what?

He wants to...take Rem! Take it back!

Chapter 47 As long as you hate the Witch Cult! ! A look of approval!

What is that!

Such a dazzling soul! ! Ahhh...ahhhhhh...!

Even his eyes seemed to be blinded.

If she hadn't already seen a more dazzling soul, Freya would have been deeply obsessed with this figure at this time.

But now she has devoted herself to one person.

But out of instinct, it's like the physical discomfort that makes a human being blind when he suddenly looks at an eight-hundred-watt light bulb.

In an immersive epic,

Magic crystal was used at the meeting,

Freya was very interested when she knew that this was the crystal in Master Homura's shop.

But I never expected...

It will unfold like this.

The growth of a hero and the creation of an iron will.

Especially at this time, the heat and burning of the soul has reached its peak.

Plus that face with a different name but the same familiar face...or should I say...

‘Is this your past? ’ Freya looked at the figure who turned his back to Ram and walked towards the edge of the cliff.

The moment he turned his head, a wanton and ferocious smile appeared on that handsome face.

As if to crush all the undesirable fate in the world——

What God cannot do, let humans do it, let this devil use curse-like abilities to do it!

In order not to hear the cry again,

In order not to let any of the Gemini sisters lose any one.

Even if it is the murderer who once killed him,

Just because of the insignificant tenderness once given to him...

This man also tried to reciprocate with greater tenderness and overcome the fear of death.

That courage is the symbol of a hero!

If there is no Rem in this world, then he... just deny the world!

Step~! Do a good job of charging up and running...

That fiery emotion was simmering in his internal organs, and was bound to burn through this abominably blue sky.

Blue without Rem is not the blue he wants!

"Don't even think about escaping!!" Ram subconsciously activated the wind blade magic and scratched Ang's cheek.

The blood remains,

He tilted his head slightly, without fear, but his face showed a wanton and hearty laugh that no one could understand: "You guys don't know anything."

"I don't know what..." Ram was stunned.

"I don't know, I... like you! I like you so much!"

Although her attitude is cold and arrogant, she is a very caring sister.

A sister who is well-dressed but actually looks down on others and speaks sarcastically.

The days spent with you are times he cherishes deeply.

Even though the body remembers being killed, it is still a memory that cannot be forgotten.

If you can share that time again, for a certain man, he will definitely feel that "that" doesn't matter anymore.

I finally understand the depth of this feeling,

To do something that only you can do.

Every step is extremely heavy, every step is extremely firm...

As if Emiya Shirou was chasing the back of Red A,

That awareness burns equally high in different worlds.

At this time, the epic was also paired with high-burning BGM,

Then he jumped suddenly! ! ! His feet lifted off the ground, flying in the air, heading towards death with an extremely handsome attitude!

It was so fast, the wind was so strong, my eyes hurt, my head hurt, and my ears were ringing so far away. I felt like I had left my heart behind and ran away.

I couldn't hear my heartbeat, and an ominous alarm bell was ringing in my skull.

If he committed suicide and couldn't trigger the death return, there was no doubt... he was really going to die this time.

But as a man, his responsibility and determination were shouting -

'I will definitely save you. '

I must save you even if there was a one in ten thousand chance!

The wind in the atmosphere blew up his bangs, and a man broke through the sky like a seagull, and then opened his arms like a meteor and fell down.

And until this time,

all the gods who were experiencing the immersive epic,

no longer needed a pair of eyes like Freya that could see through the brilliance of the soul.

All the gods were shocked by that scene...

Ordinary humans who couldn't be more ordinary,

tried to burst into the world with their tiny bodies and change the world that day!

The courage to live in death!

Hermes: "!!!"

I can't forgive myself for expecting something even though I did nothing.

Therefore, Ang wants to change everything.

I've had enough of my own helplessness, so I have to reach out to the heights and launch an attack at the cost of my life!

When will I be able to reach it! That blue sky!


Bang~!! Blood and flesh splattered in the sky.

Until the limit——surpassed the limit again!

The next second...

Death Return started again.


It was still that familiar morning, and the two faces were still holding their own hands tightly and worried.

When I saw Rem's familiar face,

I thought that the tragic death, the fear that was echoing in my mind, and the trembling body, all stopped at the same moment.

Ang subconsciously held the hands of the two sisters...but tears of joy were left on his face.

Ram and Rem, who were confused by this, shuddered in their hearts...

Even though the person in front of them had the lingering scent of the hated witch,

But the eyes can't lie...

The feeling that the fear dissipated when he saw them can't lie either.

Is he another unfortunate person who was attacked by the witch cult?

Have similar pasts with them, and then...did he have a nightmare?

Subconsciously, they thought of themselves, and occasionally dreamed of that miserable and terrifying night.

With empathy, Ram and Rem felt a little sympathy at this moment.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid.

Sister and Rem will be here to accompany you, guest." Rem was rare without a sharp tongue, and even exuded a hint of maternal radiance.

Originally, she was a little suspicious of the identity of this guest at the beginning, and even had some prejudice.

But now it seems to be a misunderstanding?

Although the suspicion has not been completely resolved, the hostility of the twin sisters has been reduced a lot unconsciously.

"Did you have a nightmare, guest?" Ram also asked with concern.

"Ah... I dreamed that I was entangled by a witch's hand.

I was also chased by many strangely dressed black-robed people.

Sorry, I made you laugh.

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