No wonder he pushed Rem away without hesitation in the end!

If someone is seriously injured and on the verge of death, he still thinks about saving himself.

No, even if they were not thinking about themselves, they were so moved that they were stunned!

The gods even exclaimed——!

This man is simply... simply——! ! Ah, they can no longer describe the throbbing in their hearts with words.

Chapter 57: Apollo, the man among the gods: I want them all!

——How gentle you are!

hold head high……!

If we were just ordinary heroes and brave men,

The kind of story about being powerful and saving others from disaster.

Although it can also excite the gods and attract their attention.


What matters is character and spirit, awareness and belief, not strength!

This is what separates true heroes from ordinary people.

Such gentle heroes are far more precious than countless ordinary heroes, and they attract God's attention much more!

To the gods,

... Ang is such an incredible treasure.

And some of the more perverted gods,

This will give rise to more ideas about heroes...

Not only appreciate it, but also want to possess it.

And Apollo is such a ‘male’ existence among gods.

Apollo, the ancient Greek god of light and music,

Later, part of the legend of the sun god was merged,

He was supposed to be a rare and beautiful man among gods, an artist.

But Apollo in the wrong world is a pervert who takes advantage of both men and women.

Yes, literally,

He likes beautiful, beautiful things...

At the same time, he has the same habit of being unable to control himself for the rest of his life, just like Alexandre Dumas of Zeus.

After coming to the human world, if they see a child they like, they will use various means to coerce and induce them to come over.

Even children from other families will use various means to rob and rob them.

It is worth mentioning that although Apollo is disgusting,

But it's also safe for most people.

Because he is a total beauty-controller. Men who are not handsome enough and women who are not beautiful enough will not be able to attract his attention.

Compared with other gods, they pay more attention to the talents and talents of children on earth.

Although Apollo also attracts outstanding children,

But I prefer good-looking children!

And for such a beauty-controlling god,

There are almost none of the characters that have appeared in the epic that are not in line with his taste setting.

Except for a certain Roswaal dressed as a clown, his true face cannot be seen.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!! Wonderful!! It's so wonderful!!" Apollo looked at the unconscious figure lying on the hospital bed in the immersive epic with passion.

He wanted to possess this hero, this man's son!

No, no, I can't bear it anymore!

My heart couldn't wait to tell myself how I longed for this child.

What a shining, noble soul!


Since Ang wants to save Rem so much,

And Emilia, whom I wanted to save before.

As a benevolent god, he naturally couldn't bear to separate these children.

Just... - just come to his family! !

Emilia, Rem...even Ram, are all good children!

Apollo's eyes were filled with desire,

Obviously those words were just excuses and he just wanted to take them all.

"Get them! Must get them!" He murmured like a man possessed, crazy and obsessed.

This god who finally had his own desires suddenly thought of...

At present, existences such as Ang and Emilia do not exist in Orario.

This is going to be difficult...

Usually, as long as it is a child who is valued by him,

As long as you are still in this labyrinth city, there will always be a day when you are deceived and robbed by him.

But if you can't even determine where the other party is now.

The world is so big...

When the divine power is sealed,

Even he would have a hard time finding the existence of Ang and others.

Suddenly - Apollo thought of something.

'Loki told me...

The immersive epic played in this magic crystal is a real story that happened in the world.

As long as it’s not too far away from this era,

So - everyone in the epic should still be alive!

The person who provided this epic and wrote this story must know something...

In fact, the troubadour himself might be a certain existence in the epic,

How can you write about something in such detail if you have not experienced it personally? ! ’

Although his brain is filled with crazy desires, it is very rare that Apollo still has an online IQ... and knows how to think.

Maybe the bard himself is Ang?

Maybe this is the autobiography he wrote?

Apollo was also surprised by his guess, and then... suddenly became excited.

Wait, if that’s really the case!

At this time, Apollo had not seen the store, nor had he met Homura, otherwise he would have been even crazier looking at that familiar face.

But this male Tong didn't expect...

Long before him, someone had already set his sights on the same goal as him.


That person was one of the few, a god he could never offend in this labyrinth city.

Return to the epic,

Even if you faint, your consciousness will not be cut off, leaving only your strong determination.

Everything gradually fades away, being left behind. Leaving, going further and further.

And then——

My consciousness was forcibly interrupted. How many times have I woken up like this?

Looking at the unfamiliar ceiling pattern, Ang thought hazily.

He finally woke up!

"It hurts..." he whispered.

When Ang tried to prop up his upper body, he felt a spasm in his side.

He wanted to touch his aching stomach, but the discomfort broke out on his rotating left wrist. He directly brought his uncomfortable left hand in front of him, and you could understand it by looking at the clumsiness.

From the fingers to the wrist of his left hand, everything was buried in white gauze.

'It seems that he is not dead——! '

'I successfully survived to the second day! '

It's not just his wrist that feels uncomfortable.

When he lifted his clothes, he saw the same scar on the right side of his abdomen where the cramps were. There were countless more around the other two ankles, right arm, and shoulders...

These were all traces of wounds caused by the monster's sharp fangs stabbing and biting.

After carefully checking for the second time, Ang sighed again...

It's a miracle that this TM can survive.

I clearly felt that my body was torn to pieces, and I really felt that blood, internal organs, and life were spilling out.

He was sure that he was finished...

But this was all healed,

The world with magic is really unreasonable!

I never expected that I would still survive in the end? !

The movement affected the wound, making Ang frown slightly...

But soon he began to worry about another problem,

I wonder if Rem and the children are also safe.

Although surviving is a good thing,

but if everyone is not protected,

then this saved life will become meaningless.

Because, Ang, who can't sit and watch those people die, will definitely restart the cycle again no matter how scared he is.


Ang began to look around, trying to find a familiar figure.

Then he saw a girl lying down and sleeping next to the entrance of the room.


Chapter 58 Aren't you afraid? But the tears have already dried up!

No response,

Her breathing was so steady that Ang couldn't bear to disturb her.

Ang noticed that the girl's beautiful silver hair was rarely messy, and more importantly, her clothes were covered with dark marks left by blood and mud.

Wounded, he lay on the bed to welcome the morning,

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