
At that moment when Rem was so excited that she didn't care about her own safety, she realized like a moth flying to a flame.

She is also a proud hero!

Shining souls who are heroes to each other!

What an incredible, unprecedented unfolding!

And on the other hand——

In the epic,

Ang paused with an ugly expression on his face and said: "——Where is Rem?"

After waking up in the morning, Ang had not seen the blue-haired girl once.

Think of the words "I will definitely save you"!

"Let me ask you...where is Rem! Beatrice! Please, tell me!"

Ang roared anxiously and ferociously, but there was a hint of pleading in his eyes, looking at Beatrice who was forced into silence but refused to answer.

"What would you do if you were in the same position as her?"

"This is not an answer!" Ang's body shook for the first time, and he staggered and said excitedly.

'hold head high! ’ Lefiya, Ais, and the others looked at the figure that seemed to be crumbling in the illustration in silence and absent-mindedness.

Even in the face of death, I can be calm and relieved.

At this moment, for the first time, he showed such an anxious posture, as if he was afraid of something...

What is he afraid of?

Are you afraid of hearing news you don’t want to hear?

At this time, anyone who is not a fool can basically guess what Rem is going to do.

And although Ang did not answer Beatrice's question directly.

But they already know Ang's character very well, and they can almost guess it...

If it were Ang, he would definitely save Rem.

This is what he has done before, and he has done it before.

It may sound selfish and ridiculous to say it.

Ang himself is such a gentle hero who doesn't cherish his own life. In order to save others, he even lets himself fall into the cycle of pain.

But he didn't allow Emilia or Rem, these people... to put themselves in danger for themselves.

This is also the surrender in the face of Parker,

But he can be so calm and honest about his true thoughts.

His heart was truly relieved.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Ang bit his lip and drew blood, and he kept mumbling in a daze with a pale face.

Although Beatrice was not answering, he actually already knew the answer.

And those helpless apologies were either to Rem or Beatrice.

He knew that his current feelings were just anger for no reason, and Beatrice had no fault at all...

Even if she didn't stop Rem, Ang didn't have any position to accuse her of wrongdoing.

But Beatrice still stood in front of Ang.

She is such a child who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, arrogant and cold on the outside, but actually extremely gentle.

It is precisely in order to bear those negative emotions that I stand here.

This thoughtfulness... made Ang furious at his own misery.

He really wanted to accept it, and then he hugged the other person and cried... then he threw all responsibilities behind his head and didn't care about anything.

Aung Ben doesn’t have to bear so much pressure and self-blame.

But can't do it...

Even for the slightest possibility of weakness and thoughts of escape,

It made him want to grit his teeth and swallow the hatred in his stomach.

Hating my own weakness...

'hold head high--! ’

Ais, the Amazon sisters, and countless people from the Loki family,

Even the goddesses (and male god mothers) who exuded maternal glory among the gods covered their mouths in distress at this moment.

Why does fate play such a trick on these good boys?

Ang is the same, Rem is the same... Beatrice is the same...

To put them into such hardship.

At this moment, a third person finally interrupted the conversation between the two.

"——Don't pretend you didn't hear what you just said."

Chapter 62: Use yourself as bait!

The calm, emotion-killing voice intervened between Ang and Beatrice, a girl with pink hair.

"Ram..." The coldness made Ang Ji hold his breath.

That look deeply hurt his heart,

It made him seem to see Ram again screaming in hatred in a world without Rem.

The sister he loves the most is in crisis, making Ram hate everything just like that time——

Ang clenched his fists, his fingers dug into his palms, and blood flowed out.

He didn't even dare to look into Ram's eyes...

Failed——! !

What if Rem had an accident in the end because of him!

In the end, isn’t there nothing saved?

He said that he didn’t want to see the girl cry again,

In the end, over and over again, it led to Rem's death.

If Ram showed that desperate and wailing expression again,

Ang feels that he has never had the face to face these familiar and favorite people in his whole life!

Thinking of this——

"——" Ang looked towards Ram and found that,

Ram's hands clasped in front of him were actually trembling slightly.

The lips that kept the poker face were also bitten tightly, trying desperately not to let any change in the expression.

In fact, she is just pretending to be calm now.

In fact, I am probably more afraid and worried about my sister than anyone else - Ang thought with trembling heart.

"Rem can't be seen with clairvoyance, Lady Beatrice...where is Rem?" Ram.

"Betty hinted at the possibility, that's all.

That didn't constitute a reason for my brother and Betty to take action because the options were too limited. "

"That's not what you meant... then Rem is indeed here..."

——In the forest where the monsters live, Rem plans to defeat the monsters alone and rushes in.

After confirming, Ram no longer hesitates...

In an instant, the expression of grief turns into determination, and Ram plans to follow her sister and rush into the forest.

"——Wait!" Ang, who has regained his composure and looks as cold as an iceberg that will never melt for ten thousand years, called out to Ram.

What is there,

I can do it even if I am now crippled and seriously injured.

In order to fulfill his boast,

Really save the person he loves!

And in order not to let the heartbreaking crying sound reappear, Ang has been madly squeezing his brain from the beginning,

trying his best to think about what can reverse this absolutely desperate situation.


In the end, he thought of an extremely crazy decision!

His face showed a smile full of murderous intent and madness,

That was the determination to completely disregard his own life, to bet the last madness, and to kill the save the girl.

"Get out of the way, Ang. Ram doesn't have time to deal with you gently now." Ram glared at Ang who was blocking her.

In Ang's state, there should be no way to stop her.

But when she saw the absolute calmness and rationality in her red eyes, but the extremely dangerous state with a murderous smile on her face,

Even the furious Ram felt a chill in her heart and trembled all over.

If she hadn't realized that Ang's killing intention was not directed at her,

Ram might have been unable to resist using magic to counterattack Ang under the stimulation just now!

"I'm not telling you not to go without thinking about it. I have a few questions for you, you have to answer honestly." Ang.

"Ram doesn't have time to do that..."

"You must save Rem. By the way, if you agree that I am your companion, listen to me,

Because even if it's just a little bit, I want to increase the possibility of saving Rem." Ang spoke with extremely calm and clear thoughts.

Wisdom in desperate situations is revealed here...

Affected by his tyranny and verbal induction,

Ram was shocked...

Even Beatrice beside him looked at Ang in surprise.

That state...

Very special, Ang now feels ten times, a hundred times more dangerous and terrifying than usual.

As if a volcano could explode at any time, with terrifying murderous intent, he can think absolutely rationally, use everything he can, and achieve his goal by any means.

This madness is mixed with reason, and reason seems to be mixed with madness.

Even if he talks about how to fight in a wild and bold way next,

it won't make people doubt it!

Even the gods felt a little palpitated when they saw Ang at this time,

but it must be said that this "danger" that has nothing to do with strength is also mixed with a strong and amazing charm!

The devilish charm attracted the eyes of the gods even more!

Great, great! ! !

by Apollo, Freya, Hermes and other gods!

And in the epic,

Ram's stubborn attitude was still shaken.

Hearing that it was a means to save Rem, Ram managed to calm down, and a look of hesitation appeared on her face.

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