Looking back at the forest, he imagined Rem fighting in that deep darkness.

Then Ang and Ram also stepped into it! !

——Here we come, Rem! Wait for us!


Time passed directly to about fifteen minutes after Dao Ang declared war on fate.

At this time in the forest,

Seeing his feet slipping from time to time while walking, Ram began to wonder if he had gone crazy.

He actually chose to believe Ang and go crazy with her.

How do you save your sister with such a sick condition? !

But there was no room for regret.

The two of them just passed through the barrier together and headed deep into the forest.

Looking at Ang whose body is not used to it,

Ram frowned and asked him if he was not used to it, why not give up.

Chapter 64 In fact, I will——‘Return of Death’!

"Ram, seriously...!" She also felt that it was too much to place all her hopes on Ang.

Sure enough, you still have to rely on yourself...


"Wait a minute, it's too early to give up on me. I understand how you feel, but just slow down a little!" Ang said calmly.

Although wearing a maid outfit, it should be completely unsuitable for walking on mountain roads, but Ram, who is extremely light-footed,

The marching speed is still twice that of Ang in the seriously injured state.

For Ram who is worried about his sister's safety,

Cooperating with Ang, who is slow in pace, is simply harmful and useless.

But even so, Ang still asked like this.

He didn't want to drag Ram down, but if he wanted to complete the plan, he had to let Ram take him there.

But at this time, while walking on the road, Ang felt for his pocket.

That's when the children caught Ang and others who wanted to enter the forest.

Gift given to him as a token of thanks.

"..." I really dare to put anything in it!

There are beautiful stones, snacks, and even small bugs with wings in the pockets.

Although they are all useless and strange things,

But I can feel the children's emotional sustenance.

"We also want to say thank you to Rem. You will bring her here later...right?" Recalling the words of the children with smiling faces.

Ang has one more reason to bring Rem back.

The determination became even more unshakable.

At this time, Ram informed Ang that he was going to use clairvoyance.

Then, in the forest, while walking deeper into the forest where it was speculated that... Rem might be heading,

While using clairvoyance,

After using clairvoyance several times,

Every time Ram wanted to explore the depths of the forest, he would be interrupted by a sudden attack by a monster.

In order to protect Ang, Ram can only fight the monsters.

Ram said that these monsters were going crazy for some unknown reason, and they were all aiming at Ang.

It can only be thought that the monsters sensed their aura and chose to attack the weaker Ang.

But only Ang smiled,

The suspicion in my heart became more clear.

Sure enough, all you hotheads will follow the witch's stench and chase her here.

As long as you are attracted...


Suddenly, Ang asked Ram:

"Can I ask what the Hornless One is?"

Before finding Rem, Ang took the opportunity to ask the question in his heart,

When Rem was fighting before,

The shining horn left a deep impression on Ang.

Ram: "As you heard, that's a scornful name given to stupid people who lose their horns even though they are ghosts."

"I lost one of my horns because of something trivial. After that, Ram had to rely on Rem for everything."

I see,

Is that why the kid is so desperate?

She is obviously the best at everything and far surpasses her sister's talents, but there is always no smile on her face.

It was as if he was carrying extremely depressed emotions.

at last……

After roughly knowing that Ram had his horn broken, he lost his life because of it.

Even though Ram seemed to be looking away, his sister didn't seem to think so.

Ang, who felt that it would be bad for Ram to continue asking such things, quickly ended the conversation.

But this conversation also gave Ang a better understanding of the two ghost sisters.

These sisters...

He must have had a very painful experience in the past.

Since they, as ghosts, hate the Witch Cult so much and have become servants of humans, Ang can think of something.


Forget it, I’ll explore it when I have the chance in the future.

There are more important things to do now.

But here, Exploration Zhongang and others encountered new problems.

Because I have to cooperate with Ang, I will lend Ang his clairvoyance and share his vision...

Plus using this magic many times,

For Ram, who has no horns, it is a huge burden.

Not to mention that along the way, Ram also continued to fight in order to protect Ang.

Ram closed his eyes and breathed quickly.

There was a lot of cold sweat on the forehead and neck, and the feet were shaking slightly, and they kept shaking when they moved, as if they were having a dizzy attack.


Even though he was so sad and painful, Ram didn't say anything discouraging and still forced himself.

See it all in your eyes,

Ang: "I'm such a weakling that I even hate myself."

He really wanted Ram to rest;

But he knew that he must not relax even a little bit at this time.

Until before rescuing Rem,

No matter how hard it is, the two of us have to endure it together.

And Ang just resented that he was too weak and couldn't even help Ram share a little more pain.

He has things that only he can do,

But the same goes for Ram...

"Ram - are you worried about Rem?" Ang suddenly said.

"Of course. That kid is indeed stronger than Ram, but that doesn't constitute a reason not to worry."

Ram, who was originally droopy and pale, suddenly cheered up under Ang's words.

Ang chose the question very well…

As long as it’s related to Rem and Rem’s safety,

It can indeed further stimulate more of Ram's energy that should have been depleted.

Seeing that it has already had an effect,

Ang just responded softly, not intending to continue to consume Ram's energy by chatting.

He said "...hmm."

But on the other hand, I don’t know if they noticed Ang’s good intentions.

Perhaps he was aware of it and took the initiative to continue stimulating himself in order not to pass out.

Or maybe it's just that the conversation box was opened,

Instead, Ram kept saying: "No matter what the child is asked to do, she can do it better than Ram, but Ram is her sister, and this position will never waver."

With firm determination, Ram used the position called "Sister".

"Okay, let's talk about the rest after meeting Rem.

But that's just an ideal situation. "hold head high.

Suddenly...he stopped.

Judgment——That move must be used at this time.

If it drags on, there is a chance that Rem will be killed before the clairvoyant finds Rem.

"Ang, what are you going to do?" Sensing what Ang seemed to want to do, Ram brushed his bangs that were wet with sweat and looked at Ang with surprised eyes.

"Based on the current situation, as you said, my humanoid burden is too heavy.

Moving on will only wear you down.

But - as I said before entering the forest, if you want to save Rem, I will come in handy. "

Although still just speculation.

But judging from what happened before, it's almost the same...

If the plan goes well, the winning rate will be at least 70%.


No matter how uneasy I am about the remaining 30%.

"How can we not take a gamble when there is a chance of winning? Ram, are you ready to take risks?" The corners of Ang's mouth raised, and he suddenly showed a wanton and arrogant smile, looking sharply into the depths of the forest.

"Being alone with a young man in the World of Warcraft Forest—it's impossible for a girl not to be aware of being in a more dangerous situation than this."

"Hahahaha. I dare to say it, then——!" Ang laughed, and then continued,

"Listen, Ram, actually I can-"

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