Familiar voices yelled at each other at close range.

Rem, who was shaken violently up and down, shook her head and brought her consciousness back to reality.

"...Ang, what are you doing?"

"Are you awake? Rem!" x2 The two voices of joy came at the same time.

Later, because of the magic, Ram tilted his body and suddenly hit Xiang Ang's injured arm.

After a quarrel between the two...

Looking at Ram with no horns on his head, the scar began to bleed.

He looked at Ang, who was enduring severe pain, his face was pale, and he was still smiling at himself.

Rem: "W-why..."


"Why don't you just let Rem go?"

Rem's lips trembled: "It would be meaningless if sister and Ang came here, Rem... Rem must finish it alone... Rem is enough for the injured person..."

"Even if you say that, it's too late. Ram and I are already injured! If we're not careful, it will be more serious than you!"

On the other side, Epic saw this,

Thiogne: "What's going on with these people..."

One or two... rush to sacrifice (for free). I'm going to be angry! "

So is Ang, so is Emilia, and even now Rem,

They are all the type who sacrifice themselves for others!

Although gentleness is a good thing, can't these idiots think more about themselves? !

So angry~! In this way, there may not be only one cherished species among ten thousand people.

Now it actually appears three times in a row...

Wow, it would be great if Loki could take them all over and join the family!

It's not just Thionne who thinks this way,

At this time, Tiona, Ais and others were somewhat touched by Rem, Ang and others' thinking of others.

I also feel that they don’t take their own lives seriously.

At this moment, in the immersive epic,

Rem was still blaming herself: "It's all Rem's fault... It's all Rem's fault.

Because Rem hesitated last night... so Rem must take responsibility... otherwise... Rem would not have the face to face her sister and Ang..."

What's the meaning……?

At this moment, the narration comment appeared,

The gods and humans finally understood.

Originally, Rem had time to rescue Ang before he was bitten by those monsters last night.

But because of the stench of the witch on Ang's body, he hesitated instinctively, which led to Ang's final tragic situation.

Rem blamed all of this on herself and deeply blamed herself.

‘No wonder Rem, for the sake of Ang, would go to such an extent.

Rem is indeed a kind girl. ’ Everyone was stunned.

This reason is obviously more appropriate and understandable.

...and for this reason,

Ang: "In order to atone for your sins, do you want to solve it alone?"

Rem was prepared to be yelled at and scorned.

He should have been scolded before entering the forest.

Are you delaying this matter because you want to save Ang as soon as possible? Or are you still not aware of your own weaknesses?

——It’s definitely the latter.

Rem thought after laughing at her own weak heart.

No matter how harsh the scolding is, I will accept it willingly.

Because that is the sin he committed and the punishment he deserves.


"Yes." When her name was called, Rem looked up with awareness.

——In front of him is Ang’s face.

"I'll knock!"


Knock~! The sound of heads hitting each other was heard,

Rem felt baffled and pressed her forehead. Now there was no ghost body, no different from an ordinary human being.

The forehead that received the blow was slightly swollen, and it probably looked red.

Ang looked down at Rem who was confused.

"So, you are an idiot, right? No, you are simply an idiot." For the first time, Ang lost his smile and showed an angry expression.

"Ang, your forehead is broken and bleeding again."

"I'm a fool too, I know that! But your sister is an even bigger fool!" Ang.

The world is ridiculous enough for a fool who wants to be the hero who saves everyone. He is the only one in the world!

Looking at Rem showing off her talent is like looking into a mirror in a sense.

He finally understood!

There is not a single smart person here!

Smart people will not put themselves in danger.

And now he wants to be stupid again!

Everyone:! ! !

Are all heroes stupid?

But it’s not because of this that they shine so brightly!

"I'm selfish!" Ang.


"So, don't compete with me for the next thing..." Ang sighed.

I originally wanted to try to see if I could survive.


Sure enough, it doesn’t work.

Just now, in order to wake up Rem, he and Ram had exhausted their last strength.

And now that Ram's forehead was bleeding, he believed that she had begun to consume and overdraw her vitality!

Therefore, for the three cripples to escape, it is no more than wishful thinking.

Ang suddenly spoke again: "I will——"

Silence——! ~!

The words "Return of Death" were not pronounced, only the words were spoken.

The next moment, my heart hurts!

Rem: "Hey!! Why... the smell of the witch... suddenly became stronger..."

Rem pinched her nose and twisted at the terrible smell she smelled.

And Ang did not respond to her, but looked at Ram beside him: "Tell me the direction of the village... No, the barrier will do... Find the closest barrier.

You have clairvoyance, so it's okay, right?"

Ram: "Do you want to lure Volgam away alone? Let Ram take Rem away during this period, right? Got it."

Ang: "That's great that you understand."

Looking at the direction Ram pointed, Ang ran in that direction without hesitation, and separated from Ram and others.

And here, although Rem couldn't understand, she had experienced the experience of Ang wanting to say something but not saying it, but attracting a large number of monsters.

Ram already knew that

Ang used that unknown "bait" method again.

And Ram was also very straightforward, and wanted to continue to run with Rem.

As for Ang...

Whether he can run all the way to the barrier depends on God's will.

But after listening to the conversation between the two, Rem felt as if there was a black despair in front of her eyes.

Rem suddenly reached out and grabbed Ang's clothes, not letting him leave, and the two groups could only continue to walk together for the time being.

"That's not rescue at all... Please, please stop, Rem..."

"Just shut up and let the luggage be transported.

Everyone said it's okay, we can cross the barrier and meet up, and then use a trick you can't imagine to catch all the monsters. That's a happy ending, an easy victory." Ang.

But to be honest, Rem doubted that the so-called trick didn't exist.

It was impossible for Ang to go through the monster group alone!

"No need to do that... Rem will drive away the monsters..." The girl's plea moved the gods.

But the boy's will was even more determined!

After that, Rem and Ang talked a lot, but they couldn't persuade each other.

And it was visible to the naked eye that the monsters had been rioting because of the witch's fragrance added to Ang, and they had been chasing more fiercely!

Chapter 68 - The sword shining with dark light!

There was no time! Ang suddenly made up his mind, without looking at the girl's pleading expression, and swung the sword to cut off the sleeve.

"Ang, why did you do this..." Rem asked in a trembling voice.

Ang paused slightly,

without looking back...

He just said very seriously: "Because the person I'm dating for the first time in my life is you, I can't be so heartless as to watch you die."

After saying that, he turned around and smiled, reached out and touched Rem's hair,

Snap~!! He took a step forward and never looked back!

At this time, the immersive epic also sounded the exciting BGM,

You can refer to the scene where Shirou chased and surpassed Red A in the Heaven's Cup.

At this moment——!!!

——oooooOOOOOOOOO!!! The gods were also excited!

The gods were deeply touched by this scene,

It should have been a very critical moment of life and death, but it made the gods who expected Ang to bloom into a heroic figure excited again.

"If you can't even save the woman you love, what kind of man is he, what kind of hero is he?! Well done! That's it!! Come on! Ang!!" Hermes.

There are many things in the underworld that even gods can't figure out!

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