On the other side, Gunnar heard Brunhilde's agreement and immediately blew the horn to summon the people in the castle excitedly, announcing his wedding with the Valkyrie Brunhilde, as well as the wedding of his sister Gudron and brother Sigurd.

Amid the laughter of everyone, only Brunhilde was pale and silent.

Looking at the Valkyrie Brunhilde on the illustration.

This was a completely different scene from when Claire and the others first met the Valkyrie.

When Sigurd first extended her hand.

At that time, the Valkyrie was shy with timidity and expectation. After getting Sigurd's response, she was moved and fell deeply in love, which met everyone's inner fantasy of tenderness and showed the beauty of a young girl to the extreme.

In the current illustration, Brunhilde's pale face formed a sharp contrast with the castle full of people.

It was as if the black and white colors of loneliness and fear were cast in the colorful world.

Monotonous and out of place -

As if abandoned by the world.

She was betrayed by her own love.

At this moment, no matter how many vows she made, they seemed powerless...

After the last separation, she was completely cut off from love.

"Ahhhhhhhh!! So annoying, so annoying, so annoying! Sigurd, you bastard!" Although she knew that Sigurd was not to blame, Claire still couldn't help but go crazy.

The other girls who saw this had different emotions, and some of them had sour noses.

Everyone felt sad for the poor and lonely Valkyrie Brunhilde in the illustration.

She was clearly standing in the crowd, but she was already heartbroken. She was the only one left in the world, and there was no one to rely on.

Oh my God!

Brunhilde loved Sigurd so much. After losing Sigurd, she must have been so lonely and helpless, especially when she was betrayed by her lover again and again when she needed explanation the most.

Just when everyone was completely desperate.

There was no hope for Sigurd to recover his memory.

At night, under the moonlight, the sad Brunhilde wandered in the garden.

Her husband's betrayal also made her fall into despair, which was much deeper than the people who read these books.

It was a dark abyss that could not see one's hand in front of one's face, and it swallowed up the body and mind.

The shackles of fate and the curse of the God King made her helpless.

In the face of fate, her wisdom and reason were so powerless.

At this time, the dwarf Hagen, who had been waiting for the opportunity, saw the opportunity and appeared again.

Brunhilde, who was in anger and injustice, was now just a fragile woman who needed to vent.

The arrival of the dwarf Hagen just gave Brunhilde an emotional outlet.

She sadly told the story of herself and Sigurd.

And the dwarf Hagen was greedily looking at Brunhilde's ring of Nibelungen, which symbolized the love between the Valkyrie and Sigurd.

When Sigurd confirmed his relationship with the Valkyrie, he gave it to Brunhilde and put it on her finger.

Knowing that the Nibelung Ring still has a powerful curse.

At this time, the dwarf Hagen did not intend to attack the Valkyrie in front of him.

He had to set up a new vicious plan to let Brunhilde kill Sigurd.

The Nordic world is fair. If you want to break the curse of the Nibelung Ring, you must sacrifice love.

Just like his father Alberich sacrificed his love for the Rhine fairies to steal the Rhine gold with cursed magic.

To break this curse, you still need to sacrifice the love of Sigurd and Brunhilde.

Watching the dwarf Hagen pretending to be a good person, listening to Brunhilde's complaints with compassion, he was planning a new vicious plan in his heart.

Claire and the others were immediately horrified.

Chapter 250 Memories restored like a tide, a lion awakening from anger!

"If you break your oath, you should be punished." The dwarf Hagen comforted Brunhilde and encouraged her to use the spear that was once filled with love to pierce the man who was unfaithful to you.

——Go for revenge! The former Valkyrie!

Brunhilde remained silent, and the dwarf Hagen thought she was hating, so Hagen smiled triumphantly in his heart.

Whether it was the powerful warrior king or the wise and beautiful Valkyrie, they were all played in his hands. He would definitely be able to do what his father and uncle had not completed and get the ring!

However, the silence at this time... Only Sister Bu knew that she was panicking and crying in her heart.

... After she came to this situation, she still hesitated when she heard the words of the dwarf Hagen. She couldn't bear to kill Sigurd at all. She couldn't bear to do that.

She hated Sigurd's ruthlessness, but loved him more!

Before the grand wedding the next day, Hagen, who felt that it was foolproof, began to play around.

The vicious dwarf Hagen deliberately mixed the potion of memory restoration into the wine and gave it to Sigurd.

He wanted to watch Sigurd regain his memory at the last moment when he was judged by the Valkyrie, and then he would ask Brunhilde for the ring that was useless to the Valkyrie after his death.

He wanted to watch the legendary dragon-slaying hero die in infinite regret, which was definitely the most pleasant enjoyment for him.

However, the dwarf Hagen still did not expect the deep love between the two.

The power of love can destroy all hatred, and it can also accelerate a person to break the shackles that bind him to his body and break through the instinct of the primitive memory blockade.

All it takes is a trigger. And now the behavior of the dwarf Hagen is exactly that crucial trigger.

(In the original version, Sigurd suddenly recovered his memory by himself at the wedding, but he chose to endure it. He fell in love with Gudron and didn't want to abandon Gunnar's sister, so he acquiesced to it. When Brunhilde later learned the truth, it was several weeks or even months after the wedding night. Therefore, when Sigurd was killed by Sister Bu, he said that he had no resentment and that this was the retribution he deserved. This plot must be modified.)

The dwarf Hagen calculated the time for the drug to take effect. He was not worried at all that Sigurd would mention restoring his memory. He would seize the time to instigate Brunhilde to kill Sigurd before the drug took effect.

With Brunhilde's hatred for Sigurd, she would definitely not refuse!

But when the wedding was held the next day

When everyone was blessing the two newlyweds, Sigurd and Gudron, Gunnar and Brunhilde.

Hagen also toasted Sigurd, the wine that would only work at the critical moment.

... When Sigurd took the wine glass with a confused look on his face, the dwarf Hagen smiled jokingly, pretending to be ready to watch a good show.

At this time, Sigurd began to undergo amazing changes. He miraculously began to recall his originally lost memories, quickly recalling his encounter and acquaintance with Brunhilde, to their love and entanglement.

The angry Sigurd suddenly raised his head like a lion waking up from sleep, and remembered everything.

Then the warrior king showed a look full of murderous intent and fear.

As his memory recovered, he shouted out the truth in public and wanted to stop the wedding immediately...

From the chirping of his bird friends flying in the sky, he soon learned all the calculations of the king's wife and the insidiousness and viciousness of the dwarf Hagen.

... He almost committed an irreparable sin.

Fortunately, there is still a chance now!

In Brunhilde's pale face, stunned and stunned, she raised her head suddenly when she heard Sigurd's words.

And Sigurd actually said loudly to the countless people in the whole royal city who came to celebrate their wedding, "Brunhilde is my wife!"

...Such words!

Boom! A stone startled a thousand waves.

It was like throwing a stone into a calm lake, and it exploded instantly.

The civilians in the whole castle were boiling!

Today, they heard this most explosive information at the marriage of the castle owner, Prince Gunnar!

Everyone looked up, and the wine glass in the hand of Sigurd's brother Gunnar fell. He looked at Sigurd with his eyes wide open in disbelief...his good brother, his eyes were full of shock, anger and confusion.

Gudlund, who was originally standing with Brunhilde, waiting for Sigurd to come and take her away, was wearing a beautiful white wedding dress. His face turned pale in an instant, and his eyes widened, at a loss.

What happened? What happened?

Everyone who attended the wedding was confused at this moment.

Only Sigurd was very clear-headed and roared angrily.

He kept telling himself a truth:

Reason and emotion.

People always make the most correct choice when fate comes.

Maybe Gunnar is really a brother to him, or maybe Gudlund is also kept in the dark.

Maybe these people are really sincere to him.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, it is the most rational thing to completely bury the matter of recovering your memory and follow nature, so that everyone can be hurt as little as possible.

But this kind of thing is only you, Sigurd! You absolutely cannot agree!

That was obtained at the cost of the sacrifice of your beloved Valkyrie Brunhilde.

He once lost his family in one day, was once left alone, and once despaired of the world and hated this world full of power and wealth.

He once climbed the peaks full of blizzards, crossed countless mountain tops, and broke through the flame-wrapped Temple of Fire without hesitation.

It was the story of the Valkyrie Brunhilde that saved him.

It was Brunhilde's subsequent teachings that made him understand that the glory of this world is so beautiful, and let him know the stories of heroes!

When Brunhilde needed him the most, he did not stand up, and he had already failed once!

But now——!

Sigurd waved his hand to push away the crowd in front of him, in the sight of countless people who subconsciously retreated.

He said to those who looked at him with anger, surprise, astonishment, joy and other complicated eyes, whether it was Gunnar, the dwarf Hagen, Brunhilde and Gudlund:

"Since I was born until now, there has never been a moment when I have lived for others except myself. Until I met Brunhild. Continue our future love path. If someone wants to tarnish this road, no matter who the opponent is, I will crush it with my hands!"

At this moment, Sigurd is no longer the harmless fool in front of Gunnar and Gudlund, nor is he the simple young man who gave them the wrong blessing and blushed.

His face is cold and domineering, with wisdom and sensibility.

Chapter 251 If the gods and humans block us, then we will defeat the gods!

In that murderous look as cold and piercing as winter, others saw a cold-blooded dragon slayer who suddenly said shocking words at the wedding, but Brunhilde was pleasantly surprised to feel that it was a fiery dragon heart that was reviving with infinite power.

"Sigurd... do you know what you are saying?" Gunnar suppressed his anger and asked him in a trembling voice.

Gunnar was still a little confused. He didn't know what happened.

But there was one thing, that Sigurd had just said that Brunhilde was his wife, and Gunnar heard it.

Gunnar felt that his head was green at this time.

Although he had only met the Valkyrie Brunhilde once, and except for exchanging a few words when proposing, he had never touched Brunhilde, but when Brunhilde agreed to him yesterday, he had already regarded her as his wife.

Now his sworn brother actually said such words, which not only insulted him and Brunhilde, but also shocked him that Sigurd's words made his sister Gudron everywhere.

On the stage, the king's wife, who was originally smiling and ready to see her son and daughter have a good home, looked at the scene in front of her as if she had been struck by a bolt from the blue, and her face instantly turned pale without a trace of blood.

She made the forgetfulness wine, so of course she was the one who knew everything best.

Now the queen began to panic.

She stared at Sigurd, who had suddenly recovered his memory, with bulging eyes like a skeleton, breathing rapidly.

Impossible! Only she knew that Sigurd lost his memory after drinking, but the rune of forgetfulness should not disappear so quickly! Why did this happen at a critical moment.

"Of course I know what I'm talking about... During the time I lost my memory, I have done many wrong things, but I must not continue to make mistakes." Sigurd suddenly looked back with Brunhilde's familiar eyes.

His eyes no longer revealed the coldness and distance of a stranger, but the pity and guilt that Brunhilde hoped for the most.

At this moment, Sister Bu trembled all over, and her heart was even so excited that she wanted to cry.

"Brünnhilde, stand by my side. My love, I'm sorry. I made you wait for so long." At this moment, his voice was the gentleness that Brunhilde was familiar with, but it was the gentleness that belonged only to Brunhilde.

Facing the other people who gradually showed hostile eyes, Sigurd still exuded a coldness that was difficult to approach, like a knife...

Although Sigurd had learned the truth of all the contexts of the matter from the bird, he had just roughly explained it to everyone.

But the shocked people were unable to hear the details of the story, and Sister Bu still had a lot of confusion and puzzlement in her heart at this time, but those were no longer important!

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