Maybe it's a good thing...

The evolution of civilization is inevitable. Homura is just advancing its progress in this process and doing things he likes by the way.

for example……

Leave your own great achievements in all the worlds before Hakoba includes these worlds for observation! Finally, I’ll take care of Hoshino’s spirit correction!

Another example is to constantly deceive the world and make the world believe in the existence of epics and heroes.

Improve the various cosmology systems in your body!

At this time, another person (god) was successfully attracted (fooled) to pay attention!

"A crisis affecting many worlds?!" Hermes.

Chapter 83: Destruction not from the outside, but from the inside!

A crisis that affects the world?

If we talk about this level of disaster——!

It makes people unable to help but recall the ancient land more than a thousand years ago.

At that time, a huge cave had just appeared in the world of Dicuo.

Countless monsters emerged from the caves and wreaked havoc on the world on the ground.

The entire world has fallen into a dark age, and the people on earth are unable to resist and are in crisis of extinction.

The merciful gods descended on the fairies known as the closest to gods, the darling elves of magic,

Help the heroes of the lower world to fight to the death with monsters and write a passionate and epic story.

In the end, after a brutal struggle, the monsters were driven back into the cave and won.

The legends of blood and fire of heroes and the myths of gods descending to earth to save the world are still sung in fairy tale epics today.

The great god Ouraros was the first god to descend from the heavens and grant blessings to the people on earth and lead the human heroes who received the blessings to fight back against monsters.

Eventually, together with the human heroes, they built the Tower of Babel leading to heaven above the cave.

He will always sit on the throne of a mysterious underground palace in Orario, suppressing the exit of the underground city.

Until now, more and more gods have seen the colorful lives and touching stories of people on the ground that are different from gods, and they have also sealed their divine power and come to the ground to seek a different life.

In order to imitate the great god Ouraros, he bestowed favors on the people of the lower world, treating them as dependent family members, and continued to write heroic epics in the dungeon to recreate the great achievements of legends.

Although things look great on the surface...

But if there is still one lingering shadow waiting to be resolved,

That is... the last hero of mankind that the gods have been looking for - the three major commissions issued to the gods in order to conquer the world - the three major disasters that have plunged the earth into an abyss of endless darkness.

Two of them, [King of the Road] Behemoth and [King of the Sea] Leviathan, have been defeated by the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia.

And the two major families who had conquered the two major disasters were eager to continue conquering the strongest of the three disasters, the one-eyed black dragon [King of the Sky].

Because of underestimating the enemy, all the elites were wiped out, and many powerful adventurers including lv9 and lv8 level adventurers were all killed.

The powerful restraint of the justice side disappeared, and then came the turbulent period of Orario's dark faction.

The subsequent Loki Familia and Freya Familia also spent a long time, with the cooperation of other Justice Familia, to suppress those guys.

Almost subconsciously...

Hermes felt that the crisis that Yan was talking about was referring to the last [King of the Sky] Black Dragon! ! !

Even Andaris, who is known as the god-killing weapon in the theatrical version and almost destroyed the world, is far from a real crisis.

After all, that thing is essentially the nemesis of the gods.

But before it swallows the gods and gains divine power, it cannot be called a disaster that threatens the world.

When it comes to world crisis, the black dragon is the only one who can win!


Just as Hermes was about to say the word 'black dragon', he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Homura is talking about a crisis that affects many worlds, not a crisis in a single world.


Could it be that the crisis that Hermitos and others, who are gods from another world, have to deal with, are related to the crisis in their world?

"Hey, hey, are you...serious? A crisis affecting multiple worlds or something?" Hermes smiled and couldn't stop laughing.

His poor brain could not imagine what a terrible disaster it would be.

Even if it is the strongest disaster in the two worlds of the network and the earth.

It's just the jealous witch who almost destroyed the surface level.

But it is far from affecting other worlds at the same time...

Could it be some powerful evil god? A great being beyond comprehension?

Or are the bubbles in the world attracting and colliding with each other for unknown reasons?

Thinking like this, Hermes, who boldly expanded his thinking, also asked the same question...

When he asked these questions, he felt that it was ridiculously possible.

And sure enough, both Homura and Hermitus shook their heads in denial.

"Think about it carefully... God Hermes, why do you think that the destruction of the world must come from outside.

In other words - it must be an invasion by outsiders that will lead to its destruction.

Have you ever considered it, even though it seems unrelated...

But it exists in almost all worlds,

With the development of civilization, will there eventually be various crises? "Yan said leisurely.

On the other side, Hermes was stunned for a moment...


Hermes felt a little creepy, but he couldn't explain why.

Crisis originating from within the world, within the planet,

However, it is still a disaster that may occur in all worlds!

What exactly satisfies this condition? !

If you just reverse the process a little, you can guess it.

It was as if I was suddenly enlightened. If there are the same concepts in all the worlds,

and the other party also mentioned a special word like "civilization".

Then it is related to intelligent creatures, and it must be related to intelligent creatures that exist in all worlds.

Finally, the most unlikely possibility!

"Human...human beings...?" Hermes' pupils contracted and he spoke in disbelief.

How could it be...!

It is precisely because the gods pursue the infinite possibilities of the children in the lower world and the shining and gentle human light that they choose to personally get involved in and experience the human world.

Dancing with people, fighting together to save the world...

Looking forward to the appearance of the last hero of mankind!


Now they are told that among the population of heroes they expect to save the world, will the culprit who destroys the world be born?

"..." Hermes.

"What's the reason?"

"Humanity, destruction brought about by human hands." Yan said this sentence that Hermes would remember in his heart for a long time.

The air was suddenly dead silent, and the silence was terrifying.

... Gulp... Someone (God) swallowed his saliva.

After that, he repeated the same rhetoric that had fooled Hermitos.

Such as the historical transition period,

the existence of the box garden center, the mutual observation of humans and gods, the simultaneous destruction,

the eschatology, and the cause of the destruction of all human beings.

That unprecedented new worldview, like a supernova explosion, repeatedly hit Hermes' heart and continued to sweep.

Until the end -

Hermes' expression became the same as when Hermitos first heard these things.

That heavy feeling, that sense of crisis, and the unprecedented excitement that sprouted under the cold sweat on his back.

From sluggishness, to trembling!

Gradually, he even understood another world—the land of steel, the coral of the moon… the various crises of the fading of the Age of Gods and the burning of human principles!

Although they were only briefly mentioned and not described in detail.

But they were just some simple concepts.

For Hermes, who was a god and famous for his wisdom, it was not difficult to understand.

For the cognitive form of disasters and crises, sometimes what Hermes lacked was just an opportunity to open his horizons.

And after gaining a higher vision…

'It can be like this? There is such a development? ' Such thoughts inevitably grew in Hermes' mind.

At the same time…

When he looked at Hermitos again, his expression became a little complicated.

Chapter 84: Fun together to death? ! No, it's work to death!

The shock of today's day is even greater than the shock of the past thousand years.

The boring waiting in the past seemed to be just for this moment of transcendence, resurrection, and a complete transformation of the soul.

Hermes trembled and was terrified! But he was excited and happy! !

Because when Yan said those words, he deliberately released part of his disguise,

allowing Hermes to use the ability of the gods to see the truth and verify the lies of the people on earth.

The results are all true? ! ! !

If this is not the other party's insane nonsense,


Hermes took a deep breath, his legs trembled a little, and he smiled helplessly: "Is your world so terrible? It sounds really bad! I should be glad that there are no signs of the decline of the Age of Gods here!"

Hermes opened his squinting eyes for the first time, and suddenly looked at Hermitos with pity.

How angry he was!

Because the truth of Yan's words was verified... (But Yan never said which world those disasters happened in.)

Hermes felt his scalp tingling when he thought about it now.

No wonder Hermitos and others wanted to come here to learn the art of God's Grace.

In comparison, the three major disasters of the wrong world - trials.

At least two have been conquered now.

For the remaining black dragons, the gods still have their hopes in the existence of [The Last Hero of Humanity].

The people and gods on this side of the Earthly World are far from hopeless!

The humans over there need heroes even more, and they need the birth of a large number of heroes!

But what kind of monsters are there next door! The Age of Gods faded, Aristotle, the burning of human nature, the Lostbelt, the invasion of the Outer Gods, and even the final trial of humanity that ‘Brother Ang’ mentioned at the beginning has popped up——! (Absolute Demon King)

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