
Wait, what do you mean! Looks like I heard some terrible news.

I originally thought that I was just a pawn under the control of an alien god, but in the end, I still control three gods?

Then, an incredible class formula appeared in the minds of the gods,

The alien god is greater than the Master of Group A, greater than the gods in human history?

The gods had also learned about the myths of the moon's history before, and many of them had the same names as them.

If we follow this level difference, doesn't it mean that the alien god's personality is far higher than theirs?

His face changed slightly...

Surprisingly, the gods did not have any angry emotions in their hearts, but instead became somewhat vigilant.

Is the so-called alien god really that powerful? !

To be honest, if we only go by the alien settings, the goddess Mellie and the god of alchemy Hermitos can also be regarded as alien gods.

Kirshtalia: “It’s time for you to shut up, Ophelia.

What Beryl said makes sense. "

Then he stopped Ophelia from wanting to say anything else.

Kirshtalia said that about an hour ago, one of his servants predicted the appearance of [Spiritual Portrait] and [Summoned Arms].

And the Lingji portrait belongs to Chaldea,

The summoning circle is also the round table held by Mash Kyrielight.

Kirshtalia: “This means diving from Antarctica to imaginary space,

After disappearing, they finally surfaced. "

Ophelia: "...Not dead yet?

I have been wandering in the imaginary space for three months..."

This is undoubtedly good news for everyone who is watching the epic.

Can heroic spirits be summoned even without the help of Chaldeas?

Very good……

Thinking of the many heroic spirits who responded to the summons in the Temple of Time,

Even if we have to face the unknown Lost Belt next,

But just thinking about the power of those heroic spirits, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But at the same time, new worries arose...

The enemy has actually predicted Chaldea's next move. Wouldn't his subsequent actions be very passive? !

Here, Pepeloncino said that if he had been allowed to take action from the beginning, he would not have allowed the Chaldeans to escape.

...Kadok was silent.

Just as people heard from the princess before, they speculated that the Lostbelt world that attacked Guda and others was the Lostbelt world where Kadok was located.

At this time, Kirshtalia stood up and defended Kadok.

And said...the original plan was fine,

The only problem lies in the fact that the followers simply don't work hard at all.

Among the three followers of Nuo, two were not from Kadoc.

The meaning behind Kirshtalia's words... The priest and Goyanskaya seemed to be Servants as well.

Putting aside Goyanskaya, she is indeed a beautiful and dangerous woman.

From the beginning, many people doubted whether the other party was a follower.

And that appearance looks a lot like a certain fox!

And the other...

Father? ! Wait, Kotomine Kirei is also a Heroic Spirit? ! People who had already seen another epic about the Five Wars, and who knew who the priest was, suddenly showed expressions of astonishment on their faces.

Kirshtalia said that the prophecy only contains this bit of information, and it is not clear which Lostbelt the other party will start to conquer first, so everyone can only be vigilant.

However, Debit said that the location of the appearance would be in Russia and would surface in the rumor zone.

Kazuko: "...Why is this?"

Debit: "?No reason, it should be so.

What they know about [present earth],

Only the servants who attacked Chaldea.

This is the only thing that can bring them back to reality from the imaginary space.

For them, the SS is also a coordinate. "

"Humph, I actually encountered karma." Kadok laughed at himself.

“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

For those guys, the enemy they should defeat first is me. "

In subsequent exchanges,

People also know more information.

For example, the Hidden Ones have an agreement not to invade each other, but to expand the Lostbelt until the worlds collide...

The stronger lostbelt constructed by human nature will use the fragile lostbelt as nourishment.

In this regard, whichever Lostbelt Chaldea appears in will naturally be dealt with by the King of the Lostbelt.

Dealing with Chaldea is just incidental,

Their ultimate goal is to return the world to the Age of Gods.

This is a bit irritating!

Not only humans, even the gods from other worlds,

Anyway, it’s not their world where the mystery fades, so there’s no need to worry…

After reading Chapter 7, the Singularity finally bid farewell to the gods, the human epic,

They have also been successfully attracted by fans.

Now it seems that the Gods who finally bid farewell will be summoned back by these traitors in just one year.

Feeling uncomfortable for no reason!

In addition, the competitive mode of this Lostbelt...

Hermes: "Why does it sound like a large-scale Holy Grail War...?!"

It just expands the scale of the fight between heroic spirits and masters.

Chapter 93 Greek Gods: Why are the chest muscles of this god so exaggerated?

The meeting ends here,

After some small talk, one of the masters was the first to withdraw from the contact.

Kirshtalia said that the next contact would probably be in a month.

And after the other Lostbelt Masters left one after another,

When only Ophelia and Kirshtalia were left.

Ophelia expressed doubts about whether Kadok could resist those people from Chaldea.

The spiritual base value of the King of Russia is no less than that of the God Servant, which will also bring great burden to Kadok.

Kirshtalia: "... Well. Ophelia, your expression seems to say,

If it collapses before becoming the nutrients of other Lostbelts, it will only bring us trouble."

Ophelia: "No, no...!

I just feel the instability from Kadok's words and deeds...

Compared with our goals,

he may prioritize the wishes of the princess."

The princess's wish? !

Everyone was slightly shocked. In this extremely bad situation for Chaldea, it seems that they finally heard a glimmer of good news.

Are the masters of Group A not united?

Write it down, maybe it will be important information in the future.

Especially the gods of the Earth who are very interested in the world over there, if they have the chance, they will definitely try to help Chaldea conquer the Lostbelt.

(You ask why they didn't kill it before the Lostbelt began?

Wouldn't that be a lot less fun!

Except for a few gods with a strong sense of justice, probably no god can bear the fun of conquering the Lostbelt personally.)

On the other hand, Kirshtalia also said that he would let one of his god-level heroes go to the Russian Lostbelt.


It's your turn to cross the sea.

Go to Russia and investigate Kadoc's movements.

If he betrays the mission of the Hidden One, punish him."

Kennis? !

Among the gods of the Earth who should have been unfamiliar with this hero, those who had the same name as the Greek gods suddenly felt a subtle sense of familiarity.

Could it be a vest of an old acquaintance (god)?

At this moment, the Greek gods couldn't help but think of it.

And then, a heroic spirit suddenly appeared beside Kirshtalia.

It was a Sailor Moon with a very healthy complexion!

She looked very similar to the Amazon female warriors.

Her appearance was very much in line with the tastes of the Greek gods.

For a moment, the gods led by Loki suddenly turned into lsp and whistled suddenly, feeling bright.

On this side, after Katniss appeared, she was a little reluctant to be sent as a servant at first.

But Kirshtalia used her pride as a hero and her adherence to her oath to persuade her,

One sentence: "You won't take back your words when the situation is unfavorable like the gods.

Or are you going to show the same fickleness as them now?"

Although Kirshtalia clearly referred to the entire gods,

but the Greek gods in the world of the Earthly Wrong World inexplicably felt a chill in their hearts, and they had a guilty feeling that they didn't understand.

It was as if they were the fickle gods in the other's mouth.

And it seems that the relationship between this heroic spirit and the gods is very bad.

Especially for the more difficult gods in mythology, the feeling is even stronger.

I always feel that they look familiar!

If they knew about Greek mythology on Earth, they would probably understand where this inexplicable "intuition" came from!

This heroic spirit is indeed quite related to them.

"Kainis" -

A warrior and tyrant who appeared in Greek mythology,

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