Or whether to ask back with a question.

Lao Fu suddenly interrupted: "Forget it, calm down, Watson.

I'll explain the situation.

So let us ask a few questions. "

Patsi: "No, answer my question first -"

However, Lao Fu just asked himself, "What year AD is it now?"

The werewolf Patsy, who originally wanted to say something, was also stunned...


No normal person would ask such a common sense question.

Li probably realized that there was something subtle and strange about the people in front of him.

Patsy still chose to answer.

And after getting the answer that is almost the same as normal modern time.

Lao Fu asked again about the huge storm, something similar to the Storm Wall.

But Patsy said that he had lived in Russia for twenty years and had never seen anything like that.

Could it be...

"...Are the rumors that the world is closed true?" Patsy.

"It seems so.

At this stage, the only one that can prove its actual existence is Russia.

We didn't know if we could intervene in Russia from the outside, so we just rushed in. "Old Fu.

"From outside...?

Outside Russia...? "Patsy.

(…I don’t understand what he is saying at all.

Besides, what is outside of Russia?

There should be no outside world other than Russia.

There has been no other land for human habitation since a long time ago.

They seem to be country bumpkins from remote areas... No, but they are not Yaga.

Could it be that, really - there are still countries out there? )

In the immersive epic, people can hear this voice.

Although Patsy only thought in his heart and did not say it out loud, everyone heard it.

Yaga... probably refers to someone who is similar to Patsy... and whose appearance is closer to that of an orc.

And what’s the point of saying that there are no other countries besides Russia?

The God of Dicuo, who had a bad temper, felt even more unhappy...

The moon world has myths related to many of their gods.

Could it be said that all the humans who believe in the names of their gods are dead in the outside world? ! !

Even if we know that in the history of mankind over there, the age of gods has faded and the gods have disappeared from the earth.

But when I saw the news that all the children in the land I believed in were dead,

Still infuriating!


A beautiful country that knew the truth but didn't report it. After finding that world, it's better to stab it to death with one finger!

This anger, which has nowhere to vent, must be found to take the blame!

Chapter 102: An old species called human beings!

Patsi: "...Really?

I understand that you are some people with hidden secrets.

But I won’t go into that.

Because I don't want to become acquaintances (friends) with you.

So, you outsiders

Why are you being hunted by the Killing Hunters? "

Lao Fu: “There is no need to discuss this issue.

After all, we don’t even know their true identities.

...so I want to ask.

Who are the so-called Killer Hunters? "

Patsy: "Hey. You don't even know about this kind of thing, and how can you survive until now?

Kill the Jaegers and Guards.

Of course they are the bodyguards of Ivan the Terrible. "

Matthew: "Ivan...Thunder Emperor...!"

Guda: "I remember this belongs to the Russian Emperor..."

And because the current timeline is still in the future, just when Mashu and others began to guess whether the emperor was a servant.

Although there is no information explaining this existence...

The gods and people also heard it...

This emperor obviously should not appear in this timeline.


Patsy, who heard their conversation from the side, interrupted again...

“Ivan the Terrible is still alive.

It has lived for nearly five hundred years. He is the oldest ‘Yaga’. "

That tone seemed to say - what nonsense are you talking about!

Everyone present was shocked, Matthew: "What——"

Holmes: "...Does Yaga refer to yourselves?"

Patsi: "That's right.

I say to you, there should be a limit to outsiders.

How come you don’t know anything about today’s common sense?

Could it be that he has been hiding in a cave for hundreds of years?

Forget it, most magicians seem to be like this..."

no the same……

It’s completely different from the previous singularity,

Even if you already know that the Lost Belt is a Lost Belt and the Singularity is a Singularity,

But this is the first time people have seen the biggest difference between the two.

What I have to say...

The world here is simply like the singularity world that Guda and others failed to save.

The distorted history has become what it is after hundreds of years.

What terrible things will happen if history is distorted?

Those who have watched the epic know the domino-like effect all too well.

At this time, even the faces of the gods became solemn.

Guda, on the other hand, quickly changed his mind and asked Patsy to teach them 'history'.

I don’t even plan to refute it.

Put aside for the time being the ‘orthodox’ history of pan-human history, and instead re-embrace this new world history.

"If you want to defeat the enemy better, you must first integrate with the enemy... Really good, the last master of mankind." Goddess Freya saw this and admired it.

If she had not been conquered by the more dazzling brilliance, and her heart could no longer accommodate anyone else,

she would definitely like this child very much.

A brave but smart child!

And here Patssi: "I can only briefly talk about some key points.

You know the great cold wave 450 years ago, right?

It is said that the ice age was caused by the fall of meteorites.

All places on this planet have become an extremely cold world without exception.

It is so cold that those old species of "humans" cannot survive.

Other countries cannot adapt to the cold.

So it was destroyed in the blink of an eye.

Compared with them, Russia is relatively calm.

After all, it is a country that always guards against the cold.

However, even this Russia has lost nearly 90% of its population.

The country is only one step away from extinction."

...! !

All countries other than Russia have perished?

What about the other Lost Zones detected by the chariot? !

And Finn, a member of the Loki family, suddenly thought of something...

If I remember correctly, the world over there, the planet has been turned into a blank sheet of paper.

Can it be understood that the Lost Zone is a part of the singularity that has not been corrected for hundreds of years, and the key area... is intercepted from the parallel world to this world.

Seven partial worlds, constantly expanding, and finally covering the entire planet.

In this case,

saying that there is nothing outside Russia is both correct and incorrect.

In comparison, the people here may not know the existence of other Lost Zones.

Still living in their own memories? !

Then for the residents of the seven Lost Zones,

I am afraid they all think that the outside world has been completely destroyed and there is nothing.

They regard themselves as the last survivors.

Of course-

This is just the answer Finn analyzed based on the only intelligence, and he is not sure whether it is correct or not.

On the other side,

Patsi continued: "Then, Ivan the Terrible worked with the magician to study countermeasures.

The result was our 'Yaga'."

Little Da Vinci: "Hmm.

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